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TinyMCE 3.4.8 pour Xoops

  frxoops_team Divers 3586

Nous avons procédé à la mise à jour de l'éditeur javascript "WYSIWYG" TinyMCE pour Xoops à la version 3.4.8

Changelog (en anglais) de la version 3.4.8
  • Fixed bug in IE where selected text ending with space cannot be formatted then formatted again to get original text.
  • Fixed bug in IE where images larger than editor area were being deselected when toolbar buttons are clicked.
  • Fixed bug where wrong text align buttons are active when multiple block elements are selected.
  • Fixed bug where selected link not showing in target field of link dialog in some selection cases.
  • Use settings for remove_trailing_br so this can be turned off instead of hard coding the value.
  • Fixed bug in IE where the media plugin displayed null text when some values aren't filled in.
  • Added API method 'onSetAttrib' that fires when the attribute value on a node changes.
  • Fix font size dropdown value not being updated when text already has a font size in the advanced template.
  • Fixed bug in IE where IE doesn't use ARIA attributes properly on options - causing labels to be read out 2 times.
  • Fixed bug where caret cannot be placed after table if table is at end of document in IE.
  • Fixed bug where adding range isn't always successful so we need to check range count otherwise an exception can occur.
  • Added spacebar onclick handler to toolbar buttons to ensure that the accessibility behaviour works correctly.
  • Fixed bug where a stranded bullet point would get created in WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where selecting text in a blockquote and pressing backspace toggles the style.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter from a heading in IE, the resulting P tag below it shares the style property.
  • Fix white space in between spans from being deleted.
  • Fixed bug where scrollbars where visible in the character map dialog on Gecko.
  • Fixed issue with missing translation for one of the emoticons.
  • Fixed bug where dots in id:s where causing problems. Patch provided by Abhishek Dev.
  • Fixed bug where urls with an at sign in the path wouldn't be parsed correctly. Patch contributed by Jason Grout.
  • Fixed bug where Opera would remove the first character of a inline formatted word if you pressed backspace.
  • Fixed bugs with the autoresize plugin on various browsers and removed the need for the throbber.
  • Fixed performance issue where the contextmenu plugin would try to remove the menu even if it was removed. Patch contributed by mhu.

Téléchargement :
Installation :

Dézippez l'archive puis transférez le dossier "class" à la racine de votre site sous Xoops

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Inscrit le: 02/04/2008
Contributions: 72
mamba PostĂ© le: 22/02/2012 16:35  Mis Ă  jour: 22/02/2012 16:35
 Re: TinyMCE 3.4.8 pour Xoops
TinyMCE 3.4.8 est inclus dans XOOPS 2.5.5 Beta
Propulsé avec XOOPS | Graphisme adapté par Tatane, Grosdunord, Montuy337513

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