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Re: Cacher le bloc sommaire dans publisher

Titre du sujet : Re: Cacher le bloc sommaire dans publisher
par Grom sur 16/11/2016 16:06:48

<{include file="db:publisher_header.tpl" item=$item}>  <{if $op == 'preview'}> <br/>    <{include file="db:publisher_singleitem.tpl" item=$item}><{/if}>  <div class="publisher_infotitle"><{$lang_intro_title}></div> <div class="publisher_infotext"><{$lang_intro_text}></div> <br/><{$form.javascript}>  <div id="tabs">     <ul>         <{foreach item=tab key=key from=$form.tabs}>         <li><a href="#tab_<{$key}>"><span><{$tab}></span></a></li>         <{/foreach}>     </ul>      <form name="<{$}>" action="<{$form.action}>" method="<{$form.method}>"     <{$form.extra}>><!-- start of form elements loop --><{foreach item=tab key=key from=$form.tabs}>     <div id="tab_<{$key}>">         <table class="outer" cellspacing="1">             <{foreach item=element from=$form.elements}> <{if $ == $key || $ == -1}> <{if !$element.hidden}>             <tr>                 <td class="head" width="30%">                     <{if $element.caption != ''}>                     <div class='xoops-form-element-caption<{if $element.required}>-required<{/if}>'>                         <span class='caption-text'><{$element.caption}></span>                         <{if $element.required}>                         <span class='caption-marker'>*</span>                         <{/if}>                     </div>                     <{/if}> <{if $element.description}>                     <div style="font-weight: normal;font-size:small"><{$element.description}></div>                     <{/if}>                 </td>                 <td class="<{cycle values=" even                 ,odd"}>"><{$element.body}></td>             </tr>             <{/if}> <{/if}> <{/foreach}><!-- end of form elements loop -->         </table>     </div>     <{/foreach}> <{foreach item=element from=$form.elements}> <{if $element.hidden}><{$element.body}><{/if}> <{/foreach}></form> </div>  <{if $isAdmin == 1}> <div class="publisher_adminlinks"><{$publisher_adminpage}></div><{/if}>

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