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Catads: ajouter des infos dans une annonce
Semi pro
Inscrit: 27/04/2011 13:29
De Seine et marne
Messages: 809
Dans Catads, je voudrais rajouter des cases d'information lors de la création d'une nouvelle annonce "auto":
je voudrais rajouter vers le prix :
l'année modèle, les kilomètres et le carburant.

Open in new window

Dans mon FTP, j'ai vu que les codes à modifier se trouvent dans :

j'ai fait un essai sur "année" du véhicule dans les lignes 241,255,558 mais ça ne marche pas .
Auriez vous une petite idée de ce qui manque ?

// $Id: submit1.php,v 1.61 2005/07/12 C. Felix AKA the Cat
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Catads for Xoops //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits //
// of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting //
// source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the //
// original comment or credit authors. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/catads/class/permissions.php';

// Form is built using 'include/' //
// Form is rendered using 'catads_adsform.html' //

if (!$xoopsModuleConfig['anoncanpost'] && !$xoopsUser){

$op = 'form';
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {${$k} = $v;}

foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
if(preg_match('/previewname_/', $k)){
$n = explode('_',$k);
$preview_name[$n[1]] = $v;
} else {
${$k} = $v;

if ( isset($preview)) $op = 'preview';
elseif ( isset($cancel) ) $op = 'cancel';
elseif ( isset($post) ) $op = 'post';

// pk define VARs
$topic_id = isset($_GET['topic_id']) ? intval($_GET['topic_id']) : 0;
$notify_pub = !isset($_REQUEST['notify_pub'])? 0 : $_REQUEST['notify_pub'];

$ads_type = !isset($_REQUEST['ads_type'])? NULL : $_REQUEST['ads_type'];
$ads_video = !isset($_REQUEST['ads_video'])? NULL : $_REQUEST['ads_video'];
$published = !isset($_REQUEST['published'])? 0 : $_REQUEST['published'];

// array des sous-catégories 'enfant' d'une catégorie
function getFirstChild($topic_id = 0) {
global $allcat;
$firstChild = array();
if (isset($allcat)) {
foreach($allcat as $onechild) {
if( $onechild['topic_pid'] == $topic_id) {
array_push($firstChild, $onechild);
return $firstChild;

function showsubcat($categorys, $level = 0, $topic_id = 0, $pid) {
global $xoopsModule, $ts, $lastchildren, $arr_subcat, $cptsubcat, $tpltype, $xoopsModuleConfig;

foreach($categorys as $onecat) {
$title = $ts->htmlSpecialChars($onecat['topic_title']);
$arr_scat['id'] = $onecat['topic_id'];
if (in_array($onecat['topic_id'], $lastchildren)) {
$arr_scat['submit'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/submit1.php?topic_id=' . $onecat['topic_id'];
$arr_scat['title'] = $title;
$arr_scat['level'] = $level;
if ($level == 0 && $tpltype == 1) {
$arr_scat['newcol'] = ($cptsubcat > 0) ? true : false;
$arr_scat['newline'] = ($cptsubcat % $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'] == 1) ? true : false;
array_push($arr_subcat, $arr_scat);
$childcats = getFirstChild($onecat['topic_id']);
if (count($childcats) > 0) {
showsubcat($childcats, $level + 1, $onecat['topic_id'], $pid);

switch($op) {
case "cancel":
$photos_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/original" ;
$nb_removed_tmp = catads_clear_tmp_files( $photos_dir ) ;
redirect_header("adslist.php?topic_id=".$topic_id, 0);

// pk post new ad to DB

case "post":
$msgstop = '';
if (isset($email) && $email != '' && !checkEmail($email) ) $msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_INVALIDMAIL.'<br />';
if (strlen(deleteCode($ads_desc)) > $xoopsModuleConfig['txt_maxlength'] ) $msgstop .= sprintf(_MD_CATADS_MAXLENGTH.'<br />', $xoopsModuleConfig['txt_maxlength']);
if (isset($price) && $price != '' && !is_numeric(trim($price))) $msgstop.= _MD_CATADS_INVALIDPRICE.'<br />';
if ($mode_contact == 2 && $email == '') $msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_MAILREQ.'<br />';
if ($mode_contact == 3 && $phone == '') $msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_PHONEREQ.'<br />';
//echo $departement;
if (!isset($region)) { $region = '00'; }
if (!isset($departement)) { $departement = '00'; }

// pk can ignore this for now. Was used by France map.
if( $region != '00' || $departement != '00' )
$pays = 'FRANCE';
} else {
$pays = 'OTHER';

include_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php");
if ( defined('SECURITYIMAGE_INCLUDED') && !SecurityImage::CheckSecurityImage() ) {
redirect_header( 'index.php', 2, _SECURITYIMAGE_ERROR ) ;

$cat = new AdsCategory($topic_id);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $cat->nb_photo) {
if ( !empty($_FILES['photo'.$i]['name'])) {
if ( !empty($msgstop) ) {
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php';
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'catads_adsform.html';
$xoopsTpl->assign('preview', true);
$xoopsTpl->assign('nb_days_before', $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_days_before']);
include_once "include/";
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";

$ads_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('ads');
$ads = $ads_handler->create();
$photos_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/original" ;
//A optimiser, pk faire 6 boucles, si il n'y a qu'une photo
$i = 0;
while ($i < 6)
if (isset($preview_name[$i]) && $preview_name[$i] != '')
$photo = str_replace('tmp_', 'img_',$preview_name[$i]);
rename( "$photos_dir/$preview_name[$i]" , "$photos_dir/$photo" ) ;
$ads->setVar('photo'.$i, $photo);
// pk create thumbs for all images, not just the first? no, just image0 for the listing page
if ( $i == 0 )
// if ( $i >= 0 )
//Thumb (a revoir avec l'optimisation au-dessus)
$image = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/original/".$photo;
$thumb = str_replace('tmp_', 'thumb_',$preview_name[$i]);
$thumb_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/thumb/".$thumb;
//echo "thumb = ".$thumb;

if (!file_exists($thumb_dir))
if (!resize_image($image, $thumb_dir, $xoopsModuleConfig['thumb_width'], $xoopsModuleConfig['thumb_method']))
return false;

} else
$ads->setVar('photo'.$i, '');

//$photo = str_replace('tmp_', 'thumb_',$preview_name[0]);
$ads->setVar('thumb', $thumb);
$ads->setVar('pays', $pays);

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsblock.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php';

// pk notify pub value - bugfix needed - FIXED
// $notify_pub = isset($notify_pub) ? intval($notify_pub) : 0;
$notify_pub = intval($notify_pub);

$waiting = ($xoopsModuleConfig['moderated']) ? 1 : 0;
$poster_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

$ads->setVar('cat_id', $topic_id);
$ads->setVar('ads_title', $ads_title);
$ads->setVar('ads_type', $ads_type);
$ads->setVar('ads_desc', $ads_desc);

// pk if the user has not entered any tags...
if ($_REQUEST['ads_tags'] == '')
// Create tags from the item title.
$newtags = $ads->getVar('ads_title');
// Omit common letters and words from the tag list. NB spaces before and after are important.
$remplace = array(
' of ', ' if ', ' to ', ' in ', ' at ', ' on ', ' by ', ' it ', ' is ', ' or ', ' are ', ' the ', ' for ', ' and ',
' & ', ' when ', ' with '
$par = ' ';// Replace them with a space
$newtags = str_replace($remplace, $par, $newtags);
// Trim the space from the tag list and save it to a VAR
$newtags = trim($newtags, ' ');
$ads->setVar('ads_tags', $newtags);
} else {
$ads->setVar('ads_tags', $_REQUEST['ads_tags']);

$ads->setVar('ads_video', $ads_video);
$ads->setVar('uid', $uid);
$ads->setVar('phone', $phone);
$ads->setVar('region', $region);
$ads->setVar('departement', $departement);
$ads->setVar('town', $town);
$ads->setVar('annee', $annee);
if (isset($price)) {
$ads->setVar('price', $price);
$ads->setVar('monnaie', $monnaie);
$ads->setVar('price_option', $price_option);
} else {
$ads->setVar('price', 0);
$ads->setVar('monnaie', '');
$ads->setVar('price_option', '');
if (isset($email))
$ads->setVar('email', $email);
$ads->setVar('email', '');
if (isset($annee))
$ads->setVar('annee', $annee);
$ads->setVar('annee', '');
if (isset($codpost))
$ads->setVar('codpost', $codpost);
$ads->setVar('codpost', '');

if ($xoopsModuleConfig['nb_days_before'] > 0 ) {
$now = getdate();
$published = strtotime($published) + mktime($now['hours'], $now['minutes'], $now['seconds'], 1, 1, 1970);
} else {
$published = time();
$ads->setVar('created', time());
$ads->setVar('published', $published);
$ads->setVar('expired', $published + $duration*86400);
0 -> rien recevoir
1 -> recevoir + message prive
2 -> recevoir + email

// pk set epired mail send to '1' and ADD value of $expired by mode (not set as a DB entry)
// So... if notice required, value is '1' + mode = '1' then value in DB = '2'.
// The DB entry is re-set to '0' when the notice has been sent.
if ($expired_mail_send == 0)
$ads->setVar('expired_mail_send', '0');
$ads->setVar('expired_mail_send', '1' + $expired_by_mode);


//echo $notifypub;
$ads->setVar('notify_pub', $notify_pub);

$ads->setVar('poster_ip', $poster_ip);
$ads->setVar('contact_mode', $mode_contact + $pref_contact);
$ads->setVar('countpub', $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_pub_again']);
$ads->setVar('waiting', $waiting);

$nb_removed_tmp = catads_clear_tmp_files( $photos_dir ) ;
if (!$ads_handler->insert($ads)) {
$msg = sprintf(_MD_CATADS_ERROR_INSERT, $ads->getVar('ads_title'));
$msg .= '<br />'.$ads->getErrors();
echo "<h4>"._MD_CATADS_MODULE_NAME."</h4>";
// Notification
$ads_id = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();
$notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
$tags = array();
$tags['ADS_TITLE'] = $ads_type.' '.$ads_title;

if ( $xoopsModuleConfig['moderated'] == 1) {

$tags['ADS_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/admin/ads.php?sel_status=1';
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'ads_submit', $tags);
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('category', $topic_id, 'ads_submit', $tags);
// If notify checkbox is set, add subscription for approve

if ($notify_pub) {

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_constants.php';
//subscribe = inscrire dans les notifications
//triggerEvent = Envoie par email
$notification_handler->subscribe('ads', $ads_id, 'approve', XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_MODE_SENDONCETHENDELETE);
$messagesent ="<br />"._MD_CATADS_AFTER_MODERATE;

} else {

$tags['ADS_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/adslist.php?topic_id=' . $topic_id;
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'new_ads', $tags);
$notification_handler->triggerEvent('category', $topic_id, 'new_ads', $tags);
$messagesent ="<br />"._MD_CATADS_NO_MODERATE;

// pk preview - check GET VARs

case "preview":

$msgstop = '';
$cat = new AdsCategory($topic_id);

// pk - bugfix - preview images. NB thumbnail is only created for 'photo0'. All others are scaled.
// Set image preview width and height here. Ideally, should come from admin pref.

$photos_preview_dir = XOOPS_URL . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/original" ;
$thumb_preview_dir = XOOPS_URL . "/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/annonces/thumb" ;

$i = $j = 0;
// while ($i < $cat->nb_photo) {
while ($i < 6) {

if (!empty($_FILES['photo'.$i]['name'])) {
if ($preview_name[$i] != '') {
$photo = $preview_name[$i] ;
$ads['photo'.$j] = "<img src="".$photos_preview_dir."/".$photo."" width="125" height="90" alt="" />" ;
} else {
// pk set VAR if no image (blank)
$ads['photo'.$j] = '' ;



if (strlen(deleteCode($ads_desc)) > $xoopsModuleConfig['txt_maxlength'] )
$msgstop .= sprintf(_MD_CATADS_MAXLENGTH, $xoopsModuleConfig['txt_maxlength']).'<br />';
if (isset($email) && $email != '' && !checkEmail($email) )
$msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_INVALIDMAIL.'<br />';
if (isset($price) && $price != '' && !is_numeric(trim($price) )) {
$msgstop.= _MD_CATADS_INVALIDPRICE.'<br />';
$price = '';
if ($mode_contact == 2 && $email == '')
$msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_MAILREQ.'<br />';
if ($mode_contact == 3 && $phone == '')
$msgstop .= _MD_CATADS_PHONEREQ.'<br />';

$ts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

$ads_title= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($ads_title));

// $ads_desc= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($ads_desc));

$ads_desc= $ts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($ads_desc));

// pk duplicate function for preview if the user has not entered any tags...
// Create tags from the item title.
$newtags = $ads_title;
// Omit common letters and words from the tag list. NB spaces before and after are important.
$remplace = array(
' of ', ' if ', ' to ', ' in ', ' at ', ' on ', ' by ', ' it ', ' is ', ' or ', ' are ', ' the ', ' for ', ' and ',
' & ', ' when ', ' with '
$par = ' ';// Replace them with a space
$newtags = str_replace($remplace, $par, $newtags);
// Trim the space from the tag list and save it to a VAR
$newtags = trim($newtags, ' ');
$ads_tags = $newtags;
} else {
$ads_tags = $ads_tags;

// pk sanitise tags
// $ads_tags= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($ads_tags));

$ads_tags= $ts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($ads_tags));

$phone= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($phone));

//$region= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($region));
//$departement= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($departement));

$town= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($town));
if (isset($codpost)) {
$codpost= $ts->htmlSpecialChars($ts->stripSlashesGPC($codpost));
$ads['codpost']= $codpost;

$ads['type']= $ads_type;
$ads['title']= $ads_title;
$ads['description']= $ts->previewTarea($ads_desc);

// $ads['region']= $region;

//pk - bugfix - get region name from DB
$region_number = $region;
$sql1 = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT region_nom FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("catads_regions")." WHERE region_numero = ".$region_number);
list($region_name) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($sql1);
$ads['region'] = $region_name;

// $ads['departement']= $departement;

//pk - bugfix - get department name from DB
$departement_number = $departement;
$sql1 = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT departement_nom FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("catads_departements")." WHERE departement_numero = ".$departement_number);
list($departement_name) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($sql1);
$ads['departement'] = $departement_name;

$ads['town']= $town;

// $ads['photo']= $photo;

// $ads['photo'.$i]= $photo[$i]; - no effect

// pk get video VAR
$ads['video']= $ads_video;

// pk get notify_pub VAR
// $notify_pub = intval($notify_pub);
$ads['notify_pub'] = $notify_pub;

if ($xoopsModuleConfig['nb_days_before'] > 0 ) {
$ads['date_pub']= formatTimestamp(strtotime($published),"s");
$ads['date_exp']= formatTimestamp(strtotime($published)+ $duration*86400,"s");
$published = strtotime($published);
$expired = strtotime($published) + $duration*86400;
$ads['nbview'] = sprintf(_MD_CATADS_NBVIEW, 0);

if ($display_price){
$ads['price']= $price;
$ads['monnaie']= $monnaie;
$ads['price_option']= $price_option;

// pk bugfix - email and PM icons path for preview
if($pref_contact > 9){
if ($mode_contact == 1)
$ads['pmlink'] = "<br /><img src="".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')."/images/icon/pm.gif" alt=""._MD_CATADS_BYPM."" /></a>";
if ($mode_contact == 2)
$ads['maillink'] = "<br /><img src="".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')."/images/icon/email.gif" alt=""._MD_CATADS_BYMAIL."" /></a>";
if ($mode_contact == 3)
$ads['phone'] = '<br /><b>'._MD_CATADS_PHONE.'</b>.<br /> '.$phone;
} else {
$ads['msg_contact'] = _MD_CATADS_CONTACT_PREF1.' '._MD_CATADS_BY.' ';
if ($mode_contact == 1) $ads['msg_contact'] .= _MD_CATADS_CONTACT_MODE1;
if ($mode_contact == 2) $ads['msg_contact'] .= _MD_CATADS_CONTACT_MODE2;
if ($mode_contact == 3) $ads['msg_contact'] .= _MD_CATADS_CONTACT_MODE3;
$ads['msg_contact'] .= '<br /><br />';
if (isset($email) && $email !='')
$ads['maillink'] = "<img src="".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')."/images/icon/email.gif" alt=""._MD_CATADS_BYMAIL."" /></a>&nbsp;";
if ($xoopsUser)
$ads['pmlink'] = "<img src="".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')."/images/icon/pm.gif" alt=""._MD_CATADS_BYPM."" /></a><br /><br />";
if ($phone!= '')
$ads['phone'] = '<br /><b>'._MD_CATADS_PHONE.'</b><br /> '.$phone;

// pk dynamic column formatting removed from template (didn't work) so this is for legacy or future use.
// $ads['nbcols'] = $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_cols_img'];

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php';
// pk template file
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'catads_adsform.html';
$xoopsTpl->assign('preview', true);
$xoopsTpl->assign('annonce', $ads);

// pk assign $ads_tags VAR to $link_tags VAR for preview
$xoopsTpl->assign('link_tags', $ads_tags);

include_once "include/";
// $adsform->display();
$xoopsTpl->assign('nb_days_before', $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_days_before']);
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";

// pk form defaults

case "form":
$ts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$topic_id = (isset($topic_id)) ? intval($topic_id) : 0;
$cat = new AdsCategory($topic_id);
$lastchildren = AdsCategory::getAllLastChild();

if (in_array($topic_id, $lastchildren)) {
// rubrique terminale

$permHandler = CatadsPermHandler::getHandler();
if(!$permHandler->isAllowed($xoopsUser, 'catads_submit', $topic_id))
redirect_header("index.php", 3, _NOPERM);

$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'catads_adsform.html';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php";
$xoopsTpl->assign('jstime', time());
$xoopsTpl->assign('nb_days_before', $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_days_before']);

$mytree = new XoopsTree($xoopsDB->prefix("catads_cat "),"topic_id","topic_pid");

$display_price = $cat->display_price;
$uid = !empty($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
$email = !empty($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getVar("email", "E") : "";
$ads_type = '';
$ads_title = '';
$ads_desc = '';
$ads_tags = '';
$monnaie = '';
$price = '';
$price_option = '';
$annee = '';
$phone = '';
$region = '';
$departement = '';
$town = '';
$codpost = '';

// pk add notify_pub default
$notify_pub = 1 ;

// pk default pref for ad contact?
$pref_contact = 0;

// pk add default values for $expired_mail_send and $expired_by_mode
// see changes in ''.
$expired_mail_send = 1 ;
$expired_by_mode = 1 ;

/*if ($xoopsModuleConfig['email_req'] > 0) {
$mode_contact = 2;
} elseif($uid > 0){
$mode_contact = 1;
} else {
$mode_contact = 3;
if ($xoopsModuleConfig['email_req'] > 0) {
$mode_contact = 2;
} elseif($uid > 0){
$mode_contact = 1;
} else {
$mode_contact = 3;
$published =time();

$duration =0;

// pk whats this? changed to '6' (not sure if nb_photo VAR works)
$i = 0;
// while ($i < $cat->nb_photo) {

while ($i < 6) {
$preview_name[$i] = '';

include "include/";

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";
}else {
// rubrique intermédiaire
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'catads_index.html';
$tpltype = $xoopsModuleConfig['tpltype'];// 1 en lignes, 2 en colonnes
$wcol = 100/$xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'];
//$show_card = 0;
$nbcol = $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'];
$xoopsTpl->assign('wcol', $wcol);
$xoopsTpl->assign('tpltype', $tpltype);
$xoopsTpl->assign('addads', true);
//$xoopsTpl->assign('show_card', $show_card);
$xoopsTpl->assign('nb_col_or_row', $nbcol);
$ts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
if ($topic_id == 0) {
$allcat = AdsCategory::getAllCat(); // array de toutes les catégories
} else {
$mytree = new XoopsTree($xoopsDB->prefix("catads_cat "),"topic_id","topic_pid");
$cat_path = $mytree->getpathFromId( $topic_id, 'topic_title');
$cat_path = substr($cat_path, 1);
$cat_path = str_replace("/"," <img src='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/catads/images/arrow.gif' border='0' alt='' /> ",$cat_path);
$xoopsTpl->assign('cat_path', $cat_path);
$parray = AdsCategory::getCatWithPid($topic_id); //array des objets catégories principales
$pcount = count($parray);
// rubriques principales
for ( $i = 0; $i < $pcount; $i++ ) {
$arr_cat = array();
$arr_scat = array();
$arr_subcat = array();
$cptsubcat = 0;
$topic_id = $parray[$i]->topic_id();

$title = $ts->htmlSpecialChars($parray[$i]->topic_title());
$arr_cat[$i]['title'] = $title;
$arr_cat[$i]['id'] = $topic_id;
if (in_array($topic_id, $lastchildren)) {
$arr_cat[$i]['submit'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->dirname() . '/submit1.php?topic_id=' . $topic_id;

if ( $parray[$i]->img() != 'blank.gif')
$arr_cat[$i]['image'] = "<img src='".XOOPS_URL."/uploads/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/categories/".$parray[$i]->img()."' align='middle' alt='' />";
$arr_cat[$i]['image'] = "<img src='".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/images/no_dispo_mini.gif' align='middle' alt='' />";
$arr_cat[$i]['title'] = $title;
$arr_cat[$i]['i'] = $i;

$level = 0;
$childcats = AdsCategory::getFirstChildArr($topic_id, 'weight');
showsubcat($childcats, 0, $topic_id, $topic_id);
if ($tpltype == 1) {
// ajout blocks vides si template en lignes
$mod = count($childcats) % $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'];
$adjust = ($mod > 0) ? $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'] - $mod : 0;
for ( $j = 0; $j < $adjust; $j++ ) {
array_push($arr_subcat, $arr_scat);
} else {
// calcul saut de ligne si template en colonnes
$mod = ($i+1) % $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'];
$arr_cat[$i]['newline'] = ($mod == 0) ? true : false;
//saut de ligne fct nombre de colonnes
$arr_cat[$i]['subcat'] = $arr_subcat;
$xoopsTpl->append('categories', $arr_cat[$i]);

$mod = $pcount % $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'];
$adjust = ($mod > 0) ? $xoopsModuleConfig['nbcol'] - $mod : 0;
for ( $j = 0; $j < $adjust; $j++ ) {
$arr_cat[$j]['title'] = "";
$xoopsTpl->append('categories', $arr_cat[$j]);
$xoopsTpl->assign("xoops_module_header", '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />');
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";


Posté le : 03/12/2013 12:19

Pièces détachées et forum pour VSP et voitures sans permis
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Re: Catads: ajouter des infos dans une annonce
Supporter Xoops
Inscrit: 14/03/2005 16:08
De Paris
Messages: 518
Quelle version de xoops ?

Posté le : 11/12/2013 09:52

Version de XOOPS XOOPS
Version de PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.7
Version de MySQL 5.5.41-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
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Re: Catads: ajouter des infos dans une annonce
Semi pro
Inscrit: 27/04/2011 13:29
De Seine et marne
Messages: 809
xoops 2.5.6

Posté le : 11/12/2013 10:08

Pièces détachées et forum pour VSP et voitures sans permis
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