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TinyMCE pour Xoops

  frxoops_team Divers 2915

Nous avons procédé à la mise à jour de l'éditeur javascript "WYSIWYG" TinyMCE pour Xoops à la version

Changelog (en anglais) de la version
  • Fixed issue with Shift+A selecting all contents on Chrome.
  • Added missing mouse events to HTML5 schema. Some events needs to be manually defined though since the spec is huge.
  • Added image resizing for WebKit browsers by faking the whole resize behavior.
  • Fixed bug in context menu plugin where listener to hide menu wasn't removed correctly.
  • Fixed bug where media plugin wouldn't use placeholder size for the object/video elements.
  • Fixed bug where jQuery plugin would break attr function in jQuery 1.7.2.
  • Fixed bug where jQuery plugin would throw an error if you used the tinymce pseudo selector when TinyMCE wasn't loaded.
  • Fixed so encoding option gets applied when using jQuery val() or attr() to extract the contents.
  • Fixed so any non valid width/height passed to media plugin would get parsed to proper integer or percent values.

Téléchargement :
Installation :

Dézippez l'archive puis transférez le dossier "class" à la racine de votre site sous Xoops

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