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Conflit entre wiwimod et cbb 3.05 ?
Semi pro
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 09:04
Messages: 1389

J'avais cbb 3.0.5 sur un site, j'ai installé Wiwimod la dernière version et je ne peux plus poster de message avec cbb. J'ai une page blanche et le debogguer ne m'affiche rien

Une idée au niveau du conflit ?


Posté le : 29/09/2006 01:17
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Re: Conflit entre wiwimod et cbb 3.05 ?
Inscrit: 13/07/2003 14:14
De Brasil - SíƒÂ£o Paulo - Guarulhos
Messages: 72
Si, exist Conflit entre wiwimod et cbb.

No final et commentarios user wizinda

Admin Crash is one problem

About CBB.

Soluction by Gizmhail in Zonatin

Citation :


It's "normal", it's due to a small bug in CBB

So, here's how to fix it :

In several cbb file, you will find the line :

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';

The problem is that since wiwimod uses pagenav too, there is a problem. In fact, both should use "include_once" instead of "include". Wiwimod does, but not CBB. So simply replace it by :

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';

Here is a quick list of files to correct (I simply did a grep ;) ), but you'd rather search it yourself, just to be sure :
newbb/moderate.php: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';
newbb/viewall.php: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';
newbb/viewforum.php: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';
newbb/viewpost.php: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';
newbb/viewtopic.php: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/pagenav.php';

(there is others inclusion in the admin directory, but they do use include_once ^^)

Since I'm doing a patch for CBB, I was including this correction silently, but I'd rather tell it explicitely to phpp...but sometimes I'm a bit lazy :o) (or short of time )
So if you manage to patch your cbb, feel free to show your patch to phpp, if you want to . It will help a lot :o)

EDIT : I've just saw your post on CBB site, I'll answer you there too, to be sure you get it

Posté le : 29/09/2006 02:54
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Re: Conflit entre wiwimod et cbb 3.05 ?
Semi pro
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 09:04
Messages: 1389
Thank You Giga !


Posté le : 29/09/2006 15:34
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Re: Conflit entre wiwimod et cbb 3.05 ?
Semi pro
Inscrit: 04/02/2003 09:04
Messages: 1389
hmm ok le problème semble venir de l'éditeur Wysiwyg dans xoops_version.php de wiwi.

J'ai retiré ces lignes:

Citation :

if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopseditor/xoopseditor.php")) {
$editor_name = !empty($_GET['editor_name'])?$_GET['editor_name']:"";
$editorhandler = new XoopsEditorHandler();
$modversion['config'][2]['options'] = array_flip($editorhandler->getList());
else $modversion['config'][2]['options'] = array();

et mis ca :

Citation :

$modversion['config'][2]['options'] = array();

J'ai Tinyeditor version beta sur le site, ca doit venir de la.

Bref, comme j'ai le hack qui affiche Tiny par défaut pour toutes les zones de texte, je n'ai pas besoin de ces lignes la


Posté le : 03/10/2006 23:15

Edité par king76 sur 03/10/2006 23:30:51
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