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Souci instalation local

Titre du sujet : Souci instalation local
par Oumpax_78 sur 25/02/2012 08:14:20

Bonjour à tous !
Il y a un an j ai abandonné xoops pour pragmamx, aujourd hui je reviens vers xoops et je désirs instaler en local ma sauvegarde d il y a un an.
J ai donc modifié comme ci dessou mon fichier mainfile.php et ai rechargé ma sauvegarde sql.
Mais je fais face a un souci
voici le message d erreur que j ai:

Error: Smarty error: the $compile_dir '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011/paint1paint1/caches/smarty_compile' does not exist, or is not a directory.

On voit bien dans le liens que PAINT1 est doublé et que cela ne va pas bien forcément

Je pense avoir mal fait quelque chose mais quoi ?
Le site est instalé sous ce rrepertoire

// Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define( 'XOOPS_VAR_PATH', '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011/paint1' );

Si j enleve le PAINT1 donc
( 'XOOPS_VAR_PATH', '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011/' );
je n ai plus le message d erreur mais j ai que les texte sur le site et aucun design....

Code source du fichier mainfile.php
En gras ce que j ai modifié
// Physical path to the XOOPS documents (served) directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011' );

// For forward compatibility
// Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define( 'XOOPS_PATH', '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011/paint2' );
// Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define( 'XOOPS_VAR_PATH', '/wamp/www/V3_MARS2011/paint1' );
// Alias of XOOPS_PATH, for compatibility, temporary solution

// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define( 'XOOPS_URL', 'http://localhost/V3_MARS2011' );
define( 'XOOPS_URL', 'http://localhost/V3_MARS2011' );

// Shall be handled later, don't forget!
define("XOOPS_CHECK_PATH", 0);
// Protect against external scripts execution if safe mode is not enabled
if ( XOOPS_CHECK_PATH && !@ini_get("safe_mode") ) {
if ( function_exists("debug_backtrace") ) {
$xoopsScriptPath = debug_backtrace();
if ( !count($xoopsScriptPath) ) {
die("XOOPS path check: this file cannot be requested directly");
$xoopsScriptPath = $xoopsScriptPath[0]["file"];
} else {
// IIS6 may double the \ chars
$xoopsScriptPath = str_replace( strpos( $xoopsScriptPath, "\\\", 2 ) ? "\\\" : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $xoopsScriptPath);
if ( strcasecmp( substr($xoopsScriptPath, 0, strlen(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH)), str_replace( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", XOOPS_ROOT_PATH)) ) {
exit("XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run.");

// Database
// Choose the database to be used
define( 'XOOPS_DB_TYPE', 'mysql' );

// Set the database charset if applicable
if (defined("XOOPS_DB_CHARSET")) die();
define( 'XOOPS_DB_CHARSET', 'utf8' );

// Table Prefix
// This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflict in the database. If you are unsure, just use the default "xoops".
define( 'XOOPS_DB_PREFIX', 'xfff' );

// Database Hostname
// Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, "localhost" works in most cases.
define( 'XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

// Database Username
// Your database user account on the host
define( 'XOOPS_DB_USER', 'root' );

// Database Password
// Password for your database user account
define( 'XOOPS_DB_PASS', '' );

// Database Name
// The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist
define( 'XOOPS_DB_NAME', 'paintbal_pb2000v3' );

// Use persistent connection? (Yes=1 No=0)
// Default is "Yes". Choose "Yes" if you are unsure.
define( 'XOOPS_DB_PCONNECT', 0 );

define( 'XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN', '1' );
define( 'XOOPS_GROUP_USERS', '2' );
define( 'XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS', '3' );

if (!isset($xoopsOption["nocommon"]) && XOOPS_ROOT_PATH != "") {
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";

Merci beaucoup pour votre future aide
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