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formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16
Hello, apology I does not speak French. The module developer of the module “formulaire” is a Frenchman, therefore I would like to ask the question here. Is there a possibility that the module with Xoops 2.2.x together functioned?

Thanks a lot for your answer and greetings from germany,

René Sato

Posté le : 29/03/2007 15:54
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 16:46
De Blois
Messages: 3071
I'm the author of the module, can you please give me more details ? You have an error message?

Posté le : 29/03/2007 20:56
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16
Hi philou,
Thanks for the fast answer. Great that I can speak with the author directly.

If I click in frontend over the main menue on the module, then the module does not open. And Im become not an error message.
http: //

If I take the direct left to the form, then it functions. I see the form.
http: //

Posté le : 29/03/2007 21:39
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Admin Frxoops
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 16:46
De Blois
Messages: 3071
Can you please try the last version and tell me if the problem is the same ?
If the problem is not solved, please put your website in debug MySql mode and check when you are on the index of the formulaire module if the request on the formulaire's table is ok ?

Attacher un fichier:

zip Taille: 805.06 KB; Hits: 433

Posté le : 31/03/2007 08:03
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16
Hi philou,

im have updated you version from 3.30 to 3.31 and im have the same problem.
Now im have activated the mySQL-Debug:

Citation :

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/0030w001/scrumeducations/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 242

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/0030w001/scrumeducations/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 242

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/0030w001/scrumeducations/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 242

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/0030w001/scrumeducations/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 242

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/0030w001/scrumeducations/class/database/mysqldatabase.php on line 242

Posté le : 02/04/2007 09:44
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16
And im have found a hardcode word "ko max." in /class/elementrenderer.php 302

Posté le : 03/04/2007 17:25
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16

Posté le : 14/04/2007 09:07
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 12/02/2006 14:43
Messages: 43

Do you still have the problem with "formulaire module", or did you solve it in a way?

Cool to read you,


Posté le : 29/05/2007 13:03
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 09/06/2005 22:17
Messages: 16

thanks for your answer. Im have send to @philou a new version of formulaire 3.31 with XOOPS-Captcha.
But im have some questions

If I mark a field as "Required", then I see in front-end on the field "* *" (two stars). Why?

If I want to start the module with these URL, then the module does not go.

If I start the module with a direct left to the form, then that can be done. ... laire/formulaire.php?id=1

Thanks for your assistance.

Posté le : 30/05/2007 09:58
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Re: formulaire 3.30 with Xoops 2.2.x ?
Inscrit: 12/02/2006 14:43
Messages: 43

Here is a side solution, try it:

You install the module MULTIMENU
You put the module FORMULAIRE on 0 in the admin Modules Panel. This make the module not to be seen in the menu.

In MULTIMENU you put the way to show everything you need, for exemple : ... laire/formulaire.php?id=1

You got it !
and don't care anymore about the link:
You don't need it.

Posté le : 31/05/2007 22:21
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