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Re: Mes menus et les filtres d'accès
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Il recherche la présence de 'uid' dans le url. Si elle correspond à l'utilisateur actuel, le menu est affiché

Posté le : 05/01/2013 20:20
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Re: URLrewriting, comment ca fonctionne(rait) dans le noyau xoops ?
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Citation :
Cesag a écrit :
Je ne pense pas : XOOPS 2.6 Planning & Direction, mais ça date de 2010.

Cet article n'a pas été faite par l'équipe XOOPS. Je ne le supporte pas.

Posté le : 16/10/2011 21:19
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Re: Bug (?) dans SmartSection
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Publisher marche avec 2.4.5

Posté le : 17/09/2010 14:49
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Re: Module Mymenus - Placer le menu dans le header
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
<{$xoops_menu_1283425044"}> == extraordinaire page blanche

<{$xoops_menu_1283425044}> == superbe menu

Posté le : 09/09/2010 20:33
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Re: Partage d'expérience sur l'hébergement d'un XOOPS à  gros trafic !
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Hi, my site is

I have a search box at the top where user can change between several search types. By default I'm using custom google search instead of the one provided by Xoops core. It has 2 advantages:
- Less queries
- Google adsense income

index.php and news/article.php are the most visited scripts so the optimization work is mainly there.

In front page I'm using cache for the latest news block(2 minutes) and for recent comments(30 seconds). I'm using xoops 2.3.2 but if you use 2.4.x you have already core database tables optimized. 2.4.x will also show you the time for queries, just look for the slowest ones. If you are having high server load you should log into your webHost Manager panel and look into "show mySQL processes". If you notice queries pending for execution then you have something going wrong there.

I would also deactivate any analytics running on server.Use google analytics instead.

I would also avoid doing server backups during peak usage.
I am doing just one backup on the weekend around midnight.

Posté le : 19/04/2010 20:06
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Re: Partage d'expérience sur l'hébergement d'un XOOPS í  gros trafic !
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
I have a site with the following stats:

773 859 visitors month
2 126 395 page views month
220 average users online (picking 450)
128709 news items
10186 registered users

I'm running it on a dedicated server:
Cpu: Core 2 Quad 2.83 GHz
Memory: 2048 MB

I'm hosting it in and pay 250$ month

Even when running in a dedicated server you will have to pay attention to your queries, check out which ones are more time consuming and try to optimize them.
Ex: If you are having a lot of comments in the news items you should add a key to com_rootid in comments table.

Use cache for blocks whenever possible.

Monitor your server using this free program:

Keep tables size small, do not log pageviews for example.
If you using a xoops stats module, uninstall it.
Delete protector last entries frequently, use cron job if needed.

Posté le : 17/04/2010 17:28
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Re: Problèmes accents sur une page spécifique
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Some profile field names are inserted in database during module installation. You can reinstall profile module or update field names directly on database.

Posté le : 01/02/2010 15:04
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Re: Xoops 2.4.3 et codes UTF numériques
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Citation :

kris a écrit:
Ensuite concernant le core, pourquoi ré-encoder ce qui est déjà encodé ?

If I write & a m p ; why should core automatically convert it to an & before aplying htmlspecialchars? Why does not core assume that I want to output it has I wrote it? That is(one of the reasons) why we allways had problems with the code box.

In 2.4.3 all modules/core that introduce encoded characteres in database will output double encoded characteres, meaning that they will output just like they are in the database. An example is the shoutbox module, but this can be fixed easily in the module.

The current french translation works fine for direct output but not when values have to be inserted into the database. In the profile example, we would have to use $myts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($encoded_language_string) before saving values to database but I don't think that would be good solution.

Has I said in other post, I consider this to be a long date bug in xoops, maybe since day one. We can expect some modules to produce undesired output but they should very few and easy to fix.

Posté le : 05/01/2010 14:34
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Re: Xoops 2.4.3 et codes UTF numériques
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Hum, je crois que le problème est on la traduction française de Xoops.
define('_US_REALNAME','Nom R&#233;el');

C'est ne pas utf8 :(

I'm sorry, I will speak in engish:

Xoops 2.4.3 code is correct, do not change it. The translation done by french team will not work in 2.4.3. The use of htmlspecial chars is reserved for output and should not be saved into database. Xoops 2.4.3 will display it exactly has it is on database.

Let me post here the same sentece I posted in the code box:

define('_US_REALNAME','Nom Réel');

You see? Xoops changed it automatically by reverting the & a m p ; character which is wrong. This sentece should display just like in the code box. That is the correct behavior and that is how it behaves in a 2.4.3 site and that is why french translation is not working anymore.

Posté le : 05/01/2010 01:43
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Re: Xoops 2.4.3 et codes UTF numériques
Inscrit: 08/09/2008 14:45
Messages: 35
Replace mainfile.php


Posté le : 04/01/2010 21:22
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