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Re: pb install xoops multilanguage
Inscrit: 16/05/2005 12:11
Messages: 67
là je le dit...j'ai la rage....arreter de me répéter les memes choses...le site smart factory est en fr ok...mais il ne disent rien quand a la procédure d' dans le fichier en download ....c'est en je le prouve....traduiser si ca vous amuse...mais moi je commence a demande de l'aide et on est pas capable de me repondre correctement...arretez de vous répeter les gars ca sert a veut une réponse..;pas qu'on me renvoye a chaque fois au meme endroit.

* Package: Xoops Multilanguages
* Version: 2.0.3
* Compatibility : XOOPS
* Author: The SmartFactory <>
* Licence: GNU


Please don't disregard this, as it is important. This is a *heavily* hacked version of Xoops carefully crafted by The SmartFactory to support the easy (but hard-working) creation of Xoops sites in several languages. It's an exercise in useful hacking and not a substitute for true multilanguage features that we hope to include in future versions of Xoops.

THIS IS AN UNSUPPORTED VERSION OF XOOPS <sigh>, and though we've done our best to do things right, something awful might happen, and in that case, mostly you're on your own. Of course, we provide support on She SmartFactory's forums on our free time but we cannot guaranty any response time. You've been warned.

This work is based in the contributions of many Xoops users. Among them we can quote and thank:

-> Adi Chiributa [], creator of the original multilanguage hack
-> Chado, Chad, creator of the extension that applies the hack to a site's content using the text sanitizer
-> Daigoro [], relentless instiller of many improvements to the hack
-> Of course all the devs, for giving us a tool such as Xoops
-> And last but not least, the Xoops community, always asking for more (grin).

Before installing or upgrading

Please note that, as a hack, this package overwrites some of the original files of XOOPS. If you already have implemented any hacks on your site, we recommend the use of a file merging software like BeyondCompare or WinMerge.

Updating from XOOPS Multilanguages v2.0.2

If you already have XOOPS Multilanguages 2.0.2 with XOOPS, we've created a package just for you that can be found in the folder 'XOOPS_2.0.13.1_ML_2.0.3'. Please refer to the ReadMe.txt within that folder for further instructions.

Installing XOOPS Multilanguages for the first time

If you are installing XOOPS Multilanguages for the first time, you need to CAREFULLY follow these instructions.

1- First, you need to have a WORKING install of XOOPS You will also need to install each and every language packs you wish to use on your site.

2 - Unzip the XOOPS Multilanguages package and copy the content of the 'Core' folder in the root of your XOOPS site.

3 - The management of XOOPS Multilanguages is done via a module called SmartLanguage. You will need to install this module. Go to System Admin > Modules and install the module 'SmartLanguage'.

4 - Finally, in the Administration section, go to the SmartLanguage module and configure the language tags as you wish.

How does this work ?

When language tags are defined, you can use them in brackets ([]) anywhere you like in your site. You need to place specific language text inside its related language tag. Here is an example.

Let's suppose we have configure the french language tag to be [fr] and the english language tag to be [en]. Let's look at the following string :*[fr]Ceci est un texte en français[/fr][en]This text is in english[/en]*. If a user has selected the *french* language, he would only see *Ceci est un texte en français*, but if he has selected the *english* language, he would see this instead : *This text is in english*.

What is the Default Language ?

On the Language Tags Definition tab, you can select a default language among the languages installed on your site. When the content of an item is not available in the language chosen by the user, the item will be displayed in that language !

What is the Custom Smarty Tab ?

In the admin section of SmartLanguage, you will also find a tab called Custom Smarty Tag Definition. Here is how it works :

Smarty tags can be used anywhere in your theme and template. Each smarty tag that you create can be added in as many languages as your site has. The tag will the be displayed according to the language selected by the user !

What is translated

Since the begining, the different authors of this hack tried to translate as much thing they could. However, it is still possible that you encouter some text that is not translated. If you find some, please let us know so we can improve the hack.

There are also some places where we deliberately left the strings for the languages involved. There's a reason, of course. If you see the string translated, you may get to think you haven't translated that yet, and feel the urge to translate the variables again. However, these few instances are all in the admin part of Xoops, so they should not bother your users.

The hack's been applied so you can translate almost every conceivable text string you can find in Xoops. If you find something untranslated and feel it needs to be included, please let us know so we improve this package.

What about other modules, are they all Multilingual ?

Most modules need to be hack to support XOOPS Multilingual. In the folder 'hacked_modules' of this package, you will find the hacked version of modules shipped with XOOPS.

To find other hacked module, have a look at the section 'Modules Hacks' on The SmartFactory's web site :

Last Warnings !
Finally, before you go and start finding this is not what you expected, please bear in mind this is an exercise. We won't be liable for any mental damage you might suffer, or for any other unexpected consequence of your acts. In other words, is something goes wrong, blame Murphy, or someone else, but not us. Of course, if everything works perfectly, congratulations.

Support is offer for this package on my free time at

.:: The SmartFactory ::.
.:: marcan (aka mal aka Marc-André) ::.
.:: ::.
.:: ::.

PS: And if you like this package, please say so! It won't cost you a cent and it's always appreciated ! :)

Posté le : 21/10/2005 22:40
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Re: pb install xoops multilanguage
Inscrit: 16/05/2005 12:11
Messages: 67
merci à l'administrateur de smart factory : voici le lienmodule multilangue (explication fr).rar

Posté le : 22/10/2005 00:24
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Re: pb install xoops multilanguage
Inscrit: 16/05/2005 12:11
Messages: 67
grace a l'admin du site smart factory

Posté le : 22/10/2005 01:02
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Re: pb install xoops multilanguage
Inscrit: 10/10/2003 18:15
De Montréal | Canada
Messages: 95
@hackminato :
Citation :
là je le dit...j'ai la rage....arreter de me répéter les memes choses...le site smart factory est en fr ok...mais il ne disent rien quand a la procédure d' dans le fichier en download ....c'est en je le prouve....traduiser si ca vous amuse...mais moi je commence a demande de l'aide et on est pas capable de me repondre correctement...arretez de vous répeter les gars ca sert a veut une réponse..;pas qu'on me renvoye a chaque fois au meme endroit.

Je comprends ta frustration. Cependant, il est important que tu comprennes que XOOPS est une communauté Open Source composée de gens qui donnent leur temps gratuitement. Il arrive donc souvent que l'on ait une demande spécifique pour laquelle personne ne peut aider faute de temps. Dans tous les cas, je peux t'assurer qu'il est toujours plus préférable d'être calme et courtois pour obtenir ce que l'on désire .

Si les gens ici t'on référé au site de la SmartFactory, c'est parce qu'ils n'avaient pas en leur possession de tuto en français pour l'installation de XOOPS ML et qu'ils n'avaient pas non plus le temps de le traduire pour toi.

J'ai été chanceux, j'ai retrouvé une vieille traduc que j'avais faite et je l'ai adaptée, et le tout a été rendu possible car, par je ne sais quel miracle, j'ai réussi à trouver 15 minutes pour toi. Un autre jour, je n'aurais peut être pas pu trouvé le temps, et j'aurais été un brin insulté si tu avais démontré une quelconque impatience

Nous faisons tous beaucoup pour la communauté et parfois, il n'y a pas assez de 24h dans une journée

Je suis sur que tu comprends

Dans tous les cas, j'en ai profité pour ajouter un tuto sur le site de la SmartFactory : Installation de XOOPS Multilangues.

Espérant que XOOPS Multilangue te plaise et que ce tuto profitera à d'autres Xoopsiens !

Posté le : 22/10/2005 22:16

.:: marcan (aka mal aka Marc-André Lanciault ::.
.:: Open Source :: The SmartFactory ::.
.:: Services Professionnels XOOPS :: INBOX International inc. ::.
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