Re: Impossible de créer un article sur SmartSection lorsque TinyEditor est installé | Titre du sujet : Re: Impossible de créer un article sur SmartSection lorsque TinyEditor est installé par baronxoops sur 17/04/2008 10:23:37
C'est une bonne nouvelle.
C'est lui qui pose problème.
Dans le package de tinyeditor, il pèse 4,693 Ko et voila le contenu :
// $Id: xoopseditor.php,v 2005/07/15 22:55:57 phppp Exp $
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// XOOPS - PHP Content Management System //
// Copyright (c) 2000 //
// <> ... nbsp; //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits //
// of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting //
// source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the //
// original comment or credit authors. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
* XOOPS editor handler
* @author phppp (D.J.)
* @copyright copyright (c) 2005
class XoopsEditorHandler
var $root_path="";
var $nohtml=false;
function XoopsEditorHandler()
$current_path = __FILE__;
if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != "/" ) $current_path = str_replace( strpos( $current_path, "\\", 2 ) ? "\\" : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $current_path);
$this->root_path = dirname($current_path);
* @param string $name Editor name
* @param array $options editor options: $key=>$val
* @param string $OnFailure a pre-validated editor that will be used if the required editor is failed to create
* @param bool $noHtml dohtml disabled
function &get($name = "", $options = null, $noHtml=false, $OnFailure = "")
$editor = null;
$list =array_keys($this->getList($noHtml));
if(!empty($name) && in_array($name, $list)){
$editor = & $this->_loadEditor($name, $options);
if(empty($OnFailure) || !in_array($OnFailure, $list)){
$OnFailure = $list[0];
$editor = & $this->_loadEditor($OnFailure, $options);
return $editor;
function &getList($noHtml=false)
static $editors;
if(!isset($editors)) {
$order = array();
$list = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray($this->root_path.'/');
foreach($list as $item){
if(empty($config['order'])) continue;
$editors[$config['name']] = $config;
$order[] = $config['order'];
array_multisort($order, $editors);
$_list = array();
foreach($editors as $name=>$item){
if(!empty($noHtml)&&empty($item['nohtml'])) continue;
$_list[$name] = $item['title'];
return $_list;
function render(&$editor)
return $editor->render();
function setConfig(&$editor, $options)
if(method_exists($editor, 'setConfig')) {
foreach($options as $key=>$val){
$editor->$key = $val;
function &_loadEditor($name="", $options=null)
$editor_path = $this->root_path."/".$name;
if(!is_readable($editor_path."/editor_registry.php")) return false;
if(empty($config['order'])) return null;
$editor =& new $config['class']($options);
return $editor;
Dans le package de xoopseditor (avec tinymce etc...), il pèse 3,669Ko et voila le contenu :
* Editor framework for XOOPS
* @copyright The XOOPS project
* @license ... public license
* @author Taiwen Jiang (phppp or D.J.) <>
* @since 1.00
* @version $Id$
* @package xoopseditor
class XoopsEditorHandler
var $root_path = "";
var $nohtml = false;
var $allowed_editors = array();
function XoopsEditorHandler()
include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/";
$this->root_path = xoopseditor_get_rootpath();
* Access the only instance of this class
* @return object
* @static
* @staticvar object
function &getInstance()
static $instance;
if (!isset($instance)) {
$instance = new XoopsEditorHandler();
return $instance;
* @param string $name Editor name which is actually the folder name
* @param array $options editor options: $key => $val
* @param string $OnFailure a pre-validated editor that will be used if the required editor is failed to create
* @param bool $noHtml dohtml disabled
function &get($name = "", $options = null, $noHtml = false, $OnFailure = "")
if($editor = $this->_loadEditor($name, $options)) {
return $editor;
$list = array_keys($this->getList($noHtml));
if(!empty($name) && in_array($name, $list)){
$editor = $this->_loadEditor($name, $options);
if(empty($OnFailure) || !in_array($OnFailure, $list)){
$OnFailure = $list[0];
$editor = $this->_loadEditor($OnFailure, $options);
return $editor;
function &getList($noHtml = false)
if(@ include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.ini.php") {
$list = mod_loadCacheFile("list", "xoopseditor");
if(empty($list)) {
$list = array();
$order = array();
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopslists.php";
$_list = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray($this->root_path.'/');
foreach($_list as $item){
if(@include $this->root_path.'/'.$item.'/editor_registry.php'){
if(empty($config['order'])) continue;
$order[] = $config['order'];
$list[$item] = array("title" => $config["title"], "nohtml" => @$config["nohtml"]);
array_multisort($order, $list);
if(function_exists("mod_createCacheFile")) {
mod_createCacheFile($list, "list", "xoopseditor");
$editors = array_keys($list);
if(!empty($this->allowed_editors)) {
$editors = array_intersect($editors, $this->allowed_editors);
$_list = array();
foreach($editors as $name){
if(!empty($noHtml) && empty($list[$name]['nohtml'])) continue;
$_list[$name] = $list[$name]['title'];
return $_list;
function render(&$editor)
return $editor->render();
function setConfig(&$editor, $options)
if(method_exists($editor, 'setConfig')) {
foreach($options as $key => $val){
$editor->$key = $val;
function &_loadEditor($name, $options = null)
$editor = null;
if(empty($name)) return $editor;
$editor_path = $this->root_path."/".$name;
if(!include $editor_path."/editor_registry.php") return $editor;
if(empty($config['order'])) return null;
include_once $config['file'];
$editor =& new $config['class']($options);
return $editor;
Moi c'est soit le package fonctionne avec CBB 3.08 mais pas tinyeditor, soit tiny marche mais j'ai une page blanche pour CBB.
Quel est le code de ton fichier phmo ?