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x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Semi pro
Inscrit: 27/10/2004 11:10
Messages: 566
Bonjour @tous
@burning en particulier
j'ai vu un thread sur :
Citation :
où tu relatais ta lutte épique avec x_movie 3.0
je viens de passer par là
Citation :
Fatal error: Class 'getID3' not found in .../www/modules/x_movie/include/functions.php on line 438

et corrigé la chose en rajoutant :
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/" .$dirname"/include/getid3/getid3.php";

au début du fichier include/functions.php
cela corrige le plantage, mais ne va pas jusqu'à afficher la vidéo
si tu as réussi à faire quelque chose d'autre que mettre des coups de pieds dedans ?

Posté le : 28/12/2009 14:32

J'aime les sirènes ...
j'aime pas les arrêtes dans le poisson !...
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Semi pro
Inscrit: 13/04/2006 23:26
De Aix en Provence
Messages: 1751
Sur un xoops 244 j'ai essayé toutes les versions de x_movie aucune ne fonctionne ...

Sur la page d'index du module j'ai les erreurs suivantes:

Message(s): Undefined variable: movietype dans le fichier /modules/x_movie/index.php - ligne 180

Message(s): Undefined variable: movietype dans le fichier /modules/x_movie/index.php - ligne 180

Puis en cliquant sur un lien vidéo:

Message(s): Undefined variable: player dans le fichier /modules/x_movie/x_movie_view.php - ligne 122

Message(s): Undefined variable: embed dans le fichier /modules/x_movie/x_movie_view.php - ligne 124

Message(s): Undefined variable: videoget dans le fichier /modules/x_movie/x_movie_view.php - ligne 125

Quant à l'affichage, que soit soit en page d'accueil du module ou sur une page vidéo tout en bas de page, après les notifications, c'est du code php qui s'affiche, en voici un extrait:

makeTboxData4Show($url)); $urltype = $pathinfo_url['dirname']; // Initialize getID3 engine $getID3 = new getID3; $getID3->setOption(array('encoding' => 'UTF-8')); // File to get info from $file_location = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/uploads/x_movies/".$pathinfo_url['basename']; //if (file_exists($file_location)) { //echo "File Location: $file_location
"; // Get information from the file $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($file_location); //echo "File Info Analized: $fileinfo
"; getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($fileinfo); $listdirectory = dirname(getid3_lib::SafeStripSlashes($_REQUEST['filename'])); //echo "List Directory 1: $listdirectory
"; $listdirectory = realpath($listdirectory); //echo "List Directory 2: $listdirectory
"; //if (!empty($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])) { echo '
video width: '.$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'].'

'; } else { echo '
video width not found

'; } //if (!empty($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'])) { echo '
video height: '.$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'].'

'; } else { echo '
video height not found

'; } //} else { // echo "File $file_location does not exist
"; //} if(eregi("|http://www.v ...*[0-9]||http://video. ... |*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { //YouTube // //Watch me TV //Ask //Dailymotion if(eregi("|http://youtu ..." ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; // Veoh Video } elseif($urltype=="") { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //Google Video }elseif($urltype=='') { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //metacafe }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //DivX Stage6Âбþ }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; } }else{ $movietype = $pathinfo_url['extension']; //echo "Movie Type: " . $movietype . "
"; //Windows Media Player if (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['wmp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['winobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['winobjectheight']); $player = ""; //Real Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['rp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['realobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['realobjectheight']); $player = "
"; //Quick Time Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['qtp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['quickobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['quickobjectheight']); $player = ""; //Flash Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //FLV Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flvp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //DIVX Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['divx_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; //Use Default Player }else{ list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $player = ""; } } ?>makeTboxData4Show($url)); $urltype = $pathinfo_url['dirname']; if(eregi("|http://youtu ...*[0-9]||http://video. ... |*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { //YouTube // //Watch me TV //Dailymotion if(eregi("|http://youtu ..." ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; // Veon Video } elseif ($urltype=='') { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //Google Video }elseif($urltype=='') { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //metacafe }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //DivX Stage6 }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; } }else{ $movietype = $pathinfo_url['extension']; //Windows Media Player if (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['wmp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['winobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['winobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //Real Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['rp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['realobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['realobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //Quick Time Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['qtp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['quickobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['quickobjectheight']); $embed = ""; //Flash Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = "' onclick='this.focus();'>"; //FLV Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flvp_type'])) { list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; }else{ list($urlWidth, $urlHeight) = calDimenions($urlWidth, $urlHeight, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectwidth'], $xoopsModuleConfig['flashobjectheight']); $embed = ""; } } ?>makeTboxData4Show($url)); $urltype = $pathinfo_url['dirname']; $movietype = ""; if(eregi("|http://youtu ...*[0-9]||http://video. ... |*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { //YouTube if($urltype=='' or $urltype=='') { $movietype = "YouTube "; // }elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Break "; // } elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Veoh "; //Google Video }elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Google Video "; //metacafe }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { $movietype = "metacafe "; //Watch me TV }elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Watch me TV "; //Ask }elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Ask "; //Dailymotion }elseif($urltype=='') { $movietype = "Dailymotion "; //DivX Stage6 }elseif(eregi("*[0-9]" ,$urltype)) { $movietype = "DivX Stage6 "; } }else{ $movietype = $pathinfo_url['extension']; //Windows Madia Player if (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['wmp_type'])) { $movietype = "Windows Media Player "; //Real Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['rp_type'])) { $movietype = "Real Player "; //Quick Time Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['qtp_type'])) { $movietype = "Quick Time Player "; //Flash Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flashp_type'])) { $movietype = "Flash Player "; //FLV Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['flvp_type'])) { $movietype = "Flash Player "; //Divx Player }elseif (eregi($movietype, $xoopsModuleConfig['divxp_type'])) { $movietype = "Divx Player "; }else{ $movietype = "??? "; } } ?>

Posté le : 16/06/2010 08:04

signé: LionHell
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Xoops accro
Inscrit: 27/07/2005 16:10
De France
Messages: 2970
La version X_movie v1.7 - Custom v2.5.13 que tu dl ici fonctionne très bien sur la 244

Posté le : 16/06/2010 09:21
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Semi pro
Inscrit: 13/04/2006 23:26
De Aix en Provence
Messages: 1751
Ben pas chez moi !

J'ai essayé 1.7, 1.7 mod2.5.13, 2.6.5 et 3 en local, aucune ne fonctionne ... je n'ai pas testé en ligne.

Elles ont toutes la même erreur de "undefined variable" , apparemment il y a des prob de transmission de variable...

Posté le : 16/06/2010 10:43

signé: LionHell
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Xoops accro
Inscrit: 27/07/2005 16:10
De France
Messages: 2970
Effectivement en locale elle ne fonctionne pas, mais je peux t'assurer qu'en ligne elle fonctionne

Posté le : 16/06/2010 11:22
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Semi pro
Inscrit: 13/04/2006 23:26
De Aix en Provence
Messages: 1751
Bon, je vais voir ça ... merci.
En attendant je m'étais tourné vers mytube qui fonctionne et donc je commence à découvrir la philosophie de fonctionnement.
Seul regret seul le flash vidéo semble autorisé ... est-ce le cas ?

Posté le : 16/06/2010 11:27

signé: LionHell
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Re: x_movie 3.0 beuuug
Semi pro
Inscrit: 13/04/2006 23:26
De Aix en Provence
Messages: 1751
Bon, finalement MyTube me va très bien il fonctionne parfaitement comme vous pouvez le voir ici

La conversion en FLv n'est pas un inconvénient majeur tout compte fait.

Posté le : 16/06/2010 20:30

signé: LionHell
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