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Re: XoopsFormTextDateSelect pouvoir mettre null / empty

Titre du sujet : Re: XoopsFormTextDateSelect pouvoir mettre null / empty
par davidm78 sur 17/02/2022 14:57:09

C'est bon, j'ai récupéré FormDateTimePicker du module xoopspoll
J'ai un peu adapté pour qu'on puisse mettre Date seule ou date/Heure
class FormDateTimePicker extends XoopsFormText
     * Contains the maximum field size
public const MAXSIZE 25;

     * Constructor to build FormDateTimePicker object
     * @param mixed $caption HTML description to display for the element
     * @param mixed $name    HTML element name (ie. name='$name')
     * @param mixed $size    size of field to display
     * @param mixed $value   timestamp of date/time to show
public function __construct($caption$name$size$value$showTime=true)
$value = (!is_numeric($value) || (=== (int)$value)) ? null : (int)$value;
$size  = (int)$size;
$size  = ($size && $size <= self::MAXSIZE) ? $size self::MAXSIZE;
$this->$showTime $showTime;

     * Generate the HTML <input> to display the date/time field
     * @return string HTML code used to display in a form
public function render()
$included false;

$ele_name  $this->getName();
$ele_value $this->getValue(true);
//if (is_string($ele_value)) {
if (!is_numeric($ele_value)) {
$display_value $ele_value;
$ele_value     time();
        } else if (
$ele_value>0) {
//$display_value = '';
            //$display_value = formatTimestamp($ele_value, 'm');
if ($this->$showTime)
$display_value ucfirst(date("d-m-Y H:i"$ele_value)); // _MEDIUMDATESTRING = d-m-Y H:i
$display_value ucfirst(date("d-m-Y"$ele_value)); // _MEDIUMDATESTRING = d-m-Y H:i

        if (
is_object($GLOBALS['xoTheme'])) {
$moduleHandler xoops_getHandler('module');
$sys_module    $moduleHandler->getByDirname('system');
$configHandler xoops_getHandler('config');
$moduleConfig  $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0$sys_module->getVar('mid'));
$jq_theme_dir  $moduleConfig['jquery_theme'];


            if (!
$included) {
$included true;
// setup regional date variables
$reg_values "closeText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_CLOSETEXT."',"
."prevText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_PREVTEXT."',"
."nextText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_NEXTTEXT."',"
."currentText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_CURRENTTEXT."',"
.'monthNames: ['._AM_COMIN_DTP_MONTHNAMES.'],'
.'monthNamesShort: ['._AM_COMIN_DTP_MONTHNAMESSHORT.'],'
.'dayNames: ['._AM_COMIN_DTP_DAYNAMES.'],'
.'dayNamesShort: ['._AM_COMIN_DTP_DAYNAMESSHORT.'],'
.'dayNamesMin: ['._AM_COMIN_DTP_DAYNAMESMIN.'],'
."weekHeader: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_WEEKHEADER."',"
."dateFormat: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_DATEFORMAT."',"
."firstDay: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_FIRSTDAY."',"
."showTimepicker: ".(($this->$showTime)?"true":"false")."," // 
."yearSuffix: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_YEARSUFFIX."',";
// set regional time variables
$reg_values .= "timeOnlyTitle: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_TIMEONLYTITLE."',"
."timeText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_TIMETEXT."',"
."hourText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_HOURTEXT."',"
."minuteText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_MINUTETEXT."',"
."secondText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_SECONDTEXT."',"
."millisecText: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_MILLISECTEXT."',"
."timeFormat: '"._AM_COMIN_DTP_TIMEFORMAT."',"
.'ampm: false,'.'stepMinute: 5';
$GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addScript('','','$(function() {$( ".datetimepicker" ).datetimepicker({'.$reg_values.'});});');

"<input type='text' name='{$ele_name}' id='{$ele_name}' class='datetimepicker' size='".$this->getSize()."' maxlength='".$this->getMaxlength()."' 

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