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Re: Discussion sur Publisher

Titre du sujet : Re: Discussion sur Publisher
par alexdjordjic sur 17/06/2014 22:26:57

Voici le contenu du fichier "latestnews" dans le répertoire "blocks". Que dois-je modifier ??

You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

* @copyright The XUUPS Project
* @license GNU public license
* @package Publisher
* @subpackage Blocks
* @since 1.0
* @author trabis <>
* @author Bandit-x
* @author Mowaffak
* @version $Id: latest_news.php 10374 2012-12-12 23:39:48Z trabis $

defined("XOOPS_ROOT_PATH") or die("XOOPS root path not defined");

include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/common.php';

function publisher_latest_news_show($options)
global $xoopsUser, $xoopsConfig;

$block = array();

xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'publisher');
$publisher = PublisherPublisher::getInstance();

$start = $options[0]; // You can show articles from specified range
$limit = $options[1];
$column_count = $options[2];
$letters = $options[3];
$selected_stories = $options[4];
$sort = $options[9];
$order = publisher_getOrderBy($sort);
$imgwidth = $options[11];
$imgheight = $options[12];
$border = $options[13];
$bordercolor = $options[14];

$block['spec']['columnwidth'] = intval(1 / $column_count * 100);

$allcats = false;
if (!isset($options[29])) {
$allcats = true;
} elseif (in_array(0, explode(',', $options[29]))) {
$allcats = true;

// creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
if ($allcats) {
$criteria = null;
} else {
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[29] . ')', 'IN'));

// Use specific ITEMS
if ($selected_stories != 0) {
unset($criteria); //removes category option
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new Criteria('itemid', '(' . $selected_stories . ')', 'IN'));

$itemsObj = $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit, $start, array(_PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, 'itemid');

$scount = count($itemsObj);

if ($scount == 0) {
return false;
$k = 0;
$columns = array();

foreach ($itemsObj as $itemid => $itemObj) {
$item = array();
$item['itemurl'] = $itemObj->getItemUrl();
$item['title'] = $itemObj->getItemLink();
$item['alt'] = strip_tags($itemObj->getItemLink());
$mainImage = $itemObj->getMainImage();
// check to see if GD function exist
if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
$item['item_image'] = $mainImage['image_path'];
} else {
$item['item_image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . $mainImage['image_path'] . '&w=' . $imgwidth; // No $imgheight for autoheight option
$item['text'] = $itemObj->getBlockSummary($letters);

$item = $itemObj->getMainImage($item); //returns an array

$ls_height = '';
if ($options[12] != 0) {
$ls_height = 'height="' . $imgheight . '" ';
} // set height = 0 in block option for auto height

if ($options[15] == 'LEFT') {
$imgposition = "float: left";
$ls_margin = '-right';

if ($options[15] == 'CENTER') {
$imgposition = "text-align:center";
$ls_margin = '';

if ($options[15] == 'RIGHT') {
$imgposition = "float: right";
$ls_margin = '-left';

if ($options[10] == 1 && $item['image_path'] != '') {
$startdiv = '<div style="' . $imgposition . '"><a href="' . $item['itemurl'] . '">';
$style = 'style="margin' . $ls_margin . ': 10px; padding: 2px; border: ' . $border . 'px solid #' . $bordercolor . '"';
$enddiv = 'width="' . $imgwidth . '" ' . $ls_height . '/></a></div>';
$image = $startdiv . '<img ' . $style . ' src="' . $item['item_image'] . '" alt="' . $item['image_name'] . '" ' . $enddiv;

$item['image'] = $image;

if (is_object($xoopsUser) && $xoopsUser->isAdmin(-1)) {
$item['admin'] = "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/submit.php?itemid=" . $itemObj->itemid() . "'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/images/links/edit.gif'" . " title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_EDIT . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_EDIT . "' /></a>&nbsp;";
$item['admin'] .= "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/admin/item.php?op=del&itemid=" . $itemObj->itemid() . "'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/images/links/delete.png'" . " title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_DELETE . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_DELETE . "' /></a>";
} else {
$item['admin'] = '';

$block['topiclink'] = '';
if ($options[16] == 1) {
$block['topiclink'] = '| <a href="'.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/news/topics_directory.php">'._AM_NEWS_TOPICS_DIRECTORY.'</a> ';
$block['archivelink'] = '';
if ($options[17] == 1) {
$block['archivelink'] = '| <a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/archive.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_ARCHIVE . '</a> ';

//TODO: Should we not show link to Anonymous?
$block['submitlink'] = '';
if ($options[18] == 1 && !empty($xoopsUser)) {
$block['submitlink'] = '| <a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/submit.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_SUBMITNEWS . '</a> ';

$item['poster'] = '';
if ($options[19] == 1) {
$item['poster'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_POSTER . ' ' . $itemObj->posterName();

$item['posttime'] = '';
if ($options[20] == 1) {
$item['posttime'] = _ON . ' ' . $itemObj->datesub();

$item['topic_title'] = '';
if ($options[21] == 1) {
$item['topic_title'] = $itemObj->getCategoryLink() . _MB_PUBLISHER_SP;

$item['read'] = '';
if ($options[22] == 1) {
$item['read'] = '&nbsp;(' . $itemObj->counter() . ' ' . _READS . ')';

$item['more'] = '';
if ($itemObj->body() != '' || $itemObj->comments() > 0) {
$item['more'] = '<a class="publisher_spotlight_readmore" href="' . $itemObj->getItemUrl() . '">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_READMORE . '</a>';

$comments = $itemObj->comments();
if ($options[23] == 1) {
if ($comments > 0) {
//shows 1 comment instead of 1 comm. if comments ==1
//langugage file modified accordingly
if ($comments == 1) {
$item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_ONECOMMENT . '&nbsp;';
} else {
$item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . $comments . '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_COMMENTS . '&nbsp;';
} else {
$item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_NO_COMMENTS . '&nbsp;';

$item['print'] = '';
if ($options[24] == 1) {
$item['print'] = '<a href="' . publisher_seo_genUrl("print", $itemObj->itemid(), $itemObj->short_url()) . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/images/links/print.gif" title="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_PRINT . '" alt="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_PRINT . '" /></a>&nbsp;';

$item['pdf'] = '';
if ($options[25] == 1) {
$item['pdf'] = "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/makepdf.php?itemid=" . $itemObj->itemid() . "' rel='nofollow'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/images/links/pdf.gif' title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_PDF . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_PDF . "' /></a>&nbsp;";

$item['email'] = '';
if ($options[26] == 1 && xoops_isActiveModule('tellafriend')) {
$subject = sprintf(_CO_PUBLISHER_INTITEMFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename']);
$subject = $itemObj->_convert_for_japanese($subject);
$maillink = publisher_tellafriend($subject);

$item['email'] = '<a href="' . $maillink . '"><img src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/images/links/friend.gif" title="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_MAIL . '" alt="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_MAIL . '" /></a>&nbsp;';

$block['morelink'] = '';
if ($options[27] == 1) {
$block['morelink'] = '<a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/index.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_MORE_ITEMS . '</a> ';

$block['latestnews_scroll'] = false;
if ($options[5] == 1) {
$block['latestnews_scroll'] = true;

$block['scrollheight'] = $options[6];
$block['scrollspeed'] = $options[7];
$block['scrolldir'] = $options[8];

$block['template'] = $options[28];

$block['imgwidth'] = $options[11];
$block['imgheight'] = $options[12];

$block['letters'] = $letters;

$columns[$k][] = $item;

if ($k == $column_count) {
$k = 0;

$block['columns'] = $columns;

return $block;

function publisher_latest_news_edit($options)
$tabletag1 = '<tr><td style="padding:3px" width="37%">';
$tabletag2 = '</td><td style="padding:3px">';
$tabletag3 = '<tr><td style="padding-top:20px;border-bottom:1px solid #000" colspan="2">';
$tabletag4 = '</td></tr>';

$form = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
$form .= $tabletag3 . _MB_PUBLISHER_GENERALCONFIG . $tabletag4; // General Options
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_FIRST . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[0] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_ITEMS . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISP . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[1] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_ITEMS . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_COLUMNS . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[2] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_COLUMN . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_TEXTLENGTH . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[3] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_LETTER . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_SELECTEDSTORIES . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[4] . "' size='16'></td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLL . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 5);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLLHEIGHT . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[6] . "' size='4'></td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLLSPEED . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[7] . "' size='4'></td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLLDIR . $tabletag2;

$form .= "<select size='1' name='options[8]'>";

$directions = array('right' => _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLL_RIGHT, 'left' => _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLL_LEFT, 'up' => _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLL_UP, 'down' => _MB_PUBLISHER_SCROLL_DOWN);
foreach ($directions as $key => $value) {
$form .= "<option value='{$key}'";
if ($options[8] == $key) {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= ">{$value}</option>";
$form .= "</select></td></tr>";

$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_ORDER . $tabletag2;

$form .= "<select name='options[9]'>";
$form .= "<option value='datesub'";
if ($options[9] == "datesub") {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= ">" . _MB_PUBLISHER_DATE . "</option>";

$form .= "<option value='counter'";
if ($options[9] == "counter") {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= ">" . _MB_PUBLISHER_HITS . "</option>";

$form .= "<option value='weight'";
if ($options[9] == "weight") {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= ">" . _MB_PUBLISHER_WEIGHT . "</option>";

$form .= "</select></td></tr>";

$form .= $tabletag3 . _MB_PUBLISHER_PHOTOSCONFIG . $tabletag4; // Photos Options
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_IMGDISPLAY . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 10);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_IMGWIDTH . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[11] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_PIXEL . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_IMGHEIGHT . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[12] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_PIXEL . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_BORDER . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[13] . "' size='4'>&nbsp;" . _MB_PUBLISHER_PIXEL . "</td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_BORDERCOLOR . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[14] . "' size='8'></td></tr>";
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_IMGPOSITION . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<select name='options[]'>";
$form .= "<option value='LEFT'";
if ($options[15] == 'LEFT') {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= '>' . _LEFT . "</option>\n";

$form .= "<option value='CENTER'";
if ($options[15] == 'CENTER') {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= '>' . _CENTER . "</option>\n";

$form .= "<option value='RIGHT'";
if ($options[15] == 'RIGHT') {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= '>' . _RIGHT . '</option>';
$form .= "</select></td></tr>";

$form .= $tabletag3 . _MB_PUBLISHER_LINKSCONFIG . $tabletag4; // Links Options
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_TOPICLINK . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 16);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_ARCHIVELINK . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 17);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_SUBMITLINK . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 18);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_POSTEDBY . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 19);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_POSTTIME . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 20);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_TOPICTITLE . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 21);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_READ . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 22);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_COMMENT . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 23);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_PRINT . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 24);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_PDF . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 25);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_EMAIL . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 26);
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_DISPLAY_MORELINK . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_mk_chkbox($options, 27);

$form .= $tabletag3 . _MB_PUBLISHER_TEMPLATESCONFIG . $tabletag4; // Templates Options
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_TEMPLATE . $tabletag2;
$form .= "<select size='1' name='options[28]'>";

foreach ($templates as $key => $value) {
$form .= "<option value='{$key}'";
if ($options[28] == $key) {
$form .= " selected='selected'";
$form .= ">{$value}</option>";
$form .= "</select></td></tr>";

//Select Which Categories To Show
$form .= $tabletag3 . _MB_PUBLISHER_TOPICSCONFIG . $tabletag4; // Topics Options
$form .= $tabletag1 . _MB_PUBLISHER_TOPICSDISPLAY . $tabletag2;
$form .= publisher_createCategorySelect($options[29], 0, true, 'options[29]');
$form .= '</td></tr>';

$form .= "</table>";
return $form;

function publisher_mk_chkbox($options, $number)
$chk = "";
if ($options[$number] == 1) {
$chk = " checked='checked'";
$chkbox = "<input type='radio' name='options[{$number}]' value='1'" . $chk . " />&nbsp;" . _YES . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$chk = "";
if ($options[$number] == 0) {
$chk = " checked='checked'";
$chkbox .= "<input type='radio' name='options[{$number}]' value='0'" . $chk . " />&nbsp;" . _NO . "</td></tr>";
return $chkbox;

function publisher_mk_select($options, $number)
$slc = "";
if ($options[$number] == 2) {
$slc = " checked='checked'";
$select = "<input type='radio' name='options[{$number}]' value='2'" . $slc . " />&nbsp;" . _LEFT . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$slc = "";
if ($options[$number] == 1) {
$slc = " checked='checked'";
$select = "<input type='radio' name='options[{$number}]' value='1'" . $slc . " />&nbsp;" . _CENTER . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$slc = "";
if ($options[$number] == 0) {
$slc = " checked='checked'";
$select .= "<input type='radio' name='options[{$number}]' value='0'" . $slc . " />&nbsp;" . _RIGHT . "</td></tr>";
return $select;

Propulsé avec XOOPS | Graphisme adapté par Tatane, Grosdunord, Montuy337513

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