TinyMCE 3.5.3 pour Xoops

Date 23/06/2012 | Sujet : Divers

Nous avons procédé à la mise à jour de l'éditeur javascript "WYSIWYG" TinyMCE pour Xoops à la version 3.5.3

Changelog (en anglais) de la version 3.5.3
  • Added missing wbr element to HTML5 schema.
  • Added new mceToggleFormat command. Enabled you to toggle a specific format on/off.
  • Fixed bug where undo/redo state didn't update correctly after executing an execCommand call.
  • Fixed bug where the editor would get auto focused on IE running in quirks mode.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter before an IMG or INPUT element wouldn't properly split the block.
  • Fixed bug where backspace would navigate back when selecting control types on IE.
  • Fixed bug where the editor remove method would unbind events for controls outside the editor instance UI.
  • Fixed bug where the autosave plugin would try to store a draft copy of editors that where removed.
  • Fixed bug where floated elements wouldn't expand the block created when pressing enter on non IE browsers.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would be placed in the wrong location when pressing enter at the beginning of a block.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to block events using the handle_event_callback option.
  • Fixed bug where keyboard navigation of the ColorSplitButton.js didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed bug where keyboard navigation didn't work correctly on split buttons.
  • Fixed bug where the legacy Event.add function didn't properly handle multiple id:s passed in.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would disappear on IE when selecting all contents and pressing backspace/delete.
  • Fixed bug where the getStart/getEnd methods would sometimes return elements from the wrong document on IE.
  • Fixed so paragraphs gets created if you press enter inside a form element.
Téléchargement :
Installation :

Dézippez l'archive puis transférez le dossier "class" à la racine de votre site sous Xoops

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