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Re: TINYEDITOR 1beta : Enfin la solution qui fonctionne
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Citation :
D'ailleurs, il y a une erreur lors du chargement de la page.

Did you enable gzip-compression within tinyeditor? Some versions (not all) of IE have severe problems with the gzip-compressed code.

First try out the final version of tinyeditor, because new compressor code was added. If still does not help, edit include/initcode.php and change this:

// START: Use Gzip output compression?
if ((extension_loaded('zlib')) && ($moduleConfig['tinyedmgrgzip'] == 1)) {
//if (eregi("msie",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            //$tinyededitor_load = "tiny_mce.js";
        //} else {
$tinyededitor_load "tiny_mce_gzip.js";
} else {
$tinyededitor_load "tiny_mce.js";
// END: Use Gzip output compression?

to this:

// START: Use Gzip output compression?
if ((extension_loaded('zlib')) && ($moduleConfig['tinyedmgrgzip'] == 1)) {
        if (
eregi("msie",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$tinyededitor_load "tiny_mce.js";
        } else {
$tinyededitor_load "tiny_mce_gzip.js";
    } else {
$tinyededitor_load "tiny_mce.js";
// END: Use Gzip output compression?

and this:

if ((extension_loaded('zlib')) && ($moduleConfig['tinyedmgrgzip'] == 1)) {

to this:

if ((extension_loaded('zlib')) && ($moduleConfig['tinyedmgrgzip'] == 1) && !eregi("msie",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {

Posté le : 01/01/2007 15:23
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Re: probleme de permission tinyeditor/smartsection
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Sigh, what a mess!

OK, try this and report me:

a) Are you using tinyeditor 1 RC1? Or another version?
b) For which group do you want to create toolsets? A new group or the ones that came with the installation (webmaster, registered, guests)?
c) Have a look into the database if there is something happening after you changed the toolbar
d) Try to echo some things. First we take initcode.php to experiment with.

Insert this:
echo "thegroupid: ".$thegroupid;

right before:
$sqlgetbuts "SELECT tinyed_id, tinyed_gid, tinyed_row1, tinyed_row2, tinyed_row3, activeplugs, validelements, extvalidelements, invalidelements FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('tinyeditor_toolset')." WHERE tinyed_gid = ".intval($thegroupid)."";

Login as a user within the group for which the toolbars are not working and compare if the groupid you will see is the groupid of the user's group. Report. If this is the correct group delete the above code.

Edit toolsets.php and change the following line:


Activate mysql/block-debug (as popup). Visit toolsets and make some changes to the toolbar and submit the form. Take a look at the debug-pop to see if there are mysql-errors displayed. If none, revert the changes.

That's it for the moment. If this experiments do not give any hints I reached the end of my (short) wisdom.


Posté le : 14/12/2006 22:06
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Re: TinyEditor : "_AM_TINYED_XRMANAGE" ?
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Seems to be that there is something missing in the file language/french/admin.php

define("_AM_TINYED_XRMANAGE""Allow to use xrmanager");
define("_AM_TINYED_FTPDEBUG""Use FTP Debug");

Posté le : 07/12/2006 23:09
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Re: tiny editor
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Is there a working link for the french version? The one above isn't working.

I must now apologize in the public for a big malheur. I forgot to thank satanas for helping me out, when I needed webspace. This will be not forgotten. The final version will have the full credits for those helping without asking for anything in return - the french community is great.


Posté le : 07/12/2006 21:22
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Re: probleme de permission tinyeditor/smartsection
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
You have to DELETE the files starting with tiny_mce... in the directory yourxoopsroot / cache

If this is not working I would like to ask you to give me admin rights to your site so that I can look myself.

Posté le : 07/12/2006 00:01
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Re: probleme de permission tinyeditor/smartsection
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
So again my question: Is gzip-compression turned on in tinyeditor?

Hmmmm, let's try another thing. Open tinyeditor / include / initcode.php in an editor and change this:

if (is_object($xoopsUser)) {
$uid $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$thegroupid array_shift(getCurrentUsersGroups($uid));
    } else {
$thegroupid 3;

to this:
if (is_object($xoopsUser)) {
$uid $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$thegroupid array_slice($xoopsUser->getGroups($uid), 01);
$thegroupid implode(" "$thegroupid);
$thegroupid trim($thegroupid);
    } else {
$thegroupid 3;

Save and upload the file and try again.

Posté le : 06/12/2006 23:27
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Re: probleme de permission tinyeditor/smartsection
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Here is an UGLY hack for your problem, really ugly - blush...

First problem for admin: do not put too many tools in one row. Better spread over the three toolbar-rows.

Second problem: not tinyeditor is to blame, but smartsection? There are too long description on the left side. Here is a small trick I made. I changed the language file admin.php a bit. Note that the language define must be used on the side with the editor.

Change this:
define("_AM_SSECTION_AVAILABLE_PAGE_WRAP""Available pages to wrap");

to this:
define("_AM_SSECTION_AVAILABLE_PAGE_WRAP""<style type='text/css'>td.head { width: 250px; }</style>Available pages to wrap");


Above code is only an example for the admin side writing articles.

P.S.: oops! The entry in the bugtracker made your problem clearer to me. I answered there already. HTH

Posté le : 06/12/2006 22:22
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Re: TINYEDITOR 1beta : Enfin la solution qui fonctionne
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Would everybody please so kind found bugs (Beta or RC1) publish to the Bugtracker?

And please in English. It is hard for me to follow a conversation in a language I cannot speak. Even google is not always helpful. Sorry for this...

Posté le : 06/12/2006 17:54
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Re: TINYEDITOR 1beta : Enfin la solution qui fonctionne
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Tststs, sorry for the confusion caused by the second HTML-Button. This was only meant for me for debugging.

Just edit admin/toolsets.php, about line 129 and remove


Posté le : 06/12/2006 15:41
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Re: probleme de permission tinyeditor/smartsection
Inscrit: 28/02/2006 19:55
Messages: 103
Which (exact) version of smartsection and which (exact) version of tinyeditor do you use?

I will install this version and test it on my own asap.

Posté le : 05/12/2006 09:37
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