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Re: installation inbetween

Titre du sujet : Re: installation inbetween
par merentar sur 01/08/2008 14:47:38

mille mercis

dans l'aide, il est mis:

Citation :
* If you're using an "old" version of Xoops (< 2.2) you can still use inbetween with your modules In this case only a few changes to some of your module's files are required. Following is a sample of integration with an old News module: In your favourite text editor open the file XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/news/include/ about line 35 add the following line include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopseditor/inbetween/forminbetweentextarea.php"; Make sure this is the last file to be included

Then move on and replace the lines which render the textareas with

$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormInbetweenTextArea(array('caption'=> _NW_THESCOOP, 'name'=>'hometext', 'value'=>$hometext, 'width'=>'100%', 'height'=>'300px'),true));

for the Scoop text and

$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormInbetweenTextArea(array('caption'=> _AM_EXTEXT, 'name'=>'bodytext', 'value'=>$bodytext, 'width'=>'100%', 'height'=>'300px'),false));

for the Extended text

That's all!


je ne vois pas où se situe les deux dernières choses à changer...

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