News 1.3.1 RC2

Date 25/05/2005 | Sujet : Modules


La deuxième Release Candidate du module de News version 1.3.1 est disponible.
Cette version n'est pas une version définitive, vous ne devez donc pas vous en servir sur un site de production.
Cette version corrige des bugs de la version précédente.

Courte liste des modifications
- Correction de bug dans le bloc des articles aléatoires
- Correction dans le lien des commentaires
- Correction avec l'utilisation de l'éditeur dhtml standard de Xoops
- Tous les chemins relatifs ont été remplacés par des chemins abolus (dans les templates)
- Des corrections dans la vue par sujets
- Moins de warnings
- Corrections de bugs dans les permissions
- Deux nouvelles variables Smarty
- Changement mineur dans la génération automatique des mots clés

Comment obtenir le module
Rendez vous simplement à cette adresse : ... oup_id=1008&release_id=60
La traduction francaise se trouve sur cette même page.

Mise à jour
Lancez le script suivant :

Un peu plus
Pour plus d'informations sur les nouvelles possibilités de cette série, consultez cet article.

Voir le module en action
Vous pouvez voir le module en action sur ce site
Jettez un oeil à la source des pages pour voir la génération automatique des mots clés

Changelog complet
Citation :

Corrections :
> There was a bug int the "randon news" block when you was selecting to use only one or zero stories (thank you domifara)
> I have, again, corrected a bug in the comments links (thank you mczolton)
> The "recent news" block was not respecting permissions in classical mode
> When you was using the standard dhtml Xoops editor in the Topics Manager, you was not able to use the editor's buttons (thank you eric_juden)
> I have replaced, in the users part, all the relative paths to absolute paths (this is usefull when you are using shorturls for example)
> Some minor corrections in the templates
> Some bugs corrections in the "view by topics" view. First the permissions was not respected and there were warnings.
> I have corrected a bug in the "notify publisher" option
> I have removed some warnings in the "recent news" block
> A bug was affecting many parts of the module concerning the permissions
> I have removed some warnings in the "random news" block
> The option "Publish in frontpage" available for each topic was not always used
> The topics list contained in the form used to create stories was not respecting permissions (bug introduced in the 1.3.1 version only).

Additions/Changes :
> I have added, in the module's index page and in the article's page, two new Smarty vars :
topic_title - Wich will only contains the news topic (with a ilnk)
news_title - Wich will only contains the news title (with a link)
This will respond to the often asked question, "how to remove the topic's title from the news title.
It's available in the module's index page and in the article's page.
Suggestion made by ralf57
> In the index page, when you was viewing a topic and where there were no articles inside it, nothing was visible. Now you can see, at least
and if you have selected it, the navigation's bar
> In the part wich is responsible to generate keywords automatically, I have added an "option" so that the default keywords defined in the
preferences are returned when the module can't compute any keyword.
> In the topics manager, by default the topics was created as a submenu of the "News" item, that's not the case anymore

A bientôt,

Cet article provient de Communauté Francophone des Utilisateurs de Xoops

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