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Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97

Voilà mon problème, je viens de modifier plusieurs fichiers pour y ajouter plusieurs hacks dans l'inscription et l'affiche des infos du membre. Et, après avoir transféré le tout sur mon FTP, je dois mettre à jour le module "system", mais quand j'arrive à la page où il devrait y avoir le lien "Mettre à jour", il se trouve, qu'il n'y a rien du tout.

Enfin, la page n'est pas blanche, mais je n'apperçois pas le bouton "Mettre à jour".

Voilà ce qu'il y a :

Citation :

Pressez le bouton ci-dessous pour mettre à jour ce module.

Je ne me souviens pas d'avoir touché à un code concernant ce lien ?!

A quoi celà peut être dû s'il vous plais?

Posté le : 28/03/2006 00:18
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Xoops accro
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 01:54
De Le Mans
Messages: 12273
Mettre en oeuvre un ou plusieurs hacks peut réserver quelques surprises lorsque l'on n'y prend garde.

La moindre des choses est tout d'abord de tester préalablement ses modifications dans un environnement de test qui soit le plus proche de son environnement de production.

J'ose espérer que tu avais bien évidemment effectué une sauvegarde préalable de tes fichiers et de ta base de données.

Posté le : 28/03/2006 01:28
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97

Oui biensur que j'ai fais une sauvegarde de tous mes fichiers en cas de problème. Mais pas spécialement de la base de données, étant donné qu'il n'y a qu'à ajouter des champs.

Que dois-je faire ?

Posté le : 28/03/2006 12:25
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 07:37
De Belgique
Messages: 3376
Ben à mon avis, tu as dû commettre une erreur dans le code. Probablement dans le html, un tag mal fermé.

Revérifie ton code.

Posté le : 28/03/2006 15:03
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97

Il se trouve, que la cause de ce problème, est dû à mon fichier "xoopslists.php".

Car quand lorsque je tranfert mon premier fichier non modifié xoopslists.php, je vois apparaître le bouton.

Il doit y avoir une faille dans le code de cette page, j'ai beau chercher, je ne trouve pas :s

Je vous envoie le code source de cette page.

Citation :
if ( !defined("XOOPS_LISTS_INCLUDED") ) {
class XoopsLists

function &getAgeList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$age_list = array ("10" => _US_AGE_10, "11" => _US_AGE_11, "12" => _US_AGE_12, "13" => _US_AGE_13, "14" => _US_AGE_14, "15" => _US_AGE_15, "16" => _US_AGE_16, "17" => _US_AGE_17, "18" => _US_AGE_18, "19" => _US_AGE_19, "20" => _US_AGE_20, "21" => _US_AGE_21, "22" => _US_AGE_22, "23" => _US_AGE_23, "24" => _US_AGE_24, "25" => _US_AGE_25, "26" => _US_AGE_26, "27" => _US_AGE_27, "28" => _US_AGE_28, "28" => _US_AGE_28, "29" => _US_AGE_29, "30" => _US_AGE_30, "31" => _US_AGE_31, "32" => _US_AGE_32, "33" => _US_AGE_33, "34" => _US_AGE_34, "35" => _US_AGE_35, "36" => _US_AGE_36, "37" => _US_AGE_37, "38" => _US_AGE_38, "39" => _US_AGE_39, "40" => _US_AGE_40, "41" => _US_AGE_41, "42" => _US_AGE_42, "43" => _US_AGE_43, "44" => _US_AGE_44, "45" => _US_AGE_45, "46" => _US_AGE_46, "47" => _US_AGE_47, "48" => _US_AGE_48, "49" => _US_AGE_49, "50" => _US_AGE_50, "51" => _US_AGE_51, "52" => _US_AGE_52, "53" => _US_AGE_53, "54" => _US_AGE_54, "55" => _US_AGE_55, "56" => _US_AGE_56, "57" => _US_AGE_57, "58" => _US_AGE_58, "59" => _US_AGE_59, "60" => _US_AGE_60, "61" => _US_AGE_61, "62" => _US_AGE_62, "63" => _US_AGE_63, "64" => _US_AGE_64, "65 ans" => _US_AGE_65, "Non défini" => _US_AGE_NO);
return $age_list;

function &getGenreList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$genre_list = array ("Homme" => _US_GENRE_MAN, "Femme" => _US_GENRE_WOMAN);
return $genre_list;

function &getPaysList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$pays_list = array ("France" => _US_PAYS_FR, "Belgique" => _US_PAYS_BE, "Suisse" => _US_PAYS_CH, "Quèbec" => _US_PAYS_QU, "Canada" => _US_PAYS_CAN, "Etats Unis" => _US_PAYS_COM, "Luxembourg" => _US_PAYS_LUX, "Monaco" => _US_PAYS_MO, "Allemagne" => _US_PAYS_ALL, "Danemark" => _US_PAYS_DAN, "Espagne" => _US_PAYS_ES, "Italie" => _US_PAYS_IT, "Finlande" => _US_PAYS_FIN, "Norvège" => _US_PAYS_NOR, "Royaume-Uni" => _US_PAYS_ANG, "Russie" => _US_PAYS_RU, "Asie" => _US_PAYS_AS, "Afrique" => _US_PAYS_AF, "Antilles" => _US_PAYS_ANT, "Australie" => _US_PAYS_AUS, "Autriche" => _US_PAYS_AUT, "Brésil" => _US_PAYS_BR, "Balkans" => _US_PAYS_BAL, "Guyane" => _US_PAYS_GUY, "Guinée" => _US_PAYS_GUI, "Guyane" => _US_PAYS_GUY, "Guadeloupe" => _US_PAYS_GUA, "Grèce" => _US_PAYS_GR, "Hongrie" => _US_PAYS_HON, "Irlande" => _US_PAYS_IRL, "Pays Bas" => _US_PAYS_PAY, "Portugal" => _US_PAYS_POR, "Suède" => _US_PAYS_SUE, "Tunisie" => _US_PAYS_TUN, "Turquie" => _US_PAYS_TUR, "Mexique" => _US_PAYS_MEX, "Nouvelle-Calédonie" => _US_PAYS_NOU);
return $pays_list;

function &getPhotosList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$photos_list = array ("Aucunes photos" => _US_PHOTOS_AUC, "Photos d'albums" => _US_PHOTOS_ALB, "Photos du web" => _US_PHOTOS_WEB, "Albums & web" => _US_PHOTOS_TWO);
return $photos_list;

function &getWebcamList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$webcam_list = array ("Oui" => _US_WEBCAM_OUI, "Non" => _US_WEBCAM_NON);
return $webcam_list;

function &getHobbiesList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$hobbies_list = array ("Aucun" => _US_HOBBIES_AUC, "Chanter" => _US_HOBBIES_CHA, "Cinéma" => _US_HOBBIES_CIN "Dessin" => _US_HOBBIES_DES, "Dormir" => _US_HOBBIES_DOR, "Informatique" => _US_HOBBIES_INF, "Internet" => _US_HOBBIES_INT, "Musique" => _US_HOBBIES_MUS, "Shopping" => _US_HOBBIES_SHO, "Sorties et Fêtes" => _US_HOBBIES_SOR, "Sport" => _US_HOBBIES_SPO, "Télévision" => _US_HOBBIES_TEL);
return $hobbies_list;

function &getSportList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$sport_list = array ("Aucun" => _US_SPORT_AUC, "Badminton" => _US_SPORT_BAD, "Basket" => _US_SPORT_BAS "Danse" => _US_SPORT_DAN, "Endurance" => _US_SPORT_END, "Equitation" => _US_SPORT_EQU, "Football" => _US_SPORT_FOO, "Handball" => _US_SPORT_HAN, "Hockey" => _US_SPORT_HOC, "Natation" => _US_SPORT_NAT, "Ping-pong" => _US_SPORT_PIN, "Rugby" => _US_SPORT_RUG, "Ski" => _US_SPORT_SKI, "Sport extrème" => _US_SPORT_EXT, "Surf" => _US_SPORT_SUR, "Tennis" => _US_SPORT_TEN, "Volley" => _US_SPORT_VOL, "VTT" => _US_SPORT_VTT, "Autre" => _US_SPORT_AUT);
return $sport_list;

function &getVacancesList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$vacances_list = array ("Nul part" => _US_VACANCES_AUC, "Campagne" => _US_VACANCES_CAM, "Chez moi" => _US_VACANCES_MOI, "Etranger" => _US_VACANCES_ETR, "Mer" => _US_VACANCES_MER, "Montagne" => _US_VACANCES_MON);
return $vacances_list;

function &getTimeZoneList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/timezone.php';
$time_zone_list = array ("-12" => _TZ_GMTM12, "-11" => _TZ_GMTM11, "-10" => _TZ_GMTM10, "-9" => _TZ_GMTM9, "-8" => _TZ_GMTM8, "-7" => _TZ_GMTM7, "-6" => _TZ_GMTM6, "-5" => _TZ_GMTM5, "-4" => _TZ_GMTM4, "-3.5" => _TZ_GMTM35, "-3" => _TZ_GMTM3, "-2" => _TZ_GMTM2, "-1" => _TZ_GMTM1, "0" => _TZ_GMT0, "1" => _TZ_GMTP1, "2" => _TZ_GMTP2, "3" => _TZ_GMTP3, "3.5" => _TZ_GMTP35, "4" => _TZ_GMTP4, "4.5" => _TZ_GMTP45, "5" => _TZ_GMTP5, "5.5" => _TZ_GMTP55, "6" => _TZ_GMTP6, "7" => _TZ_GMTP7, "8" => _TZ_GMTP8, "9" => _TZ_GMTP9, "9.5" => _TZ_GMTP95, "10" => _TZ_GMTP10, "11" => _TZ_GMTP11, "12" => _TZ_GMTP12);
return $time_zone_list;

* gets list of themes folder from themes directory
function &getThemesList()
return XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_THEME_PATH.'/');

* gets a list of module folders from the modules directory
function &getModulesList()
return XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/");

* gets list of name of directories inside a directory
function &getDirListAsArray($dirname)
$dirlist = array();
if (is_dir($dirname) && $handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ( !preg_match("/^[\.]{1,2}$/",$file) ) {
if (strtolower($file) != 'cvs' && is_dir($dirname.$file) ) {
return $dirlist;

* gets list of all files in a directory
function &getFileListAsArray($dirname, $prefix="")
$filelist = array();
if (substr($dirname, -1) == '/') {
$dirname = substr($dirname, 0, -1);
if (is_dir($dirname) && $handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!preg_match("/^[\.]{1,2}$/",$file) && is_file($dirname.'/'.$file)) {
$file = $prefix.$file;
return $filelist;

* gets list of image file names in a directory
function &getImgListAsArray($dirname, $prefix="")
$filelist = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ( !preg_match("/^[\.]{1,2}$/",$file) && preg_match("/(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png)$/i",$file) ) {
$file = $prefix.$file;
return $filelist;

* gets list of html file names in a certain directory
function &getHtmlListAsArray($dirname, $prefix="")
$filelist = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ( ( !preg_match( "/^[\.]{1,2}$/", $file ) && preg_match( "/(\.htm|\.html|\.xhtml)$/i", $file ) && !is_dir( $file ) ) )
if ( strtolower( $file ) != 'cvs' && !is_dir( $file ) )
$file = $prefix.$file;
$filelist[$file] = $prefix.$file;
return $filelist;

* gets list of avatar file names in a certain directory
* if directory is not specified, default directory will be searched
function &getAvatarsList($avatar_dir="")
$avatars = array();
if ( $avatar_dir != "" ) {
$avatars =& XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/avatar/".$avatar_dir."/", $avatar_dir."/");
} else {
$avatars =& XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/avatar/");
return $avatars;

* gets list of all avatar image files inside default avatars directory
function &getAllAvatarsList()
$avatars = array();
$dirlist = array();
$dirlist =& XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/avatar/");
if ( count($dirlist) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $dirlist as $dir ) {
$avatars[$dir] =& XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/avatar/".$dir."/", $dir."/");
} else {
return false;
return $avatars;

* gets list of subject icon image file names in a certain directory
* if directory is not specified, default directory will be searched
function &getSubjectsList($sub_dir="")
$subjects = array();
if($sub_dir != ""){
$subjects =& XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/subject/".$sub_dir, $sub_dir."/");
} else {
$subjects =& XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/images/subject/");
return $subjects;

* gets list of language folders inside default language directory
function &getLangList()
$lang_list = array();
$lang_list =& XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/language/");
return $lang_list;

function &getCountryList()
$country_list = array (
"" => "-",
"AD" => "Andorra",
"AE" => "United Arab Emirates",
"AF" => "Afghanistan",
"AG" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
"AI" => "Anguilla",
"AL" => "Albania",
"AM" => "Armenia",
"AN" => "Netherlands Antilles",
"AO" => "Angola",
"AQ" => "Antarctica",
"AR" => "Argentina",
"AS" => "American Samoa",
"AT" => "Austria",
"AU" => "Australia",
"AW" => "Aruba",
"AZ" => "Azerbaijan",
"BA" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BB" => "Barbados",
"BD" => "Bangladesh",
"BE" => "Belgium",
"BF" => "Burkina Faso",
"BG" => "Bulgaria",
"BH" => "Bahrain",
"BI" => "Burundi",
"BJ" => "Benin",
"BM" => "Bermuda",
"BN" => "Brunei Darussalam",
"BO" => "Bolivia",
"BR" => "Brazil",
"BS" => "Bahamas",
"BT" => "Bhutan",
"BV" => "Bouvet Island",
"BW" => "Botswana",
"BY" => "Belarus",
"BZ" => "Belize",
"CA" => "Canada",
"CC" => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CF" => "Central African Republic",
"CG" => "Congo",
"CH" => "Switzerland",
"CI" => "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
"CK" => "Cook Islands",
"CL" => "Chile",
"CM" => "Cameroon",
"CN" => "China",
"CO" => "Colombia",
"CR" => "Costa Rica",
"CS" => "Czechoslovakia (former)",
"CU" => "Cuba",
"CV" => "Cape Verde",
"CX" => "Christmas Island",
"CY" => "Cyprus",
"CZ" => "Czech Republic",
"DE" => "Germany",
"DJ" => "Djibouti",
"DK" => "Denmark",
"DM" => "Dominica",
"DO" => "Dominican Republic",
"DZ" => "Algeria",
"EC" => "Ecuador",
"EE" => "Estonia",
"EG" => "Egypt",
"EH" => "Western Sahara",
"ER" => "Eritrea",
"ES" => "Spain",
"ET" => "Ethiopia",
"FI" => "Finland",
"FJ" => "Fiji",
"FK" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"FM" => "Micronesia",
"FO" => "Faroe Islands",
"FR" => "France",
"FX" => "France, Metropolitan",
"GA" => "Gabon",
"GB" => "Great Britain (UK)",
"GD" => "Grenada",
"GE" => "Georgia",
"GF" => "French Guiana",
"GH" => "Ghana",
"GI" => "Gibraltar",
"GL" => "Greenland",
"GM" => "Gambia",
"GN" => "Guinea",
"GP" => "Guadeloupe",
"GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea",
"GR" => "Greece",
"GS" => "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls.",
"GT" => "Guatemala",
"GU" => "Guam",
"GW" => "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY" => "Guyana",
"HK" => "Hong Kong",
"HM" => "Heard and McDonald Islands",
"HN" => "Honduras",
"HR" => "Croatia (Hrvatska)",
"HT" => "Haiti",
"HU" => "Hungary",
"ID" => "Indonesia",
"IE" => "Ireland",
"IL" => "Israel",
"IN" => "India",
"IO" => "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"IQ" => "Iraq",
"IR" => "Iran",
"IS" => "Iceland",
"IT" => "Italy",
"JM" => "Jamaica",
"JO" => "Jordan",
"JP" => "Japan",
"KE" => "Kenya",
"KG" => "Kyrgyzstan",
"KH" => "Cambodia",
"KI" => "Kiribati",
"KM" => "Comoros",
"KN" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"KP" => "Korea (North)",
"KR" => "Korea (South)",
"KW" => "Kuwait",
"KY" => "Cayman Islands",
"KZ" => "Kazakhstan",
"LA" => "Laos",
"LB" => "Lebanon",
"LC" => "Saint Lucia",
"LI" => "Liechtenstein",
"LK" => "Sri Lanka",
"LR" => "Liberia",
"LS" => "Lesotho",
"LT" => "Lithuania",
"LU" => "Luxembourg",
"LV" => "Latvia",
"LY" => "Libya",
"MA" => "Morocco",
"MC" => "Monaco",
"MD" => "Moldova",
"MG" => "Madagascar",
"MH" => "Marshall Islands",
"MK" => "Macedonia",
"ML" => "Mali",
"MM" => "Myanmar",
"MN" => "Mongolia",
"MO" => "Macau",
"MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands",
"MQ" => "Martinique",
"MR" => "Mauritania",
"MS" => "Montserrat",
"MT" => "Malta",
"MU" => "Mauritius",
"MV" => "Maldives",
"MW" => "Malawi",
"MX" => "Mexico",
"MY" => "Malaysia",
"MZ" => "Mozambique",
"NA" => "Namibia",
"NC" => "New Caledonia",
"NE" => "Niger",
"NF" => "Norfolk Island",
"NG" => "Nigeria",
"NI" => "Nicaragua",
"NL" => "Netherlands",
"NO" => "Norway",
"NP" => "Nepal",
"NR" => "Nauru",
"NT" => "Neutral Zone",
"NU" => "Niue",
"NZ" => "New Zealand (Aotearoa)",
"OM" => "Oman",
"PA" => "Panama",
"PE" => "Peru",
"PF" => "French Polynesia",
"PG" => "Papua New Guinea",
"PH" => "Philippines",
"PK" => "Pakistan",
"PL" => "Poland",
"PM" => "St. Pierre and Miquelon",
"PN" => "Pitcairn",
"PR" => "Puerto Rico",
"PT" => "Portugal",
"PW" => "Palau",
"PY" => "Paraguay",
"QA" => "Qatar",
"RE" => "Reunion",
"RO" => "Romania",
"RU" => "Russian Federation",
"RW" => "Rwanda",
"SA" => "Saudi Arabia",
"Sb" => "Solomon Islands",
"SC" => "Seychelles",
"SD" => "Sudan",
"SE" => "Sweden",
"SG" => "Singapore",
"SH" => "St. Helena",
"SI" => "Slovenia",
"SJ" => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands",
"SK" => "Slovak Republic",
"SL" => "Sierra Leone",
"SM" => "San Marino",
"SN" => "Senegal",
"SO" => "Somalia",
"SR" => "Suriname",
"ST" => "Sao Tome and Principe",
"SU" => "USSR (former)",
"SV" => "El Salvador",
"SY" => "Syria",
"SZ" => "Swaziland",
"TC" => "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"TD" => "Chad",
"TF" => "French Southern Territories",
"TG" => "Togo",
"TH" => "Thailand",
"TJ" => "Tajikistan",
"TK" => "Tokelau",
"TM" => "Turkmenistan",
"TN" => "Tunisia",
"TO" => "Tonga",
"TP" => "East Timor",
"TR" => "Turkey",
"TT" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
"TV" => "Tuvalu",
"TW" => "Taiwan",
"TZ" => "Tanzania",
"UA" => "Ukraine",
"UG" => "Uganda",
"UK" => "United Kingdom",
"UM" => "US Minor Outlying Islands",
"US" => "United States",
"UY" => "Uruguay",
"UZ" => "Uzbekistan",
"VA" => "Vatican City State (Holy See)",
"VC" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"VE" => "Venezuela",
"VG" => "Virgin Islands (British)",
"VI" => "Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"VN" => "Viet Nam",
"VU" => "Vanuatu",
"WF" => "Wallis and Futuna Islands",
"WS" => "Samoa",
"YE" => "Yemen",
"YT" => "Mayotte",
"YU" => "Yugoslavia",
"ZA" => "South Africa",
"ZM" => "Zambia",
"ZR" => "Zaire",
"ZW" => "Zimbabwe"
return $country_list;

function &getHtmlList()
$html_list = array (
"a" => "<a>",
"abbr" => "<abbr>",
"acronym" => "<acronym>",
"address" => "<address>",
"b" => "<b>",
"bdo" => "<bdo>",
"big" => "<big>",
"blockquote" => "<blockquote>",
"caption" => "<caption>",
"cite" => "<cite>",
"code" => "<code>",
"col" => "<col>",
"colgroup" => "<colgroup>",
"dd" => "<dd>",
"del" => "<del>",
"dfn" => "<dfn>",
"div" => "<div>",
"dl" => "<dl>",
"dt" => "<dt>",
"em" => "<em>",
"font" => "<font>",
"h1" => "<h1>",
"h2" => "<h2>",
"h3" => "<h3>",
"h4" => "<h4>",
"h5" => "<h5>",
"h6" => "<h6>",
"hr" => "<hr>",
"i" => "<i>",
"img" => "<img>",
"ins" => "<ins>",
"kbd" => "<kbd>",
"li" => "<li>",
"map" => "<map>",
"object" => "<object>",
"ol" => "<ol>",
"samp" => "<samp>",
"small" => "<small>",
"strong" => "<strong>",
"sub" => "<sub>",
"sup" => "<sup>",
"table" => "<table>",
"tbody" => "<tbody>",
"td" => "<td>",
"tfoot" => "<tfoot>",
"th" => "<th>",
"thead" => "<thead>",
"tr" => "<tr>",
"tt" => "<tt>",
"ul" => "<ul>",
"var" => "<var>"
return $html_list;

function &getUserRankList()
$db =& Database::getInstance();
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$sql = "SELECT rank_id, rank_title FROM ".$db->prefix("ranks")." WHERE rank_special = 1";
$ret = array();
$result = $db->query($sql);
while ( $myrow = $db->fetchArray($result) ) {
$ret[$myrow['rank_id']] = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($myrow['rank_title']);
return $ret;

Et lorsque j'enlève ce code :
Citation :
function &getHobbiesList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$hobbies_list = array ("Aucun" => _US_HOBBIES_AUC, "Chanter" => _US_HOBBIES_CHA, "Cinéma" => _US_HOBBIES_CIN "Dessin" => _US_HOBBIES_DES, "Dormir" => _US_HOBBIES_DOR, "Informatique" => _US_HOBBIES_INF, "Internet" => _US_HOBBIES_INT, "Musique" => _US_HOBBIES_MUS, "Shopping" => _US_HOBBIES_SHO, "Sorties et Fêtes" => _US_HOBBIES_SOR, "Sport" => _US_HOBBIES_SPO, "Télévision" => _US_HOBBIES_TEL);
return $hobbies_list;

function &getSportList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$sport_list = array ("Aucun" => _US_SPORT_AUC, "Badminton" => _US_SPORT_BAD, "Basket" => _US_SPORT_BAS "Danse" => _US_SPORT_DAN, "Endurance" => _US_SPORT_END, "Equitation" => _US_SPORT_EQU, "Football" => _US_SPORT_FOO, "Handball" => _US_SPORT_HAN, "Hockey" => _US_SPORT_HOC, "Natation" => _US_SPORT_NAT, "Ping-pong" => _US_SPORT_PIN, "Rugby" => _US_SPORT_RUG, "Ski" => _US_SPORT_SKI, "Sport extrème" => _US_SPORT_EXT, "Surf" => _US_SPORT_SUR, "Tennis" => _US_SPORT_TEN, "Volley" => _US_SPORT_VOL, "VTT" => _US_SPORT_VTT, "Autre" => _US_SPORT_AUT);
return $sport_list;

function &getVacancesList()
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'].'/user.php';
$vacances_list = array ("Nul part" => _US_VACANCES_AUC, "Campagne" => _US_VACANCES_CAM, "Chez moi" => _US_VACANCES_MOI, "Etranger" => _US_VACANCES_ETR, "Mer" => _US_VACANCES_MER, "Montagne" => _US_VACANCES_MON);
return $vacances_list;

Ca marche !

Posté le : 28/03/2006 16:04

Edité par stardust sur 28/03/2006 16:44:32
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97

Posté le : 30/03/2006 19:32
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 07:37
De Belgique
Messages: 3376
1) Que donne le mode debug php ?

2) Que se passe-t'il si tu supprimes ces fonctions une à une ?

Posté le : 30/03/2006 20:59
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97
Ahh, merci.
Grâce au mode debug php, j'ai eu un message d'erreur quand j'étais sur "register.php" qui renvoyait vers "class/xoopslists.php", et j'ai corrigé les failles.

Citation :
1) Que donne le mode debug php ?

2) Que se passe-t'il si tu supprimes ces fonctions une à une ?

J'ai répondu pour le mode debug, mais que veux-tu dire par "Que se passe-t'il si tu supprimes ces fonctions une à une" ?

Quels fonctions dois-je supprimer et où ?

Merci bien.

P.S: Quand le mode debug est en donction php, sur n'importe quel endroit du site, je trouve pleins de notices tout en bas..

Citation :
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file include/functions.php line 493
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 239

Et encore plein d'autres.. est-ce normal ?
Si non, que dois-je faire svp ?

Posté le : 31/03/2006 17:44
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Re: Je ne peux plus mettre í  jour mon module
Inscrit: 28/10/2005 18:42
Messages: 97
Arggg, non, c'est encore plus pire qu'avant !

Je viens actuellement de "Mettre à jour" le module system, et je vois plus les menus de gauche dans la partie d'admin, même plus les contenus dans les blocs "à l'index du site et dans les blocs personnalisés à gauche ou à droite du site)

Je viens à l'instant de mettre en mode debug PHP, et les menus dans la partie d'admin sont désormais voyants.

J'avais aussi eu un message d'erreurs lorsque j'ai mis à jour ce module.

Toutes ces choses là, n'arrivent qu'à moi, merde !

Pas d'chance en amour ni aux jeux, ni à xoops !

Aidez-moi please

Posté le : 31/03/2006 18:04
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