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Téléchargements Modules Version 2.5 Discussions Newbb 4.33 RC9

Newbb 4.33 RC9 Populaire 
  • 28
  • août

Avertissement : ce module est encore en phase de test
Il peut encore contenir quelques bugs mineurs, merci de votre compréhension

Minimum requis

- XOOPS 2.5.7
- MYSQL 5.0.7
- PHP 5.3.7


CBB est un gestionnaire avancé de forums.

Parmi les fonctions du module :

  • Gestion de catégories
  • Forums et sous-forums, forums privés
  • Gestion de fichiers attachés
  • Intégration avec le module xoopspoll pour les sondages
  • Gestion améliorée des permissions
  • Fonctionnalités nombreuses pour les modérateurs
    (déplacement de message, de sujet, fusion d'un message ou d'un sujet dans un autre, possibilité de rapport aux modérateurs..
  • Mise en valeur de certains sujets : agrafés, en sommaire
  • Création de flux rss à par forums
  • Options paramétrables pour les purges
  • Formulaire simplifié pour réponse rapide
  • Formulaire spécifique de recherche
  • etc..


4.33 RC 9 2014-08-28
- deleting non english language files (cesag)
- renamed .htaccess to _htaccess to avoid an error in the installation (cesag)
- renamed forgotten .html Smarty templates to .tpl (cesag)

4.33 RC 8 2014-04-23
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)
- removed closing php tags (mamba)
- set min. PHP as 5.3.7 and min. XOOPS as 2.5.7 (mamba)

date 2013-08-27
1- bug fix: Notice: Undefined index: fct in file /modules/newbb/xoops_version.php line 767 (Cesag)

date 2013-08-24
1- bug fix: check if xoops poll module is available in newbb/admin/index.php (Cesag)
2- bug fix: single quotes inside language definitions break onClick event (Cesag/Irmtfan/Mamba)

date 2013-05-28
1- improve: rewrite topic synchronization function. add pid sync and remove hard-code db access in newbb/class/topic.php
2- improve: rewrite forum cleanOrphan function. add parent_forum and cat_id orphan check in newbb/class/forum.php
3- enhance: rewrite admin > sync and recon functions. remove hard-codes access to db. in newbb/admin/admin_synchronization.php and newbb/include/functions.recon.php
4- improve: irmtfan - move cleanOrphan to synchronization function in newbb/include/functions.recon.php and newbb/class/topic.php
date 2013-05-25
1- improve: add $formtype = "hidden" | "select" for poll_module config to be effect in Onupdate process. in newbb/xoops_version.php
2- improve: findPollModule function: just select needed "poll_id" field from topic table in newbb/class/topic.php

date 2013-05-23
1- add: findPollModule function to 'NewbbTopicHandler' class to find poll module that is in used in the current newbb installtion. in newbb/class/topic.php
2- improve: add getActivePolls function to 'NewbbTopicHandler' class to get all active poll modules in the current xoops installtion. in newbb/class/topic.php
3- add: add getPoll function to 'Topic' class to get a poll object from a poll module. in newbb/class/topic.php
4- enhance: add a $pollModule dirname of the poll module to loadOldPoll function in 'Topic' class to Load functions needed for old poll module. in newbb/class/topic.php
5- add: special check to find and save the used poll module on the newbb update process. in newbb/xoops_version.pp
6- add: special check to find and save the used poll module on the newbb saving preferences process. in newbb/xoops_version.pp
7- change version to 4.33 RC7 in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2013-05-22
bug fix: in topic merge: the old topic will be deleted if user input a not exist new topic in newbb/topicmanager.php
improve: in topic merge: less query to update new topic_views in newbb/topicmanager.php
fix: in topic merge: new forum should be synchronized after merge in newbb/topicmanager.php
improve: in topic merge: better method for delete the old topic and synchronize the new topic, old forum and new forum in newbb/topicmanager.php
add: in topic merge: if old topic has a poll and new topic has not a poll, move poll from old topic to new topic in newbb/topicmanager.php
fix: in topic merge: update vote data instead of deleting them in newbb/topicmanager.php
improve: add deletePoll function to 'Topic' class to use with ease in newbb/class/topic.php, newbb/class/post.php, newbb/topicmanager.php
add: better poll module display link and version in admin index. in newbb/admin/index.php

date 2013-05-21
1- poll_module: force user to only select poll module once in preferences in newbb/xoops_version.php
2- bug fix: poll_module handler in newbb/class/post.php

date 2013-05-19
1- add: poll_module: rewrite polls.php to accept xoopspoll 1.4 by zyspec and all old xoopspoll and umfrage versions and all clones.
in newbb/class/topic.php and newbb/polls.php , newbb/votepolls.php , newbb/viewtopic.php , newbb/class/post.php , newbb/topicmanager.php
and newbb/templates/newbb_poll_results.html , newbb/templates/newbb_poll_view.html
and newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/newbb_poll_results.html , newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/newbb_poll_view.html

2- add: $xoopspoll in header for backward compatibility. in newbb/header.php
3- improve: priorities for default poll module : 1- xoopspoll 2- last element in array 3- if no poll module => 0 in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2013-05-19
1- add poll_module config to avoid writing hard-code poll dirname (eg: clones) in newbb/xoops_version.php and newbb/header.php and newbb/admin/index.php
2- change version to 4.32 in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2013-05-14
1- add: itemId($item_name) plugin: any module can define a plugin to get its itemId based on item_name. now newbb:
In newbb > viewtopic.php the topic_id is not always in the URL $_REQUEST.
in newbb/class/plugin/userlog.php (2013/05/14)

date 2013-04-23
1- add last_login to viewtopic.php (Mamba) in newbb/viewtopic.php and newbb/class/user.php and newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html and newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/newbb_thread.html

date 2013-04-20
1- bug fix: remove ALTER TABLE `bb_posts` DROP INDEX `approved`; and add to mysql.php and change version to 431 in newbb/sql/mysql.430.sql and newbb/sql/mysql.php and newbb/xoops_version.php
2- improve: add check version in user database to dont run update script if user has the latest version. in newbb/include/module.php
3- Change status to RC6
4- add: forum name in newbb/moderate.php
date 2013-04-17
1- bug fix: should not ban the user in forum who is moderator of that forum. in newbb/include/ and newbb/class/moderate.php
2- bug fix: uid=0 for anonymous users in newbb/class/moderate.php
3- bug fix: if forum=0 should return true in any forum in newbb/class/moderate.php
4- bug fix: should not show quick reply for suspend users otherwise they can post in newbb/viewtopic.php
5- add: forum select box for admins to be able to suspend users in any forum or all forums in newbb/moderate.php
6- bug fix: only show all bans for module admin - for moderator just show its forum_id bans in newbb/moderate.php

date 2013-04-15
1- improve: add anon users to topic poster and last poster in NewbbTopicRenderer class (used in block and list.topic.php)
newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/xoops_version.php,
newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/blocks/list_topic.php

date 2013-02-11
1- improve: add multi topic poster and multi last poster to NewbbTopicRenderer class (used in block and list.topic.php)
newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/xoops_version.php,
newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/blocks/list_topic.php

2- improve and fix: multi status and multi display header in NewbbTopicRenderer class
newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/blocks/list_topic.php

date 2013-02-07
1- improve: enhance the advance block. add more sorts: lastposttime, lastposter, lastpostmsgicon . add more display mode: attachment, read, pagenav
newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/xoops_version.php,
newbb/blocks/list_topic.php, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html, newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html
newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

2- change default from sticky to lastpost

3- bug fix: read status: read topics do not show for readmode = 1 in list.topic.php

date 2013-02-06
1- bug fix: Undefined variable: forumCookie revert last change - use global instead of include_once
in newbb/footer.php

2- bug fix: Undefined index: newbb config in blocks activated in some modules like profile
in newbb/class/post.php

3- bug fix: dont show topic title in list.topic.php
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html, newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html

date 2013-02-05
1- bug fix: when update the type for a specific forum it delete other forum's types too.(important)
in newbb/class/type.php

2- bug fix: t.topic_rating to t.rating in viewforum and topic renderer pages
in newbb/viewforum.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

3- bug fix: dont add sort to criteria if sort=null eg: /list.topic.php?sort= will cause db error
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

4- bug fix: if user set post_excerpt = 0 in preferences, there is no join in criteria and Undefined index: join error occured.
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

5- feature add: NewbbTopicRenderer class can accept multiple status. more status and sort is added.
status supproted: all(by default), sticky, digest,lock, poll, voted, viewed, replied, read, (UN_) , active, pending, deleted (admin)
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

6- feature add: add "topic_title_excerpt" setting. render topics with the specific title length. 0 = dont excerpt and show the whole topic title.
in newbb/include/plugin.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

7- feature add: a new block for topics using NewbbTopicRenderer class.
users can drop old "Recent Topics" and "Recent Replied Topics" block and use this block instead.
in newbb/xoops_version.php, newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/language/LANG/blocks.php, newbb/language/LANG/modinfo.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt
add: newbb/blocks/list_topic.php, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html, newbb/templates/js/language/english/newbb_validation.js
newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/blocks/newbb_block_list_topic.html, newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/js/language/english/newbb_validation.js

8- fix: remove hardcoded items from topic_icon and topic_folder smarty and add sticky, digest, poll, lock, publish time and rating smarty
in newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/viewall.html, in newbb/templates/viewall.html

9- bug fix: remove hardcoded access to database for creating forum selection box (multiple and single) in admin prune.
in newbb/admin/admin_forum_prune.php

10- fix: change $xoopsUser to $GLOBALS["xoopsUser"] because $xoopsUser is not defined in admin side
in newbb/include/vars.php

11- bug fix: Undefined variable: forumCookie
in newbb/footer.php

12- fix: _MD_NEWBB_GOTOLASTPOST already defined
in newbb/blocks/newbb_block.php

13- change the status to RC5
in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2012-12-26
1- bug fix: Warning: xoopsOption[template_main] should be defined before including header.php in file /footer.php line 59
in newbb/edit.php, newbb/header.php, newbb/index.php, newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/newtopic.php, newbb/post.php, newbb/reply.php,
newbb/search.php, newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/viewforum.php, newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/viewtopic.php

2- improve: use addScript instead of xoops_module_header to add toggle script because some themes are not standard
in newbb/header.php, newbb/footer.php

3- bug fix: assign default values to variables to fix some notices
in newbb/search.php

4- bug fix: use addScript before include header.php
in newbb/viewpost.php

date 2012-12-25
1- bug fix: when vote in polls it should save user ip to db
in newbb/votepolls.php

2- bug fix: user is not allowed to vote when the poll is expired
in newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/votepolls.php

3- bug fix: in edit poll page topic_id is missing in restart this poll url
in newbb/polls.php

Changelog 4.3i (changes by Irmtfan)
- needs to be updated with all the changes
- fixed .htaccess (Trabis)

date 2012-11-19
1- bug fix: in viewforum.php?forum=XXX . moderator have all access over the forum regardless of his/her group access.
in newbb/class/forum.php

date 2012-11-14
1- feature add: add pdf and print permissions. fix html and signature permission in new install.
Important Note: you must set permissions for each group and each forum in newbb -> admin -> set permissions otherwise only newbb admins have permissions.
in newbb/class/post.php, newbb/class/, newbb/makepdf.php, newbb/print.php,
newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/language/LANG/admin.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

2- FAQ add: after submit in newbb => admin => permissions it said "Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area"
in newbb/docs/readme.txt

date 2012-11-12
1- bug fix: in full div templates set: in smarty replace: replacing tr/td to span was incorrectly done
in newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/newbb_edit_post.html

2- bug fix: in newbb/search.php: add selecthtml=0 to the next search link
in newbb/search.php

date 2012-11-08
1- bug fix: in viewforum.php?forum=XXX : change sort fields u.uname => t.topic_poster | t.topic_time => t.topic_id | "t.topic_ratings"=>_MD_RATINGS, | p.post_time => t.topic_last_post_id
in newbb/viewforum.php

date 2012-11-07
1- bug fix: in XOOPSCORE/search.php $xoopsModuleConfig and $xoopsModule is not set
in newbb/include/

date 2012-11-06
1- bug fix: in view all topic page: a typo "all" instead of all when the status is not set
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

date 2012-10-28
1- bug fix: getRead_cookie should return array. (important)
in newbb/class/read.php

2- improve: add LAST_INSERT_ID to enhance the mysql performances
in newbb/class/topic.php

3- improve: set IP as COOKIE prefix for anonymous users
in newbb/include/vars.php, newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

4- bug fix: increment topic_views only if the topic is unread (important)
in newbb/viewtopic.php

date 2012-10-22
1- bug fix: viewpost.php?status=new AND viewforum.php?forum=FFF&status=unread and list.topic.php?status=unread when read_mode = 1 (cookie)
in newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

2- improve: change the read_mode = 2 (db) to read_mode = 1 (cookie) for anonymous users
in newbb/include/functions.ini.php, newbb/include/plugin.php

3- minor bug fix: <{$lastvisit}> smarty variable is added for all users (members and anons) it was wrongly only for members
in newbb/index.php, newbb/templates/newbb_index.html, newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/newbb_index.html

date 2012-10-20
1- bug fix: wrongly do not count sub forum posts/topics when count_subforum = 1
in newbb/class/forum.php

2- bug fix: $criteria_post and $criteria_count only for users
in newbb/viewpost.php

3- improve: add topic_read = 0/1 and forum_read = 0/1 smarty variables
in newbb/class/forum.php, in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php,
newbb/templates/newbb_index.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum.php, newbb/templates/css/language/LANG/style.css

4- add: hack XOOPSCORE/search.php to use MODULE_NAME/search.php file instead of XOOPSCORE/search.php
in XOOPS255/search.php

5- add : new fulldiv template set (opacity)
in newbb/templates_fulldiv_opacity/*.*

date 2012-10-17
1- improve: add startlag, length, striptag=true/false, strip tages excludes in search form.
in newbb/search.php, newbb/include/functions.text.php, newbb/templates/newbb_search.php, newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

2- improve: in search form: dont show (skip) the result if both (post text) and (post subject) are empty.
in newbb/search.php, newbb/include/functions.text.php

3- improve: in search fucntion: ability to create criteria for both since and search topic
in newbb/search.php

4- comment add: the comment in class read about read_expire values was wrong
in newbb/class/read.php

5- improve: add default path for themes/default and themes/YOUR_THEME (images, css, js)
in newbb/class/icon.php

date 2012-10-15
1- bug fix: viewpost.php?status=new AND viewforum.php?forum=FFF&status=unread and list.topic.php?status=unread criteria was wrong when read_mode = 2(important)
in newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

2- bug fix: in view all topic page: if empty($_GET(status)) it will show all topics include deleted and pendings.
the last solution removed in list.topic.php and move to topic.renderer.php because the last solution cause double query and error.
in newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

3- bug fix: add read_item_uid indexes to avoid duplicate (read_item, uid) when submit a post (very important)
newbb/sql/mysql.sql, newbb/sql/mysql.430.sql

4- bug fix: add clearDuplicate function for clear duplicate rows in bb_reads_topic and bb_reads_forum tables. old newbb users should click on "Read Data" in newbb -> admin -> syncronization page. (very important)
in newbb/class/read.php, newbb/admin/admin_synchronization.php, newbb/language/LANG/admin.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

5- improve: add read_expire = 0 => no clean up reads tables
in newbb/class/read.php, newbb/include/plugin.php

date 2012-10-11
1- bug fix: viewpost.php?status=new was wrongly return the new posts and new posts counts based on read_mode=1 (cookie) when the read_mode=2 (database) (important)
in newbb/viewpost.php and newbb/class/post.php

date 2012-10-10
1- bug fix: in list.topic.php: remove empty arrays in getStatus function
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

2- bug fix: add template smarty variables to search.php to save the user inputs in submit. move select boxes from template to php file
in newbb/templates/newbb_search.html, newbb/search.php

3- bug fix: in search.php (previously in newbb_search.html): wrongly the andor value="all" (it should be value="AND"), change default andor="OR" to andor="AND" to be like XOOPS CORE setting
in newbb/search.php

4- bug fix: wrongly p.post_time = since (should be >= since)
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

5- bug fix: $hidvar should be <{$hidvar}> smarty. Improve $hidvar and $hidval in template
in newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html

6- bug fix: we need old vars for selection boxes.
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html

7- bug fix: remove name attribute from submit buttons when method=get
in newbb/templates/newbb_index.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum.html, newbb/templates/newbb_search.html

8- bug fix: wrongly dont parse negative values (categories) when newbb_forumSelectBox is multiple. add a new getIdsByValues function to class/forum.php
in newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/include/, newbb/include/topic.renderer.php,

9- bug fix: id="xo-pagenav" is hardcoded in the XOOPS Core 2.5.5 and 2.6 (mrphilong/irmtfan)
in newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum.html,
newbb/templates/newbb_viewpost.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

10- feature add: add newbb_forumSelectBox multiple to list.topic.php
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html

11- feature add: show search results: 1- post title 2- post text
in newbb/search.php, newbb/templates/newbb_search.html, newbb/templates/newbb_searchresults.html, newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

12- feature add: add "select text" and "highlighter" to search keywords. add a new file include/functions.text.php to handle text
in newbb/include/functions.text.php, newbb/include/plugin.php, newbb/class/post.php, newbb/include/, newbb/search.php

13- bug fix: remove hardcode database access, solve order issues, reduce queries, permissions issues. file include/ is completely rewritten (important)
in newbb/include/

14- feature add: add topic search to viewtopic and viewpost
in newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html, newbb/search.php, newbb/language/LANG/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

15- bug fix: in list.topic.php the topic_link is hardcoded. add topic_excerpt
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

date 2012-10-02
1- feature add: jump to last post read in the topic when the post_id is not in the URL(kwaltman/irmtfan)
in newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/include/plugin.php

2- bug fix: add topic_page_jump_icon for list.topic.php and link to the last post in viewforum.php and list.topic.php
in newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html

3- bug fix: remove hardcode from blocks URLs. add topic url and topic last post icon smarty variables.
in newbb/blocks/newbb_block.php, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block.html, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block_post.html, newbb/templates/blocks/newbb_block_topic.html

4- improve and fix: in list.topic.php add topic_folder_text for alt , add forum_folder_text for alt
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/class/forum.php

5- improve: add alt key for rating
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/viewtopic.php

6- fix: _MD_POSTER to _MD_TOPICPOSTER and _MD_DATE to _MD_LASTPOSTTIME and add $smarty.const._MD_BY
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum.html

7- bug fix: many unneeded queries for newbb_isRead in viewforum.php, revise codes, move codes to a for loop(important)

8- bug fix: in newbb/list.topic.php?forum=XXX - wrongly return the forum_id only when the forum_id is the first allowed forum (important)
in newbb/class/topic.renderer.php

9- improve: some modification in persian translation.
in newbb/language/persian/main.php, newbb/language/persian/modinfo.php,

date 2012-09-29
1- bug fix: since value is hardcoded badly when since=1000 (From 1000 days ago) it return 0 (current time)
in newbb/include/functions.time.php

2- bug fix: rewrite newbb_sinceSelectBox function. if the since array is empty do not show since select box. 0 and 365 had been hardcoded.
in newbb/include/functions.time.php, newbb/xoops_version.php, newbb/language/english/modinfo.php

3- bug fix: in viewforum - if no since in the _GET it should be 0 (Roby78/irmtfan)
in newbb/viewforum.php

4- bug fix: in search - not show the selected since entered by user in selection box.
in newbb/search.php

date 2012-09-26
1- bug fix: move semicolon from php files to template files. 'block;' => 'block' AND 'none;' => 'none'
in newbb/index.php, newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html, newbb/templates/newbb_index.html

2- bug fix: Issue with javascript in redirect_header javascript:history.go(-1)
in newbb/, newbb/action.topic.php, newbb/polls.php, newbb/post.php, newbb/ratethread.php, newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/votepolls.php

3- bug fix: add messages for redirect_header
in newbb/post.php, newbb/votepolls.php, newbb/admin/admin_report.php, newbb/language/english/main.php, newbb/language/english/admin.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

4- fix and improve: add redirect header when no report is selected in admin_report.php in submit.
newbb/admin/admin_report.php, newbb/language/english/admin.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

5- bug fix: user dont see "the topic is locked" if the show_reg was set to 0. revise forum_post_or_register smarty and assign 3 new smraty variables: forum_post, forum_register, topic_lock
in newbb/viewtopic.php

6- bug fix: user can see rating when he dont have permission to post and/or reply.
in newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

7- bug fix: innerHTML change only if the TAG is not img.

date 2012-09-25
1- bug fix: change the method of adding stylesheet and scripts from overrighting xoops_module_header smarty variable to $xoTheme.
move codes from header.php to the new footer.php file. add local stylesheet and js for newbb blocks outside module space.
in newbb/, newbb/action.topic.php, newbb/edit.php, newbb/header.php,
newbb/index.php, newbb/list.topic.php, newbb/newtopic.php, newbb/polls.php,
newbb/post.php, newbb/, newbb/ratethread.php, newbb/reply.php
newbb/search.php, newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/viewforum.php, newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/viewtopic.php
in newbb/footer.php

2- improve: move js files from include/js to templates/js/language/LANG. all js files inside language directory will be added to header.
move "style.css" file from templates/images/language/LANG to templates/css/language/LANG.
in newbb/class/icon.php, newbb/footer.php, newbb/templates/js/language/LANG/*.js, newbb/templates/css/language/LANG/style.css

3- delete unneeded files:
newbb/include/, newbb/include/, newbb/include/js/*.*

4- bug fix: days should be changed to seconds.
in newbb/class/post.php, newbb/class/topic.php

date 2012-09-19
1- bug fix: in post delete process: wrongly delete parent post before childs but the right way is deleting childs before deleting parent post.(reverse order deleting)
in newbb/class/post.php

2- bug fix: solve nested forms issue when the pagenav type is select
in newbb/templates/newbb_viewall.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum.html,
newbb/templates/newbb_viewpost.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

3- bug fix: xoops_module_header smarty variable is missing.
newbb/edit.php, newbb/newtopic.php, newbb/post.php, newbb/reply.php

date 2012-09-18
1- bug fix: in topic delete process: in view all and view forum: after delete selected topics all topics and their posts will be wrongly deleted from database.(very important)
in newbb/action.topic.php

2- bug fix: in post restore process: it will not approve post if approved = -1 (deleted) (important)
in newbb/class/post.php

3- bug fix: in post delete process: wrongly set new pid for not approved posts and set pid=0(very important)
in newbb/class/post.php

4- bug fix: wrongly check topic is not object after set it as object (important)
in newbb/class/topic.php

5- bug fix: in view all topic page: if empty($_GET(status)) it will show all topics include deleted and pendings.
in newbb/list.topic.php

6- bug fix: sync topic not added after delete
in newbb/topicmanager.php

7- bug fix: remove unneeded codes: manually approve posts after restore
in newbb/topicmanager.php

8- improve: ability to restore a topic in viewtopic page
in newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/viewtopic.php
newbb/language/english/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

9- fix: slash "/" missing in URL
in newbb/topicmanager.php

10- fix: add "mode" smarty variable in viewforum to see admin links
in newbb/viewforum.php

11- improve: in view all topic page: show all admin links in admin mode in the initial page loading

12- bug fix: admin main sync wrongly delete all pending and deleted posts/topics (very important)
in newbb/admin_synchronization.php

13- bug fix: admin main sync (misc) wrongly delete all pending and deleted posts/topics when the pending_expire=0 in newbb/include/plugin.php (very important)
in newbb/class/post.php, newbb/class/topic.php

date 2012-09-16
1- improve: Add forum_post_prefix smarty variable to have unique Ids for posts. Add js function to scroll to current post in viewtopic.php links.
in newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html , newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

date 2012-09-11
1- bug fix: viewtopic admin mode action incorrectly on the topic instead of selected posts of the topic.(important)
in newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html
2- change some reletive URLs to Full URLs (Roby73/irmtfan)
in newbb/
3- bug fix: redirect was not correct in subdomain (value=xoops_url removed)
in newbb/templates/newbb_notification_select.html
4- advertise post should not have admin buttons.
in newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html
5- revoke the last change rev 10170 and revert to rev 10102
in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2012-09-10
1- bug fix: notification not show in newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=XXXX URLs
in newbb/xoops_version.php

date 2012-09-10
1- back rank_image and rank_title to rank.image rank.title smarty variables to make consistency with old newbb versions.
in newbb/class/user.php, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html

2- change some reletive URLs to Full URLs (Roby73/irmtfan)
in newbb/viewforum.php, newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/polls.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

3- add up and down icons smarty variables to templates.
in newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewpost.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

date 2012-09-09
1- some changes in persian language notifications.
2- add alt to down prev and next and change the templates
newbb/viewtopic.php newbb/templates/newbb_viewpost.html and newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html
3- bug fix: js onclick xoopsCheckAll not work when polls is active in viewtopic admin mode.

date 2012-09-05
1- minor bug fix: mistype in viewtopic and viewpost admin mode submit button when admin dont select any action
in newbb_viewpost.html and newbb_viewtopic.html

date 2012-09-01
1- add toggle $quickreply['expand'] to find quickreply hide/see

2- add alt and title to text links - change < button > html tag to class="forum_icon forum_button" to support IE7&8
newbb/class/icon.php, newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css, newbb/include/display.php (juct change help comments)

3- improve ToggleBlockCategory js to change and use innerHTML instead of textContent to support IE7&8

4- remove unneeded gif persian images

date 2012-08-30
1- add more and less icons - add t_qr_expand.png image and add show see definitions
newbb/include/display.php, newbb/include/images.php
newbb/language/english/main.php, newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

2- improve ToggleBlockCategory js to recognize a IMG tag

3- change all toggles in newbb to use ToggleBlockCategory - use newbb_displayImage function for all toggles - alt and title and text links supported
newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html
newbb/index.php, newbb/templates/newbb_index.html

4- some hardcodes removed (<{$topic_post.post_edit}> and signature line
newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html, newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css

date 2012-08-28
1- improve text link instead of buttons feature. Ability to set the display setting for each link in newbb/include/display.php
newbb/include/plugin.php, newbb/include/display.php, newbb/include/functions.render.php

2- add id={$image} for html tag

date: 2012-08-27 - 2
1- improve text link instead of buttons to only show text buttons when: a) alt key is set b)display is not set to true c)only buttons like reply, edit
newbb/include/functions.render.php, newbb/class/icon.php

2- add alt key for quickreply button and remove one extra space ( ) and sort reply - addpoll - newtopic
newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/templates/newbb_viewtopic.html

date: 2012-08-27
1- remove icon_path and use newbb_displayImage
newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/templates/newbb_index.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum_subforum.html

2- remove icon_path and define anonym icon and use newbb_displayImage
newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/include/images.php, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html

3- simplyify infobox and add alt and title show/hide definitions and alt key
newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html, newbb/include/js/newbb_toggle.js, newbb/language/english/main.php newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

4- a little correctness. dot removed

5- feature improve: css3 text buttons introduced and used (DCrussader/irmtfan)
newbb/class/icon.php, newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css class="forum_icon" id=$image_name

date: 2012-08-26
1- merge with alfred.
newbb/votepolls.php, newbb/polls.php, newbb/print.php, newbb/seo.php

2- bug in getting $op and typo: addmor -> addmore

3- better method for getting the customize/localize newbb style.css

date: 2012-08-25
1- Extra new lines removed from php files.
newbb/votepolls.php, newbb/include/, newbb/class/, newbb/admin/admin_groupmod.php

2- Apply Alfred Id in the head of php files:
newbb/class/xoopsformloader.php, newbb/votepolls.php, newbb/class/tree.php, newbb/topicmanager.php, newbb/class/readtopic.php
newbb/class/readforum.php, newbb/class/read.php, newbb/ratethread.php, newbb/class/rate.php, newbb/class/newbbtree.php
newbb/blocks/newbb_block_tag.php, newbb/index.php, newbb/admin/*.php,
newbb/include/sitemap.plugin.php, newbb/include/, newbb/include/, newbb/include/functions.user.php,
newbb/include/module.v100.php, newbb/include/module.v220.php, newbb/include/module.php, newbb/include/functions.ini.php
newbb/notification_update.php, newbb/report.php, newbb/reply.php

3- Change the status of module to RC4.

4- Solve SEO (replace files from Alfred)
newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/blocks/newbb_block.php

5- Add do_latestedit config to display the latest edit (do_latestedit=0) or all edit (do_latestedit=1) by Alfred
newbb/class/post.php, newbb/include/plugin.php

6- Replace files from Alfred (better code, bug fixes, merge and develop):
newbb/class/permission.php, newbb/class/forum.php, newbb/sql/mysql.400.sql, newbb/rss.php, newbb/admin/admin_permissions.php
newbb/include/functions.image.php, newbb/include/, newbb/viewforum.php
newbb/seo.php, newbb/post.php, newbb/search.php, newbb/docs/changelog.txt, newbb/language/german/*.php

7- Add new language definitions.
newbb/language/english/admin.php, newbb/language/english/main.php, newbb/language/persian/admin.php, newbb/language/persian/main.php,

8- Fix Undefined variable: pseudo_height (Cesag/irmtfan)
in newbb/include/functions.image.php line 86

9- Change the default syncOnUpdate value to false. It is dangerous because it will delete all pending and deleted posts/topics/forums from database on update.

10- easier group getting - reduce queries - use Xoops API instead of directly access to db (irmtfan)

Changelog 4.3
1 Fix Cache Config for SEO
2 Fix Typos in templates
3 Fix Nav for SEO
4 Fix PDF for SEO
5 Fix Error Topic Number in Blocks
6 Fix Stats move or delete Topics
7 Fix many typos in templates
8 Fix error in declaration User
9 Fix Links in templates
10 Fix and add languages
11 New cache for Seo
12 New Social-Links in Threads
13 New advertising for topics
14 Fix Replaced Buzz with Google Plus (mamba)
15 Fix Added "Create" links for missing directories (mamba)
16 Fix Link to Blank.gif
17 Fix Error Upload File too large
18 New Config Quickreply-Editor
19 Fix Create Thumbnails
20 Fix userrank (irmtfan)
21 Fix permission approved (irmtfan)
22 Fix vulnerabilities in seo.php
23 Add enable/disable all editmessage in posts
24 Fix hardcoded Path for icon (irmtfan)
25 Fix print hardcodes removed (irmtfan)
26 NEW local stylesheet (xoops_header) in print.php
27 Fix error in newbb/polls.php when the strtotime is not defined in XoopsLocal class (irmtfan)
28 Fix using header php command instead of redirect_header XOOPS function (deka87/irmtfan) in newbb/search.php

date: 2012-08-15
1- minor fix: double slash fixed in rpg url
in newbb/class/user.php

2- hardcode removed in rpg image alignment - align="left -> class="icon_left"
in newbb/class/user.php

3- some english/persian language definitions has been revised. All extra spaces/newlines have been removed.
All changed to end method windows(CR+LF).See docs/lang_diff.txt for detail.
in newbb/language/english/*.php, newbb/language/persian/*.php

4- add lang_diff.txt
in newbb/docs/lang_diff.txt

5- expand readme.txt add guides to get a backup from old images before update, introduce Image customization and some FAQ
in newbb/docs/readme.txt

6- makepdf.php from black_beard - add RTL - remove unneeded TCPDF config language requirements - add multi-lang EMLH by GIJ and Xlanguage by phppp DJ.
Add Forum Index - cat - forum - sub forum - topic names to the pdf header.
in newbb/makepdf.php

7- add local stylesheet (xoops_header) in print.php
in newbb/print.php

date: 2012-08-06
1- hardcode fix: using header php command instead of redirect_header XOOPS function (deka87/irmtfan)
in newbb/search.php
(Also hardcoded in latest core in xoops2.5.5/htdocs/search.php)

2- hardcode fix: icon_path smarty variable was hardcoded in viewtopic and viewpost and is not defined in class/forum.php (irmtfan)
in newbb/viewtopic.php, newbb/viewpost.php, newbb/class/forum.php

3- hardcode icons and some hardcodes has been solved in templates:
in newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html, newbb/templates/newbb_index.html, newbb/templates/newbb_viewforum_subforum.html

4- add readme.txt for install and upgrade
in docs/readme.txt

5- a poll class misses in english style.css
in newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css

date: 2012-08-04
1- bug fixed: error in newbb/polls.php when the strtotime is not defined in XoopsLocal class (irmtfan)
solution: replace XoopsLocal::strtotime($end_time) by method_exists('XoopsLocal', 'strtotime') ? XoopsLocal::strtotime($end_time) : strtotime($end_time)
in newbb/polls.php
2- more hardcodes in newbb/templates has been removed

Changelog 4.2
1 Fix Smilies are not displayed
2 Fix View Avatars
3 Fix Page Numbers views
4 Fix Error in Cache
5 New Userinfos on/off
6 New Advertising in Threads
7 New Visible Attachments for Guests on/of
8 New Display page numbers adjusted

date: 2012-08-01
1- localization: input date localized (for other date systems like hegira) by replacing strtotime by XoopsLocal::strtotime
in newbb/polls.php

2- customization&localization: newbb style.css is fully localized and customized and is not hard-coded anymore.
in newbb/header.php
file changes:
-- deleted newbb/templates/style.css
-- added newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css
-- added newbb/templates/images/language/persian/style.css
if exist in themes/YOUR_THEME/modules/newbb/images/language/YOUR_LANG/style.css take it
else if exist in themes/default/modules/newbb/images/language/YOUR_LANG/style.css take it
else if exist in modules/newbb/templates/images/language/YOUR_LANG/style.css take it
else if exist in modules/newbb/templates/images/language/english/style.css take it
else if exist in modules/newbb/templates/style.css take it (for backward compatibility)

3- many hardcodes in newbb/templates and style.css has been removed

date: 2012-07-30
1- bug fix: edit not displayed when the reason is not filled (irmtfan)
2- bug fix: only the last edit is recorded. (irmtfan/alfred)
in newbb/class/post.php
3- bug fix: 'noapprove' permission incorrectly recorded in database. (irmtfan)
in newbb/class/permission.php
4- bug fix: load user ranks has been hardcoded. it works in old/upgraded websites but not works in new installed websites. a new getting rank introduced. (black_beard/irmtfan)
in newbb/class/user.php, newbb/templates/newbb_thread.html
5- minor bug fix: mysql 5.1 was incorrectly needed (irmtfan)
in newbb/xoops_version.php
6- hardcode: some style.css color hardcodes has been removed. (irmtfan)
in newbb/templates/style.css
7- feature added: text links instead of buttons. (deka87/irmtfan)
in newbb/class/icon.php , newbb/include/functions.render.php , newbb/include/plugin.php

Changelog 4.1
1 Remove fpdf and add tcpdf in Framworks
2 Fix view avatar und rank
3 New cat resize
4 Fix error in templates
5 Fix create Pdf with tcpdf in utf-8
6 Fix for SEO with Javascript
7 Fix Seo-Urls
8 Fix Pictures in posts with Seo
9 Fix error in search.php
10 Fix error in moderation threads
11 Fix error in stats
12 Fix cache new or delete forums
13 Fix Doudle Content for SEO
14 Fix RSS in SEO
15 Fix permission for cache
16 Fix many Icons
17 Fix advanced search

Changelog 4.03 beta3
1 Fix error and change templates
2 Fix BB-Code in description cat and forums
3 enabe/disable Toolbar in threads
4 fix problems width XOOPS 2.5
5 fix show attach only for users
6 fix edit message in postings
7 support for png icons (by bleekk)
8 fixed permissions for forums
9 add notificatin when topic deleted (optional)
10 deleted notification in forum when blocked user
11 add view prefix in forumslist
12 fixed bug in online
13 add pdf Support
14 add view waiting and deleted postings
15 add new Admin-Index (by voltan)
16 add integration Modul umfrage
17 fix seo in blocks
18 fix error moderation userbann
19 fix cache permissions

Changelog 4.02 beta2
1 Bugfix width PHP5.3 is installed (dhcst)
2 Bugfix width cache (dhcst)
3 Bugfix add new categorie (dhcst)
4 Bugfix color Moderators
5 Add language for groupmod
6 Bugfix report topic
7 Bugfix templates
8 Added seo-tools
9 Bugfix Block see no older Topic

Changelog 4.01 alpha
December 25th, 2009
1 Remove dependence Frameworks (dhcst)
2 delete xoopslogger views (dhcst)
3 Adding Groupmoderation (dhcst)
4 Bugfix stats when user post new topic (dhcst)
5 Code refactored, not finished yet (dhcst)

Changelog 4.00 alpha
November 18th, 2007
1 Code refactored, not finished yet (phppp)
2 Added forum-specific topic type (phppp)
3 Implemented tag functionality (phppp)
4 Formulated transfer tookits to use "Frameworks/transfer" (phppp)
5 Added CAPTCHA for anonymous posting (phppp)
6 Improved stats, synchronization (phppp)
7 Redesigned handlers for images, templates, css etc. (phppp)
8 Improved administration mode (phppp)
9 Implemented unlimited level of sub forums (phppp)

Changelog 3.08
Jan 3rd, 2007
1 Bugfix for user stats (jorff, agl)
2 Bugfix for reading new posts

Changelog 3.07
October 29th, 2006
1 Bugfix for permission template (js related)
2 Added support for FCKeditor upload
3 Added support for extended xcode which allows flash/wmplayer/...
4 Fix for XSS reported by bubuche93

Changelog 3.06
October 8th, 2006
Bugfix version

Changelog 3.05
July 22nd, 2006
1 Bugfix for notifying new replies for a specific topic
2 Bugfix for permission check when moving a post
3 Removed inherition of view mode and post order from system-wide preference
4 Added editor parameter control based on plugin'ed configs
5 Bugfix for xhtml compliance in forum selection box (reported by skalpa)
6 Bugfix for update scripts for newbb 2.2
7 Bugfix for category name display in permission admin
8 Bugfix for view_level check in viewforum template (reported by

Changelog 3.04 Final
June 3rd, 2006
1 MySQL syntax for data synchronization for different versions
2 xhtml fixes
3 bugfix for group permission check form (reported by Aries)

Changelog 3.04 RC4
May 27th, 2006
1 Bugfix for topic title transfered from post subject
2 Added topic check before storing post (reported by marco)
3 Removed unnecessary forum option 'allow_attachments'
4 Other minor fixes

Changelog 3.04 RC3
May 20th, 2006
1 Fixed bugs in print.php (reported by ideiafacil)
2 Code correction for performance and cleaning up
3 Partial improvement on permission precision
4 Improvement on category/forum structured display for permission admin and block edit pages
5 Improvement on compliant xhtml

Changelog 3.04 RC2
May 9th, 2006
1 Fixed bugs reported on
2 Created object handler for post_text
3 Changed fields in TABLE bb_forums
4 Changed testing post message in language file

Changelog 3.04 RC
May 8th, 2006
1 category, forum, topic, post, report, rate refactoring
2 Added reading records options: cookie, database (inspired by Ajout Gizmhail)
3 Added data synchronization
4 Added missing "previous/next topic"
5 Modified database structure for query optimization
6 Fixed bug in templates for file inclusion: for both update from file and from db modes

Changelog 3.03
Apr 26th, 2006
1 Fixed rss+xml rel link (by CeBepuH)
2 Fixed typo in "pm" path for "transfer" (by CeBepuH)
3 Fixed clear property in newbb.css (by CeBepuH)
4 Fixed undefined method "setMessage" for module which could lead to newbb 2.* upgrade failure
5 Split functions.php

Changelog 3.02
Apr 23rd, 2006
1 Fixed URL iteration for menumode (reported by genetailor)
2 Skip cache for edit pages
3 Charset completeness for PDF maker (reported by domecc)
4 Performance improvement, including PHP scripting and MySQL db structure
5 Added action request detection in xoops_version.php so that some useful features are reactived including "welcome forum"
6 Bugfix for "sort by rating" URL (reported by Mowaffak)
7 Added time limit to "recent replied topic" block
8 Bugfix for signature setting (removed unnecessary user setting check)

Changelog 3.01
Feb 22th, 2006
Fixed bugs in permission management
Fixed bugs in formloader

Changelog 3.0 RC2
Feb 10th, 2006
Fixed bugs in user select
Fixed bugs in permission management

Changelog 3.0 RC1
Jan 29th, 2006
Compatible with XOOPS 2.0, 2.2, 2.3

Changelog 2.32
1 DB query optimization

Changelog 2.31
1 bugfixes
2 speed improvement

Changelog 2.3
1 moderator accessible distributed batch threads/posts management (approval, edit, move, delete, merge, split)
2 moderator accessible distributed user/IP suspension management
3 trashcan implemented
4 user-based post search and management
5 plugable module bridging handler implemented

Changelog 2.2
1 block/profile/css/adminmenu/encoding related content upgraded to XOOPS 2.2
2 XOOPS editor framework implemented
3 permission management separated from forum/category and default permission set and management added
4 category/forum creation on module installation
5 send PM with quoted post content
6 embedded upgrade: any version of newbb/cbb could be updated to up-to-date CBB by updating module
7 forum queries in xoops_version.php moved to save db query
8 change relative path to full path for some images
9 change forum list in jumpbox and topicmanager to a more clear style
10 moderator management merged into forum admin form with xoopsuserselect form

Changelog 1.15
1 fix for aged security problem (XSS)

Changelog 1.14
1 bugfix for inactive user posting (Reported by Aries @
2 bugfix for deleting topic with poll (Reported by gropius @
3 change default value for displaying forum topic time duration (Reported by Zjerre @
4 change formselectuser.php for XOOPS 2.2

Changelog 1.13
1 bugfix for IP recording (Reported by alitan @
2 changing time display for "Today/yesterday ..." (Reported by alitan @
3 adding post link (Preliminary solution by ackbarr && Suggested by Peekay @
4 further cleaning "Compact mode" (Suggested by Rou4 @ XOOPS CHINA)
5 adding new block "recent post text"
6 bugfix for function newbb_admin_mkdir
7 bugfix for permission table of locked topic
8 adding indication for locked topic in view topic (Requested by SuperVoley @
9 bugfix for category management (Reported by chia @
10 bugfix for subject sanitizing problem (Reported by CeBepuH @
11 rolling back signature to pure xcode format (comprehensive improvement is expected after XOOPS 2.2)
12 bugfix for empty message check in quick reply
13 template validation on XHTML 1.0 (not complete yet)
14 compatible with news 1.30+ for posttonews (reported by cosmodrum @

Changelog 1.12
1 login on-fly in "quick reply" (requested by Rou4 @ XOOPS CHINA)
2 sort order in viewpost.php (reported by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
3 bugfix for time display (reported by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
4 clean display of regist date (requested by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
5 bugfix for forum selection in "advanced search" (reported by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
6 rolling back missed disclaimer (reported by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
7 bugfix for duplicated security check and post_time_limit check (reported by kmac @ XOOPS CHINA)
8 permission check for poll management (reported by karuna @ XOOPS CHINA)

Changelog 1.11
1 re-write user info renderer
2 bugfix for poster display in thread mode (reported by iamtj @ XOOPS CHINA)
3 correction of deleting post message (reported by iamtj @ XOOPS CHINA)
4 post backup if submission exceeds session limit or time limit
5 correction of encoding problem in XOOPS function formatTimestamp($time, 'rss') (reported by chia @ XOOPS CHINA)

Changelog 1.10
1 bugfix and layout improvement (suggested by iamtj @ XOOPS CHINA, fast reply in thread mode, anonymous button, register to post ...)
2 rolling back "RSS enable" (requested by Aries @ XOOPS CHINA, CeBepuH @ XOOPS)
3 bugfix for template dir in rss.php (reported by jodn007 @ XOOPS CHINA)
4 bugfix for caching in rss.php
5 bugfix for rss encoding conversion (reported by chia @ XOOPS CHINA)
6 read new posts since last visit (Tuning suggested by Peekay @ XOOPS)
7 enable 'delete top post' (requested by iamtj @ XOOPS CHINA)
8 bugfix for Last Visit recording
9 bugfix/improvement for "move forum"
10 adding "merge forum"
11 post date / poster ip display changed
12 options for user level bar
13 backward/forward compatible with XOOPS 2.0*

Changelog 1.00

Changelog over NewBB 2.02:
1 CBB uses the same DB stucture/data with NewBB 2, it is convenient to switch between current CBB and current NewBB 2.
2 bugfixes for NewBB 2.02
3 clean/correct NewBB 2 templates

Major new features ( most suggested by XOOPS CHINA users)
1 dropdown menu selectable for end users: SELECT BOX, CLICK, HOVER
2 multi-attachments upload
3 RSS improvement, individual RSS Feeds for each category, each forum and the global module
4 FPDF improvement, UTF-8 encoding is now working
5 user friendly time display, four types: Today, Yesterday, this year and longer than one year
6 block handler: recent posts, recent topics, most views, most replies, recent digest, recent sticky, most valuable posters
7 time periods for blocks, you could have most views in last 24 hours, most views in this week, most views in this month
8 new page: view all posts, view new posts since last visit
9 "New member": an introduction thead will be posted automatically when a user logs on for the first time (if enabled)
10 adding dobr parameter


 Date de proposition: 28/08/2014

 Proposé par: Anonyme

 Téléchargé 5795 fois

 Note: 7.0 (1 votes)

 Page d'accueil: ICI

 Version: 4.33 RC9

 Taille du fichier: 890 [Ko]

 Plateforme:  2.5.x

 Langue: FR

 Developpeur: Marko Schmuck (predator) / D.J. (phppp) / Alfred(dhcst) / (irmtfan)

 Licence: GPL2

Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu.
Team FrXoops
Inscrit le: 24/11/2008
De: Argenteuil
Contributions: 987
Franck0768 Posté le: 19/05/2010 00:08  Mis à jour: 19/05/2010 00:09
 Re: CBB Forum 4.00 RC
Inscrit le: 16/06/2010
De: Bretagne
Contributions: 14
Isatlantisa Posté le: 17/06/2010 10:58  Mis à jour: 17/06/2010 10:58
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Alors j'hesite la a prendre CBB et Newbbex lequel et le mieux au niveau forum ? et est ce que il y a possibilité de mettre des image pour faire jolie a coté des icones Nouveau message et pas de nouveau messages.

Semi pro
Inscrit le: 08/06/2008
Contributions: 633
ON3AT Posté le: 28/08/2010 09:48  Mis à jour: 28/08/2010 09:56
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Bonjour(soir)à tous,

Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer car j'ais télécharger cette nouvelle version de "CBB Forum 4.02 RC2" je la décompresse et puis dans le fichier que j'ais décompresser j'ais un dossier "trunk.r43" je le place dans mes ftp puis dans l'admin de mon site mais sa ne fonctionne pas ou alors je dois le renommer quelque chose comme sa mais quel nom je dois luis donner à ce dossier.

Merci d'avance.
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 26/08/2011 11:32  Mis à jour: 26/08/2011 11:32
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Nouvelle version en cours :

CBB - 4.05 - beta1 ... =&topic_id=74122&forum=66
Team FrXoops
Inscrit le: 24/11/2008
De: Argenteuil
Contributions: 987
Franck0768 Posté le: 21/06/2012 00:17  Mis à jour: 21/06/2012 00:17
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Module toujours en cours de révision!

CBB - 4.3, beta2 ... id=346740#forumpost346740
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 21/06/2012 09:23  Mis à jour: 21/06/2012 09:23
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
Ne le téléchargez pas encore, j'ai fais la traduction et je fais encore quelques tests.
Je vous le mets en téléchargement ce soir ou demain car cette version est assez prometteuse.
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 21/06/2012 14:56  Mis à jour: 21/06/2012 14:56
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
ca pour une bonne nouvelle c'est une bonne nouvelle
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 22/06/2012 11:33  Mis à jour: 22/06/2012 11:33
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
Haaa non quelle déception ce matin :(

Pas de publication :(

Trop triste

Je suis en train de remonter mon portail xoops et j'aurai bien voulu ta version !
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 22/06/2012 11:47  Mis à jour: 22/06/2012 17:19
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
J'ai pourtant écrit "ce soir ou demain". La journée n'est pas finie ;)

EDIT : finalement ce ne sera pas pour aujourd'hui car je viens de trouver de nouveaux bogues...
J'en informe le développeur qui s'en occupe.
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 22/06/2012 19:18  Mis à jour: 22/06/2012 19:18
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
Haaaa zut ! bon je vais etre patient ! MERCI d'avance en tout cas
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 25/06/2012 15:50  Mis à jour: 25/06/2012 15:50
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
Petit passage en ce lundi apres midi ! Voir si jamais... Haaa pas encore ! ! ! Bon courage :)
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 25/06/2012 18:02  Mis à jour: 25/06/2012 18:02
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
Non malheureusement, pas de nouvelles d'alfred depuis, désolée.
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 26/06/2012 16:08  Mis à jour: 26/06/2012 16:08
 Re: CBB Forum 4.3
C'est pas grave j'attends et j'espère !

Je devrais bosser sur l'hergonomie de mon site en attendant !

Mais je suis une bille en dev et en theme
Inscrit le: 21/09/2010
De: tournai Belgique
Contributions: 140
phira Posté le: 07/07/2012 21:38  Mis à jour: 07/07/2012 21:39
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
le lien de téléchargement pointe sur qui lui même pointe sur soit un site allemand, soit sur pour laquelle j'ai
Citation :

Firefox ne peut trouver le serveur à l'adresse
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 04/03/2011
De: Lot
Contributions: 2837
montuy337513 Posté le: 07/07/2012 22:01  Mis à jour: 07/07/2012 22:01
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Une nouvelle version RC est disponible sur frxoops, a cette adresse, je viens de corriger quelques bugs
Inscrit le: 21/09/2010
De: tournai Belgique
Contributions: 140
phira Posté le: 07/07/2012 23:06  Mis à jour: 11/07/2012 13:36
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Merci de l'info.
Elle "update" cbb 3.08 ou c'est autre chose?

Edit : elle "upgrade" parfaitement la 3.08, on dirait... je suis en train de la tester.
Inscrit le: 21/09/2010
De: tournai Belgique
Contributions: 140
phira Posté le: 11/07/2012 07:28  Mis à jour: 11/07/2012 13:36
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 19/07/2012 09:45  Mis à jour: 19/07/2012 09:45
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Il marche tres bien !

J'ai trouvé un tout ptit oubli de traduction je crois

Sous l'avatar quand on veut développer les infos il apparait : Benutzerinformationen
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 19/07/2012 10:08  Mis à jour: 19/07/2012 11:47
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Ah oui je vois, c'est en survolant l'icône qui déroule les informations du membre.

Je m'en occupe dans la journée, merci !

Je l'ai signalé ici, lorsque le développeur du module l'aura corrigé (c'est mieux que de bidouiller le module en changeant le mot soi-même), je mettrai à jour Newbb 4.3 sur le svn.
Inscrit le: 02/08/2005
De: Villeurbanne
Contributions: 208
jfphotos Posté le: 19/07/2012 13:36  Mis à jour: 19/07/2012 17:16
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
J'ai vu qu'il manquait aussi une image : p_bann.png dans les icônes.

J'ai cherché j'ai trouvé sur Google l'image qui correspond a "Moderate".

Je sais pas si tu avais vu ?
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 19/07/2012 17:16  Mis à jour: 19/07/2012 21:28
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
Non, je n'avais pas vu. Il faudrait plus de gens observateurs comme toi

Je m'en occupe.

EDIT : Voir la suite ici.
Inscrit le: 21/09/2010
De: tournai Belgique
Contributions: 140
phira Posté le: 21/07/2012 07:30  Mis à jour: 21/07/2012 14:52
 Re: CBB Forum 4.02 RC2
L'attachement de fichier fonctionne avec cette version.

Merci pour la correction.

par contre le néologisme " teledeverser" est original, mais est il heureux?
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit le: 16/03/2009
De: Tende (06)
Contributions: 3528
Cesagonchu Posté le: 16/08/2013 17:06  Mis à jour: 17/08/2013 09:05
 Re: CBB Forum 4.33 RC7
Mise en téléchargement de Newbb 4.33 RC7.
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