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Sortie de la version 2.0.6

  Christian Versions 4897

Quinze jours après la publication de la version temporaire 2.0.6 RC, la version définitive 2.0.6 est maintenant disponible.

Elle résoud de nombreux bugs survenus depuis la version 2.0.5, mais corrige également la vulnérabilité du forum newbb sur une attaque de address cross site scripting.

C'est pourquoi nous prions fortement tous les utilisateurs de ce module d'upgrader leur version.

Les changements portent autant sur le contenu du noyau Xoops que sur les modules suivants : newbb, sections, mydownloads, news, xoopspolls et xoopsmembers.

Si votre site fonctionne déjà avec la version il vous suffit d'extraire le fichier et d'écraser les anciens fichiers par les nouveaux.

N'oubliez pas de faire une sauvegarde de votre site et de la base de données avant d'effectuer cette opération.

Comme la dernière fois, le package complet comporte un dossier diffs qui répertorie les fichiers modifiés.

Le dossier docs, quant Ă  lui, s'est enrichi d'un guide d'installation que nous allons franciser dans quelques jours.

- Removed calls to XoopsHandlerRegistry class (onokazu)
- Fixed loop problem after retrieving a lost password (onokazu)
- Changed all include() calls to include_once() for xoopscodes.php (onokazu)
- Added routines to remove users from the online member list when a user is deleted (onokazu)
- Added parameters to the Critreria class constructor to allow the use of DB functions in SQL criteria (skalpa)
- Added fetchBoth() method to the XoopsDatabase class (skalpa)
- Fixed typos in class/smarty/plugins/resource.db.php (skalpa)
- Refactoring in /class/xoopsform/form.php (skalpa)
- Added some methods to /class/xoopsform/formelement.php to allow the use of accesskey and class attributes in form element tags (skalpa)
- Fixed extra HTML tags not being displayed when using the XoopsThemeForm::insertBreak() method (Catzwolf)
- Changed the default HTTP method of the search form to GET (onokazu)
- Fixed notification constants not being included during installation (onokazu)
- Fixed session data not being properly escaped before inserting to the database (onokazu)
- Some useful changes to the group permission form (onokazu)
- Fixed the block cachetime selection being reset after preview (onokazu)
- Fixed invalid regex patterns used for username filtering, also added fix to allow the safe use of multi-byte characters in username (contributed by GIJOE)
- Fixed bug where some blocks were not being displayed in block admin page on certain occasions (onokazu)
- Fixed the problem of system admin icon disappearing on certain occasions (onokazu)
- Fixed the errorhandler class to check the current error_reporting level before handleing errors (onokazu)
- Re-activated the errorhandler class (onokazu)
- Updated class/Snoopy.php to the latest version, v1.01 (onokazu)
- Fixed a typo in kernel/online.php (onokazu)
- Added some useful functions to include/xoops.js (skalpa)
- Fix for Opera in include/xoops.js (onokazu)
- Fixed user bio and signature values causing corruption in the edit profile form on certain occasions (onokazu)
- Fixed the module name being reset to the default value after module update (onokazu)
- Fixed invalid regex patterns in xoopslists.php (onokazu)
- Fixed a few issues with register_globals setting
- Fix for the auto-login feature (not activated)
- Fixed image categories not being displayed in the order set by admin (onokazu)- Fixed a typo in kernel/config.php (onokazu)
- Fixed comments not being displayed in the order as requested (onokazu)
- Fixed the mailer class not setting some header values (onokazu)
- Fixed chmod problem in class/uploader.php
- Fixed magic_quotes related problems in class/uploader.php
- Fixed notification routines causing a fatal error while trying to notify non-existent users (onokazu)
- Added fix to convert & to & within mail messages (onokazu)
- Fixed html special characters causing problem when submitting a new module name (onokazu)
- Fixed javascript error in mailuser form (onokazu)
- Fixed javascript error in calendar date select form
- Added a new Smarty function <{xoops_link}> (skalpa)
- Added check to prevent webmaster user/group from being removed completely (contributed by Ryuji)

- Security fix in modules/newbb/viewtopic.php (onokazu)
- Security fix in modules/newbb/viewforum.php (onokazu)
- Added register_globals related fix to topicmanager.php (onokazu)
- Fixed topic moderation icons not being displayed for moderators in templates/newbb_thread.html (onokazu)
- Fixed topic time not being displayed in recent posts block on certain occasions in blocks/newbb_new.php (onokazu)
- Added fix to correctly navigate to the requested post even when the post is not on the first page of flat view (contrib by GIJOE in class/forumpost.php, viewtopic.php, viewforum.php)

- Added missing global variable declarations to index.php (onokazu)

- Added register_globals related fix to modfile.php (onokazu)

- Added fix to always display published date in each article (onokazu)
- Added missing ?> at the end of file in xoops_version.php (onokazu)
- Some fixes in admin/index.php

- Fixed color bar selections not working when creating/editing a new poll (onokazu)

- Fixed 'more than X posts' not working when set to 0 (onokazu)
- Added a new language constant to language/english/main.php (Catzwolf)
- Removed invalid HTML tags in templates/xoopsmembers_searchresults.html (Catzwolf)

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