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pb de modification de theme
Inscrit: 02/06/2006 21:13
Messages: 53
Voila jai modifier un theme sans toucher aux codes php.Ce theme je l'est chargé sur mon site et tous s'affiche normalement. Sauf que tous les liens a l'interieur du site renvoyer vers une page blanche!!!J'ai recharger le theme par defaut et la meme probleme!! ducou jai supprimer les 2 themes et remi et la plus rien saffiche !!! Alors que j'ai meme pas toucher aux codes ou aux fichiers!!
Help!! (help

Posté le : 02/11/2006 01:10

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Xoops accro
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 01:54
De Le Mans
Messages: 12273
Sans voir les thèmes c'est pas facile de répondre.
page blanche : activation du mode debug (admin system, préférences, paramètres généraux, mode de mise au point

Quand on met un thème au point on évite de le définir de suite comme thème par défaut. On commence par le sélectionner dans admin system, préférences, paramètres généraux, Thèmes sélectionnables avec également le thème défaut ou le thème actuel qui fonctionne.

Ensuite avec le bloc thèmes visible on peut ainsi passer de l'un à l'autre sans se faire "piéger". En conservant une fenêtre (ou mieux un onglet) connecté sur l'admin de son site, on réserve une issue de sortie en cas de blocage. C'est ce qui est expliqué dans notre bloc documentation en page d'accueil sur la modification des thèmes.

Posté le : 02/11/2006 01:21
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Re: pb de modification de theme
Inscrit: 02/06/2006 21:13
Messages: 53
Bizarement c'est que le theme bcool_black qui n'affiche rien les autres themes marche mais les liens a l'interieur du site non.
Voila se que j'obtient en mod debug sur le theme non modifier bbcool_black (car celui que j'ai fait je l'est supprimé).

All errors (50) queries (69) blocks (14) extra (0) timers (6)
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file /modules/spotlight/class/mini.php line 112
Notice: Undefined variable: excludes in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Notice: Undefined variable: excludes in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Notice: Undefined variable: excludes in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in file /modules/spotlight/blocks/kuht_head_news.php line 193
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant link - assumed 'link' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 15
Notice: Use of undefined constant pubdate - assumed 'pubdate' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in file /class/xoopsblock.php(146) : eval()'d code line 17
Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /include/xoopscodes.php line 84
Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "/themes/bcool_black/theme.html" in file /class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1095
Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "/themes/bcool_black/theme.html" in file /class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1095
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SELECT * FROM xoops3_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops3_banner
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SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM xoops3_group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2)
SELECT b.* FROM xoops3_newblocks b, xoops3_block_module_link m WHERE AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id IN (0,-1) AND IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,140,142,145,143,137,138,139,136,126,133,132,135,134,144,141,87,123,146,179,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,102,189,190,191) ORDER BY b.weight,
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SELECT m.*, n.title, n.published, n.expired FROM xoops3_spotlight_mini m, xoops3_stories n WHERE (m.mini_show = '1' AND m.topicid > '0' AND m.topicid = n.`topicid`) ORDER BY m.mini_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops3_spotlight WHERE sid = 1
SELECT * FROM xoops3_stories WHERE storyid=1
SELECT * FROM xoops3_topics WHERE topic_id=6
SELECT * FROM xoops3_smiles
SELECT * FROM xoops3_stories WHERE published > 0 AND published <= 1162465516 AND (expired = 0 OR expired > 1162465516) AND ihome=0 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 0, 5
SELECT * FROM xoops3_topics WHERE topic_id=3
SELECT * FROM xoops3_topics WHERE topic_id=3
SELECT * FROM xoops3_topics WHERE topic_id=3
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SELECT sum(comments) FROM xoops3_stories
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops3_stories WHERE published > 0 AND published <= 1162465516 AND (expired = 0 OR expired > 1162465516) AND ihome=0
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SELECT id, pid, groups, link, submenu, title, target, imageurl, weight FROM xoops3_multimenu03 WHERE hide = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC
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SELECT id, pid, groups, link, submenu, title, target, imageurl, weight FROM xoops3_multimenu04 WHERE hide = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC
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SELECT id, pid, groups, link, submenu, title, target, imageurl, weight FROM xoops3_multimenu05 WHERE hide = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC
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SELECT * FROM xoops3_config WHERE (conf_modid = '64') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops3_bb_forums ORDER BY forum_order
SELECT * FROM xoops3_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_itemid = '64' AND gperm_modid = '1')
SELECT uid FROM xoops3_groups_users_link WHERE groupid=1
SELECT p.post_id, p.subject, p.post_time, p.icon, p.uid, p.poster_name, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.allow_subject_prefix FROM xoops3_bb_posts AS p LEFT JOIN xoops3_bb_forums AS f ON f.forum_id=p.forum_id WHERE 1=1 AND p.forum_id IN (1,2,3,4) AND p.approved = 1 ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 0, 10
SELECT * FROM xoops3_users WHERE uid IN (1)
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops3_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops3_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'newbb_block_post.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xoops3_multimenu06 WHERE hide = 1
SELECT id, pid, groups, link, submenu, title, target, imageurl, weight FROM xoops3_multimenu06 WHERE hide = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops3_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops3_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'multimenu_block_06.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
SELECT lid, cid, title, date, hits FROM xoops3_mylinks_links WHERE status>0 ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0, 10
SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM xoops3_tplfile f LEFT JOIN xoops3_tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (tpl_tplset = 'default' AND tpl_file = 'mylinks_block_top.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid
Total: 69 queries
Menu Tiny Content: No Cache
A la Une - Actualités: No Cache
Sujets d'articles: No Cache
Bloc personnalisé (PHP): No Cache
multiMenu 01: No Cache
Qui est en ligne: No Cache
multiMenu 02: No Cache
Shoutbox: No Cache
multiMenu 03: No Cache
multiMenu 04: No Cache
multiMenu 05: No Cache
Nouveaux posts: No Cache
multiMenu 06: No Cache
Top Liens: No Cache
Total: 14 blocks
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Posté le : 02/11/2006 12:12

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Supporter Xoops
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 13:37
De Breizh
Messages: 16972

Peux-tu nous mettre en les balises bbcode adéquats le code de ton fichier theme.html

A +

Posté le : 02/11/2006 12:26

La connaissance s'accroît quand on la partage ...
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Re: pb de modification de theme
Inscrit: 02/06/2006 21:13
Messages: 53
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                <div class="blockContent"><{$block.content}></div>
                <br />
<{/foreach}> </td>
        <!-- End display center blocks -->
        <div id="content"> <{$xoops_contents}> <br />
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                        <div class="blockTitle"><{$block.title}></div>
                        <div class="blockContent"><{$block.content}></div>
          <{/foreach}> </td>
              <br />
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            <td style="width:15px; "><img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>images/spacer.gif" alt="." width="15" height="1" /></td>
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Posté le : 02/11/2006 12:55

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Supporter Xoops
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 13:37
De Breizh
Messages: 16972
1) vérifies à l'aide du fichier md5 l'intégrité de tes fichiers de ta version 2.0.15 de xoops
2) reuploads les dossiers include, class et kernel sur ton site
3) on verra ensuite ...

A +

Posté le : 02/11/2006 13:48

La connaissance s'accroît quand on la partage ...
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Re: pb de modification de theme
Inscrit: 02/06/2006 21:13
Messages: 53
1)J'ai vérifier l'intégrité et j'obtient ceci:
./favicon.ico content invalid
./images/icons/delete.gif content invalid
./images/icons/edit.gif content invalid
./images/icons/pm.gif content invalid
./images/icons/profile.gif content invalid
./images/icons/reply.gif content invalid
./install/class/cachemanager.php missing !
./install/class/dbmanager.php missing !
./install/class/mainfilemanager.php missing !
./install/class/settingmanager.php missing !
./install/class/textsanitizer.php missing !
./install/img/bg_content_left.gif missing !
./install/img/bg_content_right.gif missing !
./install/img/bg_darkblue.gif missing !
./install/img/bg_table.gif missing !
./install/img/dummy.gif missing !
./install/img/hbar_installer_right.gif missing !
./install/img/hbar_left.gif missing !
./install/img/hbar_middle.gif missing !
./install/img/hbar_right.gif missing !
./install/img/logo.gif missing !
./install/img/no.gif missing !
./install/img/xoops2.gif missing !
./install/img/yes.gif missing !
./install/index.php missing !
./install/install_tpl.php missing !
./install/language/english/finish.php missing !
./install/language/english/install.php missing !
./install/language/english/install2.php missing !
./install/language/english/ missing !
./install/language/english/welcome.php missing !
./install/makedata.php missing !
./install/passwd.php missing !
./install/sql/ missing !
./install/sql/mysql.structure.sql missing !
./install/sql/upgrade/mysql.structure.sql missing !
./install/style.css missing !
./modules/system/images/powered_by_xoops.gif content invalid
./modules/system/images/system_slogo.png content invalid
End of files check.

2)J'ai uploader les dossiers class, include et kernel toujours le meme probleme rien ne s'affiche.

Posté le : 02/11/2006 14:06

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Supporter Xoops
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 13:37
De Breizh
Messages: 16972
avec le thème default, tu as les mêmes problèmes ?

Posté le : 02/11/2006 14:34

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Inscrit: 02/06/2006 21:13
Messages: 53
Non le theme saffiche mais les liens qui doivent s'ouvrir dans ma page donne sur une page blanche...

Posté le : 02/11/2006 15:08

Edité par duk3 sur 02/11/2006 15:49:19

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Re: pb de modification de theme
Supporter Xoops
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 13:37
De Breizh
Messages: 16972
Essayes de faire ce test, et donnes nous le résultat

A +

Posté le : 02/11/2006 16:02

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