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hack XOOPS permettant un meilleur référencement

  Anonyme Programmation, Hack, ... 4682
Programmation, Hack, ... publie un hack pour XOOPS 2.0.x qui permet un meilleur positionnement dans les moteurs de recherche.

Pour cela deux techniques sont utilisées, les URL sont réécrites dans un nouveau format de la forme
Ensuite le titre de l'article, message, fichier ou lien est inséré dans la balise title du langage xHTML!

L'installation est très simple, écrasez les fichiers officiels par les fichiers "hackés" et recharger les modules.

Le hack modifie les modules news, newbb, mydownloads et mylinks. Il contient une version modifiée de spotlight (qui gère le nouveau format d'URL et qui est en xhtml valide).

La version 0.2 du hack modifie aussi le format des URL dans le backend RSS.

L'installation de ce hack ne brise les liens avec les URL "d'ancienne" forme.

[url=]Télécharger eXploZ XOOPS hack 0.2[url]


==== XOOPS 2.0.6 ====

== Version 0.2 ==


26/05/2004 Added new URL format for news in the backend (file backend.php)


26/05/2004 Fixed bug with singlefile download (file mydownloads_download.html)


26/05/2004 Fixed bug with links when viewing a topic when user is admin (newbb_thread.html)
26/05/2004 Fixed bug with redirect header (file viewtopic.php)
24/05/2004 Fixed bug with links href and image src (file newbb_viewtopic_flat.html newbb_viewtopic_thread.html newbb_thread.html)

== Version 0.1 ==


18/4/2004 Fixed xhtml bugs (files files news_block_spotlight.html)
18/4/2004 Added new URL format for news (files news_block_spotlight.html kuht_head.php)


19/4/2004 Added new URL format for links in top ten (file topten.php mylinks_topten.html)
16/4/2004 Added new URL format for links in search (file
17/4/2004 Fixed bug with links href and image src (file viewcat.php mylinks_link.html mylinks_viewcat.php)
16/4/2004 Added new URL format for topics in search (file
13/4/2004 Fixed bug with category tree links (files singlefile.php viewcat.php)
13/4/2004 Added title of the file (file singlefile.php)
13/4/2004 Added title of the category (file viewcat.php)
13/4/2004 Added new URL format for files (files index.php singlefile.php mylinks_top.php mylinks_block_new.html mylinks_block_top.php viewcat.php mylinks_link.html)
13/4/2004 Added new URL format for categrories (files index.php mylinks_index.html viewcat.php mylinks_viewcat.html)


19/4/2004 Added new URL format for files in top ten (file topten.php mydownloads_topten.html)
17/4/2004 Fixed bug with links href and image src (file viewcat.php mydownloads_viewcat.html mydownloads_download.html)
16/4/2004 Added new URL format for files in search (file
12/4/2004 Fixed bug with category tree links (files singlefile.php viewcat.php)
12/4/2004 Added title of the file (file singlefile.php)
12/4/2004 Added title of the category (file viewcat.php)
12/4/2004 Added new URL format for files (files index.php singlefile.php mydownloads_top.php mydownloads_block_new.html mydownloads_block_top.php viewcat.php mydownloads_download.html)
10/4/2004 Added new URL format for categrories (files index.php mydownloads_index.html viewcat.php mydownloads_viewcat.html)


10/4/2004 Added new URL format for topics in search (file
6/4/2004 Added new URL format for topics in blocks (files newbb_new.php newbb_block_active.html newbb_block_new.html newbb_block_prv.html newbb_block_top.html)
6/4/2004 Added title of the topic in the title tag (file viewforum.php)
6/4/2004 Fixed bug whith redirect header (file viewtopic.php)
6/4/2004 Added title of the forum in the title tag (file viewforum.php)
6/4/2004 Added new URL format for topics (files viewforum.php viewtopic.php)


10/4/2004 Added new URL format for news in search (file
6/4/2004 Added new URL format for news in blocks (files news_bigstory.php news_top.php news_block_bigstory.html news_block_new.html news_block_top.html)
5/4/2004 Fixed bug with the category selector (file news_index.html)
5/4/2004 Added title of the news in the title tag (file article.php)
5/4/2004 Added new URL format for news (files article.php archive.php)
5/4/2004 Added new URL format for category (file class.newsstory.php)

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Inscrit le: 08/01/2005
De: Xoopsiland
Contributions: 33
eca13 Posté le: 01/10/2005 15:09  Mis à jour: 01/10/2005 15:09
 Re: hack XOOPS permettant un meilleur référencement
Ca a l'air bien mais on le télécharge ou ce eXploZ XOOPS hack 0.2 ??????!!!!!! :copain:
Xoops accro
Inscrit le: 04/02/2003
De: Le Mans
Contributions: 12273
Christian Posté le: 01/10/2005 19:16  Mis à jour: 01/10/2005 19:16
 Re: hack XOOPS permettant un meilleur référencement
Tu vas sur ce site, c'est tout expliqué en français en plus. :google:
Propulsé avec XOOPS | Graphisme adapté par Tatane, Grosdunord, Montuy337513

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