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Téléchargements Modules Version 2.5 Annuaires - liens MyLinks 3.11 RC5

MyLinks 3.11 RC5 Populaire 
  • 13
  • août

Avertissement : ce module est encore en phase de test
Il peut encore contenir quelques bogues mineurs. D'autre-part, des modifications sont en cours sur ce module. Ce n'est pas la dernière version corrigée, pour le moment. Vous pouvez éventuellement faire des tests et rapporter les bogues rencontrés, sur le forum.

Minimum requis
- XOOPS 2.5.7
- ModuleAdmin 1.1 (modulesclasses)
- MYSQL 5.0.7
- PHP 5.3.7

Le module myLinks vous permet d'organiser très simplement un annuaire de liens internet en catégories et sous-catégories.

Parmi les fonctions du module :

  • décompte automatique des vues
  • vote des utilisateurs appartenant aux Groupes autorisés
  • notation des utilisateurs appartenant aux Groupes autorisés (avec enregistrement de l'adresse IP)
  • formulaire mis à la disposition des membres pour modifier la description
  • formulaire mis à la disposition des membres souhaitant ajouter leur site
  • lien "En parler à un(e) ami(e)
  • possibilité d'illustrer une description de site (téléversement via FTP obligatoire)


  1. Liens les plus populaires : liste des sites, classés par nombre de clics. Vous déterminez le nombre de liens à afficher.
  2. Liens les plus récents : liste des sites, classés chronologiquement. Vous déterminez le nombre de liens à afficher.


  • Modules complémentaires : Tell a friend | Sitemap | RSSFit | QrCode
  • Notice : non
  • Framework : inclus dans Xoops 2.5.7 et supérieur
  • Notes d'installation : installation standard


3.11 RC 5 2014-04-23
+ moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
+ renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)

3.11 RC4 [2013/07/03]
+ fixed category image display bug
+ changed editor selection to use XOOPS Preferences editor
+ changed error handler since XOOPS ErrorHandler class is deprecated in 2.5.4+
+ changed shot (thumbnail) provider to use classes
++ added Heartrails thumbnail provider
++ added PagePeeker thumbnail provider
++ added ShrinkTheWeb thumbnail provider
++ added Thumbalizr thumbnail provider
++ updated Nemui thumbnail provider
++ updated Thumbshots thumbnail provider to new API
+ removed duplicate _AM_MYLINKS_IGNORE in nederlands translation

3.11 RC3 [2013/03/25]
+ added language defines to include all defines for 3.11 (most are non-translated)
+ fixed rss and atom feeds so they validate
+ fixed bug for invalid include of utility class (no longer needed)
+ fixed bug in MylinksCategoryHandler::getCatTitles to get title field
+ fixed site link bug in tell-a-friend
+ removed ./language/nederlands/changelog.txt - it was not being used
+ updated ./docs/install.txt and ./docs/readme.txt
+ changed revision to RC3

3.11 RC2 [2013/02/18]
+ added templates to xoopsversion for rss, atom and pda templates
+ added missing files for template administration
+ fixed addSlashes issue for a link's description and title
+ fixed link count per category calculation routine
+ fixed frontside admin link to modify a link (from ./admin/index.php to .admin/main.php)
+ fixed do not allow voting on inactive links
+ fixed approve/edit/ignore action buttons on listModReq form(s) in Admin panel
+ fixed form title on Modified Links page in Admin panel
+ fixed missing '< / div >' in ./templates/mylinks_link.html
+ fixed incorrect url to view category in Random Link block
+ fixed incorrect category displayed when listing Modified Links in Admin panel
+ removed admin templates from xoopsversion. They did not exist and were not being used
+ removed "Make this my Homepage" link, security risk and was only supported in IE
+ improved html template(s)
+ improved html rendering by moving hard coded English strings to language file(s)
+ improved security in forms - many forms now use XoopsSecurity tokens
+ changed Tell-A-Friend to use server mailer form instead of user's email client
+ changed ereg_replace to str_replace in bookmark_qrcode_encoding() function
+ changed revision to RC2

3.11 RC [2011/05/01 - 2011/11/14] (ZySpec)
+ added pre-install check to verify min versions for PHP/MySQL/Xoops
+ added category class to manage categories
+ added ability to bulk import categories on new installation
+ added Preferences option to include/exclude admin hits in hit counter
+ added full support (menu, page display) for 'Recent' links
+ added 'Most Recent' display block
+ added Random Listing display block
+ added nederlands translation (�berRookie)
+ added Preferences setting to select which auto screenshot provider to use
+ added input variable sanitization to eliminate SQL injection
+ added check to only display hits/ratings tables if there are hits>0 and ratings>0 respectively
+ changed to use XoopsObjectTree instead of deprecated XoopsTree class
+ changed deprecated 'TYPE' to 'ENGINE' in /sql/mysql.sql
+ changed from using xoops_module_header in templates to using xoTheme class
+ changed theme changer to disabled as the default (must enable in ./header.php)
+ changed 'letter' menu, only make char a hyperlink if there are web links with that letter
+ changed html/CSS in both admin and front side page display to be more XHTML compliant
+ changed block/group administration for XOOPS > 2.2 to be similar to XOOPS 2.0.x
+ changed hard coded language strings to language files
+ changed 'letter' menu characters to language file to ease translation
+ changed numerous configuration options from ./header.php to module Preferences
+ changed most module icons to /images/icons directory
+ changed Action buttons in listBrokenLinks to standard icons (Mamba)
+ changed code to reduce PHP CodeSniffer errors based on Zend Coding Standards
+ fixed various english language typos and grammer (Mamba / ZySpec)
+ fixed missing language definition strings in admin
+ fixed bug in ./admin/about.php to display release status
+ fixed bug in ./rating.php where checking for form submitted with no rating selected
+ fixed bug where module couldn't be relocated to alternate directory
+ removed display of 'Modify' link if user is not logged in
+ removed additional XOOPS search block in ./singlelink.php display
+ removed ./include/xoopssearchform.php as it's no longer used
+ general code cleanup to improve readability
+ updated readme.txt
+ updated to the latest ModuleAdmin 1.1, incl. use of images (mamba)
+ added icon information to BrokenLinks (mamba)
+ renamed /admin/footer.php to /admin/admin_footer.php (the same for header.php)(mamba)
+ moved changelog to /docs

3.10 [2011/02/23] (Mamba)
+ Changed to standardized XOOPS Module GUI

3.0-[2008-11-25] (Wanikoo)
+ bookmark button
+ bug/typo fix!(Sorry for my stupid mistake!!)
+ Code refined
+ etc.

+ minimize/restore button
+ Internal search block
+ enhanced page-navigation
+ etc.

+ Category Jump box
+ print button
+ pdf button
+ qrcode button ( qrcode module needed! )
+ etc.

+ Module Theme changer
+ Search function!
+ Index Browsing
+ Code refined
+ etc.

=> Version 1.11
- Correction du formulaire d'édition
- Nouveau logo
=> Version 1.10
- Changed all $HTTP_ to $_ for php5 compatibillity
- Removed all _VARS for php5 compatibillity

 Date de proposition: 13/08/2014

 Proposé par: Cesagonchu

 Téléchargé 1427 fois

 Note: 0.0 (0 votes)

 Page d'accueil: ICI

 Dossier de langue FR: inclus

 Version: 3.11

 Taille du fichier: 437 [Ko]

 Plateforme:  2.5.x

 Langue: fr | en

 Developpeur: Onokazu (puis corrigé par Wanikoo, ZySpec, Mamba)

 Licence: GPL2

Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu.
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 13/08/2014 20:01  Mis à jour: 13/08/2014 22:18
 Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC5
Discussion sur le module MyLinks 3.11, ici.
Propulsé avec XOOPS | Graphisme adapté par Tatane, Grosdunord, Montuy337513

42 Personne(s) en ligne (1 Personne(s) connectée(s) sur Téléchargements) | Utilisateur(s): 0 | Invité(s): 42 | Plus ...