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Re: Variables XOOPS

Titre du sujet : Re: Variables XOOPS
par alain01 sur 15/11/2013 12:23:47

ben, il doit me manquer quelque chose car il ne connait pas XOOPS_URL

Rappel :
j'ai un fichier config.php (indépendant de XOOPS) pour lequel je dois renseigner des variables :
Citation :
//********************** //Path configuration //********************** //
In this configuration the folder tree is
// root
// |- source <- upload folder
// |- thumbs <- thumbnail folder [must have write permission (755)]
// |- filemanager
// |- js
// | |- tinymce
// | | |- plugins
// | | | |- responsivefilemanager
// | | | | |- plugin.min.js

// base url (only domain) of site (without final /). If you prefer relative urls leave empty
// $base_url=XOOPS_URL; NON
// $base_url = <{$xoops_url}>; NON
$base_url = $xoops_url;
// NON

//$upload_dir = '/source/'; // path from base_url to base of upload folder (with start and final /)
$upload_dir = '/uploads/filemanager/media/'; // path from base_url to base of upload folder (with start and final /)

//$current_path = '../source/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload folder (with final /)
$current_path = '../../../../../uploads/filemanager/media/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload folder (with final /)

//thumbs folder can't put inside upload folder
// $thumbs_base_path = '../thumbs/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to thumbs folder (with final /)
$thumbs_base_path = '../../../../../uploads/filemanager/thumbs/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to thumbs folder (with final /)

mais $xoops_url, XOOPS_URL me renvoit Undefined variable*/
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