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Re: Team de développement de module.

Titre du sujet : Re: Team de développement de module.
par trabis sur 10/02/2009 21:19:06

Sorry to reply in english.

If you have looked inside xoops 2.3 you will notice a powerful xoops persitable object handler that will improve security and reduce your work when coding modules. It would be stupid not to use it and keeping the old coding style.

You could very well improve your code for xoops 2.3 and then use an extra set of files to be included for making it compatible with impress cms, 2.2.x and 2.0.x.

Since modules are supposed to work in both cms I think is best not to use any of this cms SVN. Same goes for the support site.

I am not experiment with SVN but I have made one repository in google code. I have a site in my own dedicated server ( XOOPS user utilities) which is very able to handle high traffic if needed. I'm creating a team at this very moment and we already start coding the new publisher module that will replace smartsection. If you want to create another team that is fine with me, I´ll join you. If you want to join us then it will be fine for us to!

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