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souci avec newbb
Inscrit: 05/05/2006 12:20
Messages: 44

j'ai un petit souci avec l'install de newbb version 1.44

voilà ce qu'il me dit
Citation :

Adding module config data...
Config storyhome added to the database.
Config option added. Name: 5 Value: 5
Config option added. Name: 10 Value: 10
Config option added. Name: 15 Value: 15
Config option added. Name: 20 Value: 20
Config option added. Name: 25 Value: 25
Config option added. Name: 30 Value: 30
ERROR: Could not insert config dateformat to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config displaynav to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config autoapprove to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config newsdisplay to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config displayname to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config columnmode to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config storycountadmin to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config uploadgroups to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config maxuploadsize to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config restrictindex to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config newsbythisauthor to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config showprevnextlink to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config showsummarytable to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config authoredit to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config ratenews to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config topicsrss to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config metadata to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config form_options to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config keywordshighlight to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config highlightcolor to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config infotips to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config sitenavbar to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config tabskin to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config com_rule to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config com_anonpost to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config notification_enabled to the database.
ERROR: Could not insert config notification_events to the databa

sinon tout le reste de l'intall est bien

merci a vous


Posté le : 18/09/2006 09:49

Edité par gran_alan sur 18/09/2006 15:39:31
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