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Nouvelle version TinyD 2.19

Titre du sujet : Nouvelle version TinyD 2.19
par TIGERrobot sur 27/11/2005 17:14:02

J'ai le plaisir de vous soumettre l'info suivante.

VOICI la nouvelle version de TinyD

C'es la 2.19
vous pouvez la télécharger sur: ... nglefile.php?lid=18&cid=1


Ce module est déjà traduit en FR

que du bonheuuuuurrrr
:banane: :banane: :belge:

Citation :
Tiny Content is simple and light content module.
Since I think that simpleness and lightness is the most important factor for content module, I love this module.

I want to clone this module but it is not so easy.
Thus, I experimented to make a module which can be easily cloned.
Though it has not understood whether this experiment succeeded yet, I distribute this funny hacked module.

I thanks to the author -Tobias Liegl (AKA CHAPI)-.


If you are new user of TinyD or TinyContent, upload modules/tinyd0 and install it. (It's quite normal way as a Module for Xoops)

If you want to use features of PEAR Wiki or SPAW editor, upload common/PEAR and common/spaw into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.

If you already a user of CHAPI's TinyContent, rename tinyd0 to tinycontent and overwrite tinycontent/. After this, update the module in module's admin.

If you already a user of TinyD, reneme tinyd0 to tinycontent* as you like.
Of course, updating module is necessary.

You can clone this module easily. only copy them.
And the rule of directory's name is quite simple.

This module judges its number by tale of directory's name.

modules/tinyd0 - treated as No.0 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent1 - treated as No.1 moudle of TinyD
modules/c2 - treated as No.2 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent - treated as unnumbered module of TinyD

The numbers of TinyD have to be unique.
Also, unnumbered module have to be unique.

You can install or upgrade TinyD as modules/tinycontent/ for compatibility of URI.

Moreover, this module demonstrates more abilities with mod_rewrite when you wrap many pages.
If you can use mod_rewrite, rename .htaccess.rewrite into .htaccess .


This project has already exceeded the experimentation phase and reached practical stage.
I modified almost files and has been changed far from original spec.
I recommend this hacked module with confidence.

After mh012, you can also duplicate blocks.
It is useful as replacement as custom blocks or summary of contents.

If you want to use this block as summary, use [summary][/summary] tag.
In content block, you can see inside of this tags on the other hand you can see whole of contents in main part.

And you also want to add a link for full view, copy templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it as you like.


If you want to use SPAW integrated with myAlbum-P, set the path for
phtos/thumbnails like this:



2005-11-14 2.19
- modified the compatibilities with PHP 5.0.5
- remove CRs in some php files

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