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Re: xoops 2.5.7 final - fr

Titre du sujet : Re: xoops 2.5.7 final - fr
par Cesagonchu sur 22/07/2014 15:30:50

La version Xoops 2.5.7 corrige les erreurs trouvées depuis un bon moment sur les versions 2.5.x.

Si tu as rendu compatible un module sous Xoops 2.5.6, il sera aussi compatible avec Xoops 2.5.7, mais il faut aussi que le module soit compatible à partir de la version php 5.3.7 et supérieur. L'idéal étant d'avoir tout sous php 5.5 car Xoops 2.5.7 est aussi compatible avec cette version, qui est l'une des dernières sorties.

Ces librairies ont aussi été mises à jour, donc il y aura peut-être risque de conflit avec certains modules :

- jQuery 1.11.0
- jQuery UI 1.10.4
- jQuery Lightbox 1.2.3
- jQuery Form 3.50.0
- jQuery Tablesorter 2.15.11
- jGrowl 1.2.14
- TinyMCE 3.5.11

Le fichier mainfile.php ne sera plus présent dans le dossier de Xoops, mais se créera lors de l'installation, donc si vous avez un serveur dédié, réglez bien les droits du groupe www-data.

Bonus dans le nouveau Xoops (hors sujet par rapport à ta question) :
- Il y a un nouveau thème xBootstrap, compris dans le core de Xoops.
- L'inscription des utilisateurs sera contrôlée deux fois par un captcha.

Voici la liste en anglais de tout ce qui a été accompli (merci à tous ceux qui ont participé d'ailleurs) :

Change Log for XOOPS 2.5.7 Final

Security fixes:
- XSS issues reported by Mehdi Dadkhah (rgriffith)
- Fix security issues reported by Pedro Ribeiro of Agile Information Security (rgriffith)
- Fix XSS issue reported by Manuel Garcia Cardenas (rgriffith)

- ID: 1143 (old ID 430840) class/module.errorhandler.php (uberrookie/zyspec)
- ID: 1225 Restore user theme choice during "Remember me" processing. (rgriffith)
- ID: 1226 Change value of clickable due to issues centering on CaricaFoto script (rgriffith)
- ID: 1227 Sorting bug in Profile module search (Zyspec)
- ID: 1246 Fallback to english for admin theme language files if no language specific file exists (rgriffith)
- ID: 1261 Fix as proposed by Irmtfan (irmtfan/rgriffith)
- ID: 1268 reduce db load if XoopsFormSelectUser is called multiple times in a page load (rgriffith)
- ID: 1269 Block template file will not updated after update the module (irmtfan)
- ID: 1270 template issue in email notifications (changed X_ITEM_TILE to X_ITEM_NAME) (alain01/slider84/mamba)
- ID: 1271 install last page no css/js (tarik/rgriffith))
- ID: 1272 delete functions always return true (rgriffith)
- ID: 1273 template duplicate issue (irmtfan)
- ID: 1274 prevent multiple inclusions of a module's xoops_version.php (irmtfan/rgriffith)
- ID: 1278 _AM_SENDMTOUSERS missed (Mowaffaq/mamba)
- ID: 1281 initialize arrays as empty arrays rather than null (rgriffith)
- ID: 1285 check if session exists before attempting to start a new one (wishcraft)
- ID: 1287 assigning "static" to various class methods (wishcraft/mamba)
- ID: 1291 xoops_getModuleOption() did not respect $dirname (rgriffith)
- ID: 1382 add cleanup of unused avatar resources to admin maintenance page (rgriffith)

- reversing fix for potential lack of rendering css and javascript in Installer on the last screen by culex
- removing @ in link[@rel*=style][title] in styleswitch.js (not needed in jQuery 1.83) (SMEDrieben/Mamba)
- added missing "`" in upgrade from 2.0.18 to 2.3.0 (mamba)
- fixing errors in upgrade from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 (mamba,voltan)
- added check for menu link description in ModuleAdmin
- fixed wrong return icon in Smarty xoModuleIcons32
- fixed issue with jGrows in xoops.css (xoobaru/tarik)
- fix for deprecated "preg_replace/e" function in PHP 5.5 (mamba)
- added: check if 'date.timezone' is set in php.ini, if not, set it to UTC (cesag/mamba)
- assigned _SHORTDATESTRING to _CAL_FORMAT to have consistency in local languages (jcweb/guspel)
- fixed bug in calendar.js (mamba)
- added link to Module's Admin after "Update" (currently only to XOOPS Modules section) (mamba)
- added placeholder for a link to upload test data, if available after installation (mamba)
- solved bug into PM module readpmsg.php (escrime-info/slider84)
- fixed missing check on variable in userinfo.php (cesag/mamba)
- replaced extract($_POST) in /include/comment_delete.php with filters (mamba)
- adding some missing generic default fonts (mamba)
- removing some unreachable statements (mamba)
- replacing deprecated HTML tags (mamba)
- bug in commentrenderer.php (Roby73/irmtfan)
- added missing info about new language constants in Fast Comments (irmtfan/mamba)
- fixed Undefined index: uid in file /modules/profile/userinfo.php line 24 (cesag/mamba)
- set minimum PHP version to 5.3.7 (mamba)
- added missing apostrophe corrections for Date types in CleanVars in /class/model/write.php
- added function escape to XoopsMySQLDatabase, needed for Formulize (jegelstaff)
- added blank.gif images to ModuleAdmin icons (timgno)
- addedd [soundcloud] BB code as supplied by (iHackCode/rgriffith)
- fix for cancel button in javascript (currently it still entered the text, even if canceled) (mamba)
- added "module_status" to show with module Version (mamba)
- patch for input validation bypass issue reported by Tatane (tatane/rgriffith)
- change default value for usercookie config to match change in 2.6.0. (rgriffith)
- correct method used to determine the current effective language.(rgriffith)
- fix errors "PHP Strict standards: Redefining already defined constructor" under PHP 5.5 (rgriffith)
- fix to correctly load the CSS file into the header in ModuleAdmin (Bleekk, Alfred)
- added "title" to buttons in DHTML Editor (mamba)
- updated required PHP and XOOPS versions, module versions in modules (cesag/mamba)
- added xBootstrap theme (UI/UX Team: Angelo Rocha, Bleekk, Heyula)
- added extra escape for "e" in YESTERDAY definition in locale.php, which was added in PHP 5.4 (madDan)
- fixed PHP minimum version comparison in ModuleAdmin (mamba)
- fixed System Module image manager and popup image manager save images in different directories(luciorota)
- added PHPDoc comments for classes and functions (mamba)
- fixed System Module image manager html/js bugs (luciorota)
- replaced "array_diff_assoc" with "array_diff_key" in /class/theme_blocks.php (masel/mamba)
- icons for active module sections in System module not shown correctly (Slider84/mamba)
- added two new language definitions (see lang_diff.txt)
- added Office 2007 MIME types (Voltan)
- added xml MIME type (Goffy)
- added new icons (mamba)
- updated XoopsMediaUploader to use system memory values from php.ini, and to offer random file names (mamba/luciorota/zyspec)
- added .tpl to XoopsList's getHtmlListAsArray (wizanda)
- updating xBootstrap (voltan, Angelo Rocha)
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets in modules Profile and PM (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl in modules Profile and PM (mamba)
- corrected English typos (cesag)
- added missing .php file extension (AngeloRocha/Zyspec/rgriffith)
- deprecated destoryVars($var) in object.php (cesag/rgriffith)
- update phpmailer translation array to include all keys, and remove reassignment of $PHPMAILER_LANG as array() (cesag/rgriffith)
- added XoopsRequest class (rgriffith)
- removed hard-coded text from installation (mamba)


- jQuery to 1.11.0 (mamba)
- jQuery UI 1.10.4 (mamba)
- jQuery Lightbox to 1.2.3 (mamba)
- jQuery Form to 3.50.0 (mamba)
- jQuery Tablesorter to 2.5.11 (mamba)
- jGrowl to 1.2.14 (mamba)
- prototype.js to 1.7.1, Aug 2012 (rgriffith)
- HTML Purifier to 4.6.0 (mamba)
- TinyMCE to 3.5.11 (mamba)



- added define('_AM_SYSTEM_USAGE',"Usage");
- added define('_AM_SYSTEM_ACTIVE',"Active");

- added define('WRITTEN_LICENSE',"Written XOOPS %s License Key: %s");
Propulsé avec XOOPS | Graphisme adapté par Tatane, Grosdunord, Montuy337513

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